Chapter Five

Daniel awoke with the sunshine hitting his pale face. He squirmed slightly in its relentless gaze, hoping that he could just roll over and go back to sleep.

No rest for the wicked, he thought, as he climbed out of bed.

He slipped onto his private promenade deck, throwing the windows open wide and breathing in the salty sea air. The clear air helped him to think of the last few days, help think of the loss he had suffered, but yet, he started to smile, thinking of the good times he had shared with Kathy, and hoping that she was in a better place now.

"Morning," a voice said, waking Daniel from his reverie.

The tall man turned and was met with Keisha, who had just rolled out of her bed in the sitting room.

"Good morning. How are you feeling today?" he asked, as the dark-skinned woman joined him in leaning out of the window.

"Never mind me. What about you?" she asked, looking into his eyes.

Daniel found her gaze captivating and inviting and couldn’t help but smile.

"A lot better, actually, though I do intend to find out who did this. I think that dwelling on the end of Kathy’s life is not healthy. I think I must look back on the happy times we shared, like this one time…"

Daniel talked to Keisha about all the good times he had shared with his cousin, talking about how they went to all the exotic places around the world.

"Thanks for listening to me; it means a lot that I have someone to talk to," Daniel said when he had finally finished talking.

Keisha laid a hand on his arm, an innocent gesture that left his pulse racing.

"It’s not a problem, really. It was interesting," she said, talking as though she were breathless.

"Thank you again. I will meet you in here for lunch, but I need to sort some things out," Daniel said, withdrawing from her touch in an attempt to clear his senses.

After a quick bath, Daniel proceeded to get dressed in his luxurious bedroom. He wore a black shirt, black waistcoat, and a black tie with the usual black trousers, for today was a day of mourning, and he had to dress appropriately.

He left the luxurious stateroom at 11:15, hoping that he might catch Rose having tea in the Veranda Café, for he needed to talk to her about the events of last night, see if his suspicions had been correct.

He nodded to several people along the corridor, smiling at people he knew from dinner. Daniel reached the café and found Rose having tea in a corner by a window. Ruth was there, also, and seemed to be arguing with Rose over something.

Daniel made his way through the wicker tables and reached the place where they were sitting.

"Good morning, Rose, Ruth. I am so sorry for interrupting, but may I have a quick word with you, Rose?" Daniel asked, looking straight at Rose.

Ruth started to mumble a rejection as Rose stood up. "Certainly, Daniel. Good-bye, Mother. I will see you for dinner."

Daniel tried his best to ignore the glare Ruth was giving him, and as a result, waited to see that she was out of eyesight before talking.

"Rose, what really happened last night? Cal may be stupid enough to believe the propeller story, but I am not."

He heard Rose sigh as they continued walking down the wooden deck.

"You are right. I was not trying to look at the propellers. I was trying to end it. It just felt like I couldn’t go on, and the only way to stop it was erasing my presence in this world," Rose said, each word dripping with emotion. "But then a man saved me, a Mr. Dawson from steerage, and he made me feel as if life was worth living, much like your Miss Stevenson, I believe," she said, looking at him with her deep green eyes.

Daniel nodded, his suspicions confirmed.

"Have you thanked Jack yet?" Daniel asked, immediately cursing his straightforwardness.

"You know him?" Rose asked, turning abruptly to gaze at Daniel. He nodded weakly, looking at Rose expectantly.

"No, I haven’t thanked him, but he is joining us for dinner, so I daresay I can do it then."

Daniel grabbed the arm of her posh, floor-length dress and hurried down a white flight of stairs.

"Where are we going?" Rose demanded, agitated by Daniel’s laughter.

Eventually, the two reached the poop deck, and once again there were many of the third class passengers sitting around, many playing with their children.

"Why have you brought me here, of all places?" Rose inquired, smoothing the creases in her dress.

"To thank Jack," Daniel said as he walked over to an Italian friend of Jack’s he had met yesterday.

