Chapter Two

"Wake up, Daniel. Your breakfast is ready."

A gentle voice punctured his dreams. Daniel groaned, not wanting to get out of the comfortable bed. He realized that Katherine would probably get angry if he didn’t have anything to eat before exploring, so he rolled out of bed, forgetting that this was not his bedroom and that there was not a wall next to his bed.

He landed on the carpeted floor in a heap of covers and nightwear.

"Damn!" he cried, also forgetting that he had left his shoes on this side of the bed as well.

He rose up and tried to look awake. He quickly made his bed, something he would never allow Katherine to do, and went to his promenade deck.

The room was filled with sunshine, reflecting off the white walls. He glanced at the various flowering plants and realized how much money had been spent on him.

He sat down opposite Katherine, who was eating a croissant and drinking a cup of coffee. It had taken years of coaxing to get Katherine to sit with him, but he was glad he had persevered; he enjoyed his cousin’s company.

"You look a fright this morning, Daniel," Katherine said to him, raising her cerulean eyes from the book she was reading to glance at her younger cousin.

Katherine was twenty-seven and had the same dark hair and pale complexion that Daniel had. However, her eyes were a deep blue that sparkled like diamonds in the sunlight. Daniel had tried to get her to wear first class clothes so she would not be looked down upon, but she insisted on wearing the black and white maid’s uniform, saying that he was too generous to her as it was.

Daniel grabbed some cream cakes and a cup of lemon tea and started to eat, chatting with Katherine about the voyage so far.

"Do tell me about dinner last night, Daniel. I read your note."

Daniel slightly cringed and finished eating his breakfast. He picked up his cup of tea and looked his cousin in the eye.

"It was a disaster, Kathy. The men thought I was strange for hating cigars and brandy, and the women thought I was odd to care for you. I didn’t tell them you were my cousin, though. The only good thing was that I bumped into Cal and met his new fiancée. I am hoping to see them again today."

His cousin placed her book down and started to pile the empty breakfast things on a tray, helped along by Daniel.

"Come with me to dinner tonight, Kathy. I need someone to talk to."

Katherine smiled but shook her head. It was a long shot. He realized that, but he had hoped that there would be better company tonight.

"You have been invited to a tour at midday, Daniel. Go to the ship’s bridge if you are interested," Kathy said to him, knowing that he would only go because he needed to keep a good reputation.

"I’d better make an appearance, Kathy; you know what these people are like. If you say no, they automatically think there is something wrong with you."

Kathy snorted with laughter and left to take the tray to the kitchens, even though they could call someone up to do it for them. She explained that she wanted to see the ship.

Daniel walked into his room and went to the wardrobe. His gaze fell on suits, waistcoats, and uncomfortable-looking shirts. Sighing, he grabbed a white shirt, dark gray pinstriped waistcoat, and black trousers. He slipped into his clothes and grabbed a black tie from a rack. He grabbed his pocket watch and connected the chain to the waistcoat, making the gold chain loop a bit before reaching the pocket where the watch was stored.

After a quick shave, he combed his hair, deciding to leave it hanging to his shoulders. His dark hair was dead straight and hung thick and shiny, another trait he had inherited from his mother.

He slipped on his long coat and bowler hat and tidied his things away.

He left the cabin at exactly ten o’ clock to explore the ship.

He immediately went to the deck, for he had never been there before. The wooden planking and the white painted walls did little to impress him. He walked along the vast decks of the ship, taking in its architecture and design. He would meet the designer of the ship today, a Mr. Thomas Andrews, Jr. He was not looking forward to hearing all the technical details about the ship. He hated the fact that many thought it was unsinkable, for he knew that saying that often brings the worst luck.

He decided to go to the Café Parisien and have a cup of tea before going on the tour.

The café was richly decorated, but gave Daniel the impression of a Victorian conservatory with the latticework and the flowers.

He sat down at a table and took off his coat and hat. He sat there, watching the first class people, wondering if they were all shallow, or maybe there were some others who thought that money was not everything.

