Chapter Seventeen


Rose thought back to earlier that day when she and Jack had flown at the bow. She could hear the song in her mind. "Come Josephine in my flying machine, and it’s up she goes…up she goes." She sang the song quietly, barely able to hear her own voice. She was slightly aware of a light coming from her right side. When she turned her head, she saw that it was a boat. She faced Jack, shaking his hand. "Jack! There’s a boat!" she whispered urgently. We’re saved! she thought in relief. She shook his hand again, trying to get him to wake up. "Jack! Jack?" The realization hit her then, going straight to her heart, tearing it in two pieces. "There’s a boat, Jack," she said again, but she knew that he was gone. It was too late. Tears started to stream down her face. "Jack," she whispered as she laid her head next to his. She was going to wait to die, too; she just wanted to be with him, even if it meant giving up.

"Promise me, Rose, and never let go of that promise."

The words rang through her ears. She knew that she had to get on that boat. She had promised. He had saved her in so many ways, and he had died loving her. She had to live…for him. She looked at the boat, watching as it slowly floated away.

"Wait, come back!" But she could hardly get the words out. "Come back." She couldn’t get her voice to work.

Suddenly a thought came to her. The whistle! She looked at Jack and kissed his hands one last time. "I’ll never let go, Jack. I promise." She thought of how ironic those words were. She said them as she let him go in the water. But she knew what they meant. She would never let go of his promise, or her love for him. She watched as his face disappeared beneath the dark sea. Her heart ached so badly.

But she had a promise to keep! She threw herself into the ice cold water once again; ignoring the pain as it pierced her body. Her only focused was that man’s whistle. He was no longer blowing on it. He had passed just like everyone else had.

Reaching the whistle, she took it out of his mouth and put it in her own. She blew on it with all of the strength she had left. She didn’t stop until the boat came to her. Two men pulled her in with their strong arms. The men immediately put blankets over her shivering body. She closed her eyes, barely able to keep them open. She wouldn’t allow the pain of Jack’s death into her heart yet; right now all she could do was fall into a deep and dreamless sleep.


Jack woke with a start. He was suddenly so cold. When he opened his eyes, he realized two things. He noticed that it was pitch dark. He also noticed that he was holding his breath. He started to kick his feet, finding a strength that he hadn't known he had left. When he reached the surface, he frantically searched for Rose, but he didn’t see her anywhere. What he did notice was a boat floating toward him; his sudden splashing had alerted them that he was still alive.

A moment later, he was pulled into the boat. He looked around the boat, but didn’t see Rose. A second later, his world went black again.

Chapter Eighteen