Chapter Twenty-Nine


Rose walked down the main street of Chippewa Falls. She had just arrived in town. What do I do now? she wondered. She had a strong desire to see Jack’s family, but she had no idea what her excuse would be for going to their door. Do they even know of Jack’s death? And if they hadn't been informed of his death, should she be the one to tell them? Rose continued to walk down the street. It was early in the morning; the sun had just risen. Main Street was busy with people arriving to go into the shops that were just opening.

Rose could feel her stomach grumbling. She hadn't eaten in a while. She noticed a grocery store a few more steps ahead. The letters on the windows read Farmer's Produce Company. Maybe I can find something to eat in there, she thought as she hurried to the market. She fought down a wave of nausea. Just the thought of food made her feel sick, but she knew that she had to eat.

When she entered the shop, a young man greeted her; he was about her age. His brown eyes lit up when he saw her. "Well, hello, Miss. I don’t believe that I’ve seen you around here before. Are you new in town?" he asked pleasantly.

Rose nodded. "Yes, I am, Mr..." She trailed off when she realized that she didn’t know his name.

The young man smiled at her. "It’s Baker. Jesse Baker," he said as he extended his hand to her.

She shook his hand. "It’s a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Baker. I’m…Rose." She didn’t want to give out the name Dawson. She was sure that someone would recognize it.

"So, what brings you to Chippewa Falls?" he asked as she picked up a few items. She set them down on the counter, once again joining him at the front.

His question startled her. What should I say? She knew that she had to come up with something quick. He was gazing at her, awaiting her answer. "I’m here to visit an old friend of mine," she said at last. She hated to lie, but felt that she had no choice. She couldn’t very well tell him the real reason. After paying for her food, she left the store.

Jesse waved as she left. He couldn’t help but notice how beautiful she was. He wondered where she had come from. She was dressed as a lower class woman, but carried herself as if she had a high social standing. Nevertheless, he was intrigued by her gentle smile. He hoped that he would run into her again.

Rose sat on a bench across from the store that she had just left. She watched as the town’s people walked by. She had no idea what she was going to do. I need to ask someone where the Dawson home is; I have to see the place where Jack spent his childhood. An older man sat down next to her, a newspaper in his hands. The paper was named The Pioneer; more news of the Titanic was plastered on the front page. Would she ever get away from that disaster?

"Such a sad tragedy," the man said. He looked at Rose as she finished her food. "Are you new in town? I don’t believe that I have seen you around here before."

She nodded. "Yes. I just arrived in town this morning."

He went back to reading the paper. She looked at the man quizzically. Maybe he could tell her where she could find the Dawson home.

"Sir, do you know where I could find the Dawson residence?" she asked, hoping that he would not ask her why she wanted to know.

He looked up from the paper. "Why, yes, Miss. It’s not too far from here."

She listened closely as he gave her directions. She was grateful that he did not ask her any questions. She thanked the man before heading for the Dawson home.

What will I say when I show up at their door? Is it too early to drop by? A million questions ran through her mind. Before she knew it, she was standing outside of Jack’s house. I miss you so much, Jack. I wish that you were here with me now, she thought as she stared at the shabby house. It wasn’t in the best shape, but she thought that it had a charm to it that no mansion could have. What will my reason be for knocking on their door? A moment later, an idea wedged its way into her mind. It wasn’t the best of plans, but it was all that she could come up with. She started toward the door.

Chapter Thirty