"Good morning, Mr. Taylor. May we take a seat?" a voice asked, making Daniel focus on his table.

Ruth and Rose DeWitt Bukater were standing above him, Ruth with a fake smile and Rose with a genuine smile. Well, at least she is not shallow, he thought to himself.

He stood up out of politeness. "Of course," he said simply, sitting back down once the ladies were seated comfortably.

"Why, Mr. Taylor, I didn’t realize your hair was that length!" Ruth exclaimed, eyeing his hair with displeasure.

He merely smiled and gave his order to the waiter who had just arrived at the table.

"Tell me, Rose. How did you and Cal meet?" Daniel asked, trying to start a conversation.

"Mother introduced us," Rose stated simply, with a bitter tone.

Daniel hardly heard Ruth smoothing over her daughter’s supposed rudeness, causing Daniel to smile into the cup of tea that had just been given to him.

Tea finished rather quickly, allowing Daniel to make a quick escape; unluckily, he had been invited to dine with them tonight, as well. He had been too polite to decline.

He sped out of the café and went to the bow of the ship, looking at the fast-approaching coast of Ireland. The ship would be docking at Queenstown to pick up more passengers, making Daniel wonder about the capacity of the ship. No doubt he would find out on the tour.

"Magnificent view, isn’t it?" a man’s voice questioned him. Daniel turned and saw that Cal was standing behind him. He smiled at him and noticed him stand beside him as they saw a boat leave the dock of Queenstown, heading straight for the ship. The port was too small for the Titanic to fit in.

"You know these technological wonders do not impress me, Cal," Daniel stated to his once-best friend.

Cal laughed and the two started to talk about some of their adventures together when they were younger, finding ways to break the rules and act like children, not gentlemen.

Daniel withdrew his pocket watch and noticed he had to be at the bridge to start his tour.

"I must be going, Cal; your fiancée invited me to dine with you tonight, so I will see you then."

The two shook hands firmly and finished their good-byes.

Daniel ran up to the bridge, not wanting to be late. He arrived one minute early, giving him time to catch his breath. He noticed that Thomas Andrews was there, waiting for his tour guests. A woman he recognized as Molly Brown was talking to him in her rich American accent.

He walked up to the pair, nodding at a few other passengers who were also present.

"Good afternoon, sir, ma’am. I am Daniel Taylor."

He shook hands with Thomas, who smiled and mumbled words of welcome. Daniel was about to kiss Molly’s hand when she stopped him.

"A handshake will do, sonny," she said, causing Daniel to laugh out loud. He shook hands with her and allowed her to link arms with him, for Thomas had started the tour.

They toured around the decks, gymnasium, various officers’ rooms, and the wireless room. Daniel was introduced to the captain and a few officers in passing.

He spent most of the tour talking to Molly, who had at once become a good friend. He found out that her husband had struck gold and that she was new to all this money.

"You weren’t missing much," he assured her as they descended the Grand Staircase on their way to the engine room.

After about ten more minutes of touring the steerage accommodations, they arrived at the massive engine room. Boilers were everywhere and teenage boys were running about, each looking intimidated by the rich people coming to look at their work.

One ran straight into him, causing to fall over. The small boy seemed petrified as Daniel sat up. The shocked look of the boy caused Daniel to laugh out loud, and he seemed relieved when Daniel assured him that everything was fine.

Molly was helping him up when he noticed eyes shimmering in the darkness. There was a person hiding behind a large piece of equipment that Daniel forgot the name of.

He pretended to be tying his shoe so that the others would walk off. Once they were out of sight, Daniel rushed over to look behind the equipment, where he found a woman.

The woman was close to his age, but of a different class. Her skin was a deep cocoa brown that was smeared with dirt, and her hair flowed in tangles to her waist in a rich ebony color. Her rags barely covered her and she was shivering, obviously scared that she had been found. She was a stowaway, there was no doubt.

"Do you speak English?" Daniel asked, kneeling down to her, in a clear but quiet voice.

