Chapter Twenty-Six


Three weeks later…

Jack had been throwing himself into his job, trying to get Rose off of his mind. On his days off, he could be found in the bar. His family’s concern for him had grown increasingly. They had tried over and over again to get him to open up to them, but he had remained silent about Titanic…and Rose.

He was sitting out in the grassy field behind his house, once again trying to draw. He was failing miserably. Will I ever be able to draw again? he wondered. He had tried drawing everything. Everything but Rose. It hurt too much just remembering her face. He didn’t know if he could handle drawing it. But maybe I should try, he thought as he started to draw the outline of her face. He could see it clearly in his mind. He was shocked to see her face come alive on the paper. He was finally drawing again!

He was so engrossed in his drawing that he didn’t hear when Diane came up behind him. She stared at his drawing in wonder. She hadn't seen him draw like that for years. She took a closer look at the image he was capturing. The woman was very beautiful, probably the most beautiful woman she had ever seen. Who is she? she wondered. Was she just a face in Jack’s creative mind…or was she someone he knew?

"Jack, the drawing is beautiful!" she said finally, making her presence known.

He turned around abruptly. "Geez, Diane. You scared me!" he said as he discreetly turned the drawing over so it couldn’t be seen. Rose’s memory was something that he wanted to keep to himself.

This didn’t go unnoticed by Diane. She came to the conclusion that the woman in the picture must have been someone special to Jack. She just hoped that this mysterious woman didn’t turn up in his life anytime soon. I’m going to be the only woman that is in his life, she thought determinedly.

He gathered his stuff up from the ground. "You want to go for a walk? The weather sure is nice today." At hearing his own words, a not too distant memory surfaced in his mind. It was the day that Rose had wanted to thank him for saving her life the night before. He remembered how they had talked about the weather. He shook his head, trying to clear his mind. Diane watched him curiously. She wished that she could read his mind. His mind seemed to wander a lot lately. He'd get a faraway look in his eyes.

After they had been walking for a while, Diane decided that she would try to get him to open up to her. After all, she had known him all her life. "Jack, will you tell me about your travel experiences?"

He felt a lump form in his throat. He hated talking about his time in Europe; it just reminded him of Rose. But he couldn’t blame her for being curious; he had been away for five years. "Okay, where do I start? Well, my favorite place was Paris. I didn’t do very well as an artist there, but I loved the city. Fabri loved it, too. That’s where we met." The minute the words were out of his mouth, he regretted them. Fabrizio had lost his life on Titanic. But Diane’s curiosity had been sparked.

"Who’s Fabri?" she asked.

He could have kicked himself. How was he suppose to tell her about his friend without telling her how he had died? "Well…he was my best friend while I was traveling."

She looked at him quizzically. "Where is he now?"

This was the question that he dreaded. How could he tell her what had happened to his friend without revealing what had happened on Titanic? "Um, he…died." He prayed that she wouldn’t pry anymore.

She sensed that he didn’t want to talk about it. Could his friend’s death be the reason that he has been so sad? she wondered. But she felt that there was something more to the story. But, nevertheless, she dropped it. She didn’t want to upset him. She was just glad that he had told her something about his life while he had been away. "I’m sorry to hear that, Jack. He was lucky to have had a friend like you."

Jack laughed as memories of Fabrizio edged their way into his mind. "I was lucky to have him as a friend. He had so many dreams, so many plans. He couldn’t wait to get to America. He was Italian," he explained. They continued to walk, not really caring where they were going.

"I wish I had the guts to leave like you did, Jack. Just head out to the horizon, go wherever fate takes me."

His face went pale at her words. Head out to the horizon. That was exactly what Rose had wanted to do. Now she was dead. All of her dreams had gone with her. So had his, for that matter. But she had died loving him. He felt lucky to have had her love. I just hope she knows how much I loved her. I still love her. Why didn’t I ever tell her? He wished with all of his heart that he had said those three words to her.

Diane noticed that he was in his own little world again, lost in his thoughts. If only I knew what he was thinking and feeling. But he remained silent. They continued the walk back to the Dawson house; not one of them spoke another word.

Chapter Twenty-Seven