Chapter Nineteen


When Jack got off of the Carpathia, he was one of the last to leave. Since they had been rescued, he had been recovering in a secluded room. The doctors had told him that he had barely made it. He constantly thought of Rose, wondering what had happened to her. He hoped with all of his heart that she was still alive. But he was terrified that she hadn't survived. How will I live without her? he wondered.

Just then, an officer came up to him, asking him for his name. "Jack Dawson," he told the officer. Jack eyed the papers that the officer held in his hands. "Are those the names of the survivors?" he asked, as he pointed to the papers in the officer's hands. The officer nodded.

Jack took a deep breath before asking. He was scared of what the answer would be. "Is there a Rose DeWitt Bukater on that list?"

It seemed like ages while the officer looked. Finally, he looked up from his list, a sad look in his eyes. Jack’s heart fell to the ground. "I'm sorry, sir, but that name isn't listed."

Jack had to fight back tears. "Please check again," he begged in a whisper.

The officer sighed sadly before returning to his list. A moment later, he again looked at Jack with sad eyes. "I'm very sorry, sir."

Jack nodded, then left; the Carpathia faded as he walked away. He felt a knife stab into his heart. He knew that it would stay there forever. Avoiding the reporters, he made his way down the street. There was only one place to go. He would go to the train station. Chippewa Falls, here I come.

Chapter Twenty