"Yes," the woman said in a clear voice that was very English. He frowned in puzzlement at her accent.

"Where did you come from?" he asked her, wondering how she could have such an English accent.

"From London, sir. My family was descended from slaves that were sold to an English family many years ago. My family is all dead, and I couldn’t get a job because of my skin color. I am hoping America is better."

Daniel gasped in astonishment, totally amazed that she had managed to get on the ship of dreams.

"Come here," he said to her, offering his hand. She seemed very nervous about taking it, but she slid her hand into his gently. He lifted her up and took off his coat, wrapping it around her tightly. He took off his hat and gathered her hair so it would be hidden by it, giving her the appearance of a man.

Daniel instructed a worker to tell Mr. Andrews that he felt ill after his fall and had gone to rest. With that said, he guided the woman back to his quarters, giving her instructions to look down.

They made it to his room without any interruptions, and he went to Katherine at once.

"Kathy, I have found this woman. She is starving, cold, and has nowhere to go. Do what you can for her, please." Daniel knew that his cousin would help anyone in distress, but he never liked to take advantage of that fact.

"Of course, Daniel. What is the lady’s name?" she asked, turning to make a bath in the bathroom.

"What is your name?" Daniel asked the woman, taking his coat and hat from her and dumping them on the couch.

"Keisha," she replied. "Keisha Stevenson."

Daniel raised his eyebrows at her surname, realizing that it was very English.

"We got given our owners’ name so that our family could all be traced to them. That was before I was born, of course," Keisha stated, rightfully interpreting his surprise.

"Jesus, Mary, and Joseph!" Katherine exclaimed, noticing Keisha’s skin color and rags. "You do look a fright; let’s get you cleaned up, my dear."

Daniel smiled at his cousin’s kindness, even though he knew that she would never judge on skin color alone.

Daniel left the women to the job, knowing that his next part would be difficult.

It was now two PM and the Titanic was steaming out to sea, far away from civilization. Daniel walked onto the deck and immediately ran into a steward. "Sir, I need your help," Daniel said, hoping that this idiot would believe him.


Katherine rolled up the sleeves on her dress and helped the woman out of her rags. She immediately went to the window and threw them out into the ocean, not being able to think of where to put them.

She carefully went back to the bathroom and was met by the unwashed smell of Keisha. She could tell she had been through a lot and couldn’t help but wonder if this woman had ever washed herself.

She guided the woman into the hot water, causing her to scream quietly.

"I know it is hot, dear, but it will clean you very well," Katherine said, hoping to calm the woman down.

She grabbed a bath brush and cleaned the woman well.

"So, how old are you?" Katherine asked, hoping to make small talk.

She went on to lather Keisha’s greasy locks.

"Twenty-two. It was my birthday yesterday."

Katherine’s heart went out to the woman; she had to spend her birthday hot, hungry, and smelly in the noisy engine room of a ship.

"We will just have to celebrate your birthday today, instead," Katherine said, pouring water over her head to rinse away the suds.

Katherine instructed the woman to stand up; Katherine drained the now brown water and waited for it to disappear before filling up a bucket and pouring it over the woman.

She helped Keisha out of the bath and wrapped her in a towel. The dark-skinned woman now smelt of rosewater and her skin was no longer covered in black smears, allowing Katherine to see the beautiful brown of her skin.

The two made their way to Katherine’s bedroom, where she had to find something for her to wear.

Katherine went into the closet and hoped to find something suitable. She noticed that Daniel had given her many dresses to wear for the trip, hoping that she would accompany him sometimes.

Eventually, she found a warm yellow dress with short sleeves. The bodice was tight and showed off Keisha’s impressive cleavage. The dress flowed into many skirts that went to the floor. The different yellows would go well with her skin color.

Katherine helped the shorter woman into her dress. Keisha was around five foot five, only slightly smaller than herself. The dress fit perfectly and looked beautiful on the girl.

Katherine grabbed a brush and combed Keisha’s now dry locks. She was surprised to find it wavy, flowing in smooth torrents down her back. Katherine decided to leave it down, noticing that it made her look beautiful.