"Hello, there, sir. I was wondering if you could tell me where Jack Dawson is," Daniel said, hoping he sounded formal in front of Rose, not wanting to embarrass her.

"No, my name is Fabrizio, no sir, and Jack is over there," he said in his rich Italian accent, pointing to the railing at the end of the ship, where a blonde-haired man was leaning over.

"Hey, Jack," Daniel said as he got near the young American.

Jack turned on the spot, recognizing Daniel’s voice.

"I’m sorry I wasn’t at the party last night. Something terrible happened," Daniel said, breaking off mid-sentence as he saw Jack stare at Rose, who was standing nervously behind Daniel. "I take it you have already met my friend Rose?" Daniel asked, unable to keep the smile from his face.

Jack totally ignored Daniel and walked straight up to Rose.

Well, sparks certainly do fly on this ship, he thought as he saw Rose’s eyes light with happiness when she saw Jack.

The two walked off, leaving Daniel to his own devices.

He stood there for a moment, and then realized he needed to see the captain. He nodded at Tommy, who was waving, and withdrew his pocket watch.

Hmm…I will have lunch first, he thought, as he started to head back to his stateroom.

Twenty minutes later, he stepped into his sitting room. He proceeded to the promenade deck as he saw Keisha staring out into the blue sea.

"Let’s get some lunch, shall we?" Daniel asked, as he crept up behind her, causing the woman to jump and smash a plant.

After half an hour wait, lunch arrived for the two, to be eaten on the promenade deck. Daniel quickly declined the service of a maid as he took the trays from a steward and closed the door.

Lunch passed in silence on both parts, for they did not know what to say.

"I found this; it might have been from the killer," Keisha said after a while, withdrawing an elbow-length glove from her dress pocket.

Daniel quickly grabbed the expensive item and fingered its silky fabric between his fingers.

"This would only belong to a first class passenger," Daniel said slowly, realizing the depth of this crime.

"I must see the fabric. I will be back later to order you some dinner, but until then, stay in Katherine’s room out of sight. I just pray the killer did not see you, too."

Daniel quickly called a stewardess to clear away the dishes, and he left for the bridge at top speed.

He ignored the sunshine and the sounds of the waves crashing against the side of the ship. He only cared for the answer to his problems.

"You are not allowed in here, sir. I am sorry; the bridge is out of bounds," an officer said. Daniel recognized him as someone called Lowe.

He stormed past the young Welshman, slamming him against the wall. Daniel stole a glance at the equipment used to steer the ship before proceeding to the crew’s mess hall, where the captain was dining, or so he assumed.

Luckily, his assumptions rang true as he entered the plain hall. All of the crew members in there stared at him, wondering how a passenger got in there.

"Captain Smith, I found something in my stateroom that may be of interest to you," Daniel said, breaking the silence that had filled the room like a contagious disease.

The captain looked up at him, not recognizing who he was.

"You are not allowed in here, sir. Could you leave please?" the white-bearded captain asked.

"I know that, but then, a corpse was not supposed to be in my stateroom last night. Sometimes things happen."

The captain’s eyes widened at this statement as he recognized Daniel.

"Ah…yes. Please come with me, sir. We have some things to discuss."


"My other maid found it on the promenade deck. It must belong to a first class woman, for no other passenger would own such an expensive item."

Daniel was in the captain’s private room, seated on the other side of a heavy wooden desk from the man himself.

The captain looked compassionate and somehow angry. Daniel liked the kindness this man displayed, and couldn’t help but let his anger dissipate.

"You are right, of course, sir. The investigation that was taken up by the Master-at-Arms last night brought up no results, and I’m afraid that we don’t know who did it."

The captain looked pensive. They had already discussed the possibility of calling a meeting with all of the first class passengers, but that seemed out of the question.

"I will just have to find the criminal myself," Daniel said, staring out of the window.

Chapter Six