Chapter Fifty

Jack broke away from Theresa.

"They’ll be looking for us," he explained, their foreheads touching. His intense blue gaze searched her face. He was looking for an answer of some sort. Her face was shining with happiness. Jack realized just what he had done.

"I want to dance some more anyway," she smiled. Hitching her long dress a little she ran towards door, Jack close behind.

"Theresa," he called. She stopped and looked back.

"Ah nothing," he replied. He thought it best to leave it for a minute.

They ducked back through, Theresa going straight to the floor, but Jack waved his hand and went to get a drink. He was almost pounced on by Fabri.

"I saw you!" he winked.

"Saw what?" Jack asked playfully.

"You and Theresa."

"It was just a kiss Fabri. Nothing more." Jack picked up his glass and pushed back through the queue of people.

Fabri laughed and followed him.

"I tell you, you two would make a good couple. How do you fancy being my brother in law eh?"

"Whoa hold on there." Jack put his hand up. "Let's take this a step at a time shall we?"

Maria came over to them. She gave a new husband a kiss on the cheek.

"Now that my sister has finally left you alone. May I have the pleasure of the next dance?"

"How could I refuse?" Jack gave his glass to Fabri and taking Maria’s hand, escorted her to the dance floor.

"So how has your special day been?" he asked.

"Beautiful, like a fairy tale!" They began to dance. Maria being as light as a feather, she almost floated around the floor.

"I don’t want it to end. Ever!" She laughed.

Fabri watched them as they laughed and danced. He was so very proud of his new wife and equally concerned about the welfare of his best friend. They had been so many places together and through so much. At times he felt Jack was the brother he never had. It was for this reason he still worried about him, despite the fact he was well old enough to look after himself. Fabri knew that Jack carried a shadow of sadness with him. Whenever this shadow seemed to come forward, Jack would do something wild or crazy as though to make it go away. This was the reason for business with the girl Rose, he was sure. What other explanation was there for such mad behavior. Theresa. There was another challenge for Jack. There was not a great age difference between Maria and Theresa, but they were totally different in character. Theresa was far more willful and flighty. She would certainly be a handful for Jack. It could work if Jack came back.

What do you mean "if"? asked Fabri of himself. It was almost a certainty that Jack would get the job. Joe was a very big friend of the family and Fabri had put a very good word in for Jack. Jack would be coming back soon. He knew it.

A few of the guests were starting to drift away now. The children had worn themselves out playing, dancing and eating.

Maria and Fabri had to go and say their good-byes. Jack went and sat down. He hadn’t seen Theresa for a while; first she had been dancing, then talking to a couple with a baby. But he guessed she wouldn’t be too far away. She soon appeared. Jack stood up politely and went to fetch her a drink.

She took the glass and sipped it.

"This is lemonade!" she protested.

"Well your Father said that was all you could have!" Jack held his hands up in protest. Theresa was very annoyed.

"How dare he treat me like Gianni," she said angrily. "Excuse me Jack." She stormed off to find her Father much to Jack’s amusement.

The band stopped playing and Benito came onto the platform, announcing it was time for Fabri and Maria to leave too. As a surprise, her parents had booked them a hotel room not far away. The carriage had arrived to take them, so they were in a hurry to say their good-byes and leave.

Fabri shook Jack’s hand and reminded him he was invited over Monday night, as Jack was leaving Tuesday and he wanted to see him before he went. And then they were gone, heading off for the first night of their new life together.

The party was still in full swing, several of the men in very good voice, singing along in Italian. The mood was very light and happy. Theresa had got round her Father who allowed her another glass of wine. She flitted between sitting with Jack, dancing and talking to other friends. Since they had kissed, they had said little to each other. Jack not knowing really what to say and Theresa seeming not to want to say anything, other than smile at Jack.

Jack watched her for a while. She was very pretty, but he had enough problems at the moment. To let Theresa think there was more to it than just a kiss would be wrong. He had to sort it out. She kept glancing over to where he was, as though to make sure he was still there.

She came over again.

"My Father is in very good voice," she laughed. Guiseppe and Benito were on the platform, holding onto each other and singing loudly.

"Your Mother doesn’t look too happy though," Jack noticed.

"It is because he gets very loud when he is drunk and makes a fool of himself. He is forgetting, we have to do some baking tomorrow."

"You are open tomorrow?" Jack was surprised.

"We have a limited baking to do. One of the other bakery’s is helping out a little, but can’t afford to lose a whole day."

Jack looked at the time on his watch.

"I have quite a few things to do tomorrow too."

"Let me have a look at your watch," Theresa asked. Jack took it out of his pocket and let her see it.

She looked at it and turned it over in her hands seeing the initials on the back. She didn’t know a lot about watches, but she realized it was quite expensive.

"That is a beautiful watch Jack. Did you buy it?"

"No," he replied putting it back in his pocket. "It was a gift from a friend."

Theresa noticed a slight shift in Jacks expression and tone of voice.

"It is getting a little late." Jack looked at Theresa. "I have quite a bit to do, so I’ll make my excuses and start back." He suddenly realized it sounded like an invitation to walk her back too and he could have kicked himself.

"I’ll tell Mama I am walking back with you," she replied, quite pleased and dashed off. Jack picked up his coat and followed after her, to say his thanks and farewells.

Theresa was not looking very happy.

"Mama says I can’t walk the streets with you this late," she protested to Jack.

"It’s not a problem," he replied, relieved. "You stay here and enjoy the rest of the party."

Jack went over to Mrs. di Rossi. Out of Theresa’s earshot he told her he entirely agreed that Theresa would be better off with them. Mrs. di Rossi was pleased that Jack didn’t seem unhappy about it. She thought maybe Jack had planned it so they could be alone, but maybe she had been wrong. Fabri’s friend seemed a very, genuine and nice young boy, for a non-Italian. She reminded him he was welcome to come up to the kitchen for breakfast. Then she watched him say his good-byes and watched Theresa too. She did seem very put out that she wasn’t going home with him. Maybe it was Theresa who had the ideas. She would have to keep an eye on her.

Jack took Theresa’s hand and kissed it.

"Good night. I’ll see you tomorrow," he promised.

"See you tomorrow Jack," she replied, disappointed. But with her Mother there, she could hardly throw her arms around him.

Jack threw his jacket over his shoulder and escaped into the night. The walk home would help clear his head. He had another direction in life to pursue tomorrow.

Chapter Fifty-One