"Thank you so much, Katherine. I know I am a hassle to have around, but no one has ever been so nice to me," Keisha stated, starting to cry at her good fortune.

"It is okay, Keisha. I hope we will be great friends, and I will continue to do nice things for you."

Katherine meant every word she said. Keisha was a kind woman who was subject to prejudice that made Katherine angry.

She allowed the woman to have a nap on her bed, noticing how tired she was.

With nothing else to do, Katherine retreated to the sitting room and picked up a book that Daniel had left lying around.

It was past six o’ clock when Daniel returned. He looked very tired, and Katherine immediately went over to him as he collapsed into a chair.

"What did you do?" Katherine asked, concerned for Daniel.

"I have bought Keisha a ticket; she will be staying in our suite. I managed to convince a stupid steward that she was meant to board with us at Queenstown but she was raped by a worker and left in the engine room, where I found her. I explained that everything she owned had been stolen and that the worker had done a runner," Daniel explained to her, now laughing at the absurdity of his lie.

"Daniel!! I can’t believe they fell for it! Is she supposed to be a maid or something?" Katherine asked, hoping that she was not going to be out of a job.

"Supposedly, although I intend for her to just get her health back," Daniel answered, going into the bathroom to wash. "Katherine, be a dear and tell Cal that I will not be attending dinner because I had a nasty fall today while on the tour. Once you’ve done that, can you order three meals to be brought here for us to eat. It doesn’t matter what they are." Daniel looked at his cousin as she nodded. "Thanks," he said while hugging her.

Katherine smiled at her cousin, knowing that he liked this girl, even though she was of a different culture.

"It was her birthday yesterday," Katherine told him as he removed his tie and waistcoat, leaving him in a white shirt, black trousers, and suspenders.

He looked up at her with a smile. He is up to something, she thought to herself before leaving to follow his requests.


Daniel smiled as Keisha entered the sitting room from a nap. He was at once taken with her beauty.

"You clean up well," he said to her, causing her to giggle nervously before sitting into a chair opposite him.

He placed his book down and glanced over at the beautiful woman opposite him.

"I heard it was your birthday yesterday," Daniel said, trying to start a conversation.

"Yes, it was," she answered, not elaborating.

He walked over to her and took her hand. He pulled her into his room and sat her on the bed. She looked terrified and was cuddling her legs to herself.

"I am not going to rape you," Daniel said, knowing that she was scared of being abused. She visibly relaxed and Daniel rummaged in his wardrobe.

He found what he was looking for and went back over to her. He slipped a diamond bracelet onto her wrist and watched her astonished expression.

"I can’t accept this," she blurted, startled by his kindness.

Daniel laughed and sat down next to her. "It was my mother’s. Before she died, she said she wanted me to give this to my daughter. Since I will not be having one anytime soon, I would like to give it to you, so you can give it to your daughter."

Keisha started at him in shock before thanking him repeatedly for the gift.

That cheered her up, Daniel thought as he led her to the promenade deck, where Katherine had just returned with their meals.

The meal was a good one, with the three of them talking and laughing while stuffing their faces. They did not bother with proper etiquette, knowing that Keisha knew none anyway.

The meal ended all too quickly, but both Daniel and Katherine wished her a happy birthday.

"I will give you my bed; I will sleep on the couch," Daniel said to Keisha whilst sipping some wine.

"No, Daniel. I will sleep on the couch. It will be much more comfortable than I am used to anyway."

Daniel could not think of an answer, so he dropped the subject.

Keisha looked utterly dazed by the amount of food, and only stopped when she said she was full. Katherine took the plates back to the kitchen, declining help from Daniel.

Daniel grabbed Keisha’s hand and took her to the window so they could see the stars.

"Happy birthday, Keisha," Daniel mumbled before kissing her on the cheek softly. He left a surprised Keisha to sleep on the made-up couch before retiring to his own room, surprised at what he had just done.

Chapter Three