Chapter Four


Rose lay in bed, a million thoughts swirling around in her head. Cal had just left after giving her a gift. The Heart of the Ocean, a very expensive and rare diamond necklace had laid around her neck. She felt like she had been choking. What had possessed him to come back to her bearing gifts was beyond her understanding. Only a short while ago he had been angry with her.

"It’s overwhelming," she had said, referring to the necklace.

He had looked at her longingly. "Perhaps it is a reminder of my feelings for you."

She smirked when she thought back to what he had said. She had to agree with him. His feelings were overwhelming. She thought of Jack, who had probably never seen anything so expensive as the necklace that Cal had given her. He lived such a simple life. No stuffy dinner parties, no certain way of dressing. She envied him. She knew that having money had its privileges. But was it really worth so much unhappiness?

Oh, Daddy, please tell me what I should do, she silently pleaded. She missed him with a fierceness. They had been close, unlike she and her mother. She had always considered herself to be her father’s child. She suspected that her mother had, also. But now that he was gone, she felt lost. She loved her mother. But all her mother cared about was wealth and society. And now she wants me to enter into a marriage with a monster who doesn’t know how to love, she thought to herself sadly. She felt completely trapped, with no way out. She soon fell into a dreamless sleep.


The next day was as sunny and glorious as the last. Rose had left her suite early that morning to avoid another confrontation with her mother and Cal. After wandering the ship aimlessly for a couple of hours, she had decided that she needed to find Jack, so that she could properly thank him for saving her life.

Now she was walking down the second class stairwell to E Deck. A steward had instructed her to take Scotland Road down to the third class area. This was the first time that she had been near anything that was not first class. As she walked down the narrow corridors of third class, she felt self-conscious. She was attracting many stares. She could only imagine what the third class people must have been thinking. Well, of course they’re going to stare at you, she told herself. They’re probably shocked that a young woman dressed as I am is even down here. Mother would be repulsed! She hid a small smile. It might repulse her mother at even the thought of third class, but Rose found third class to be intriguing. These people had lives, they could do whatever they pleased, and they could live in complete abandon! It didn’t matter to Rose that they were poor. She still envied their freedom.

She was a little surprised when she saw a blonde-haired man leave one of the third class rooms. It’s Mr. Dawson! She couldn’t believe that she had found him already!

"Mr. Dawson!" she called out to his retreating back.

He turned around. When he saw her, he smiled. "Rose, I'm surprised to see you down here in these barracks," he joked, a smile on his face. "How are you doing this morning?" he asked, concerned.

She avoided his gaze in embarrassment. She didn’t want to think about last night and what he had stopped her from doing. "I'm fine. Thank you. And how are you? I trust you slept well."

He nodded. "Yep, I slept fine."

There was an uncomfortable silence between them. Rose started to regret coming down here to find him.

"I thought that we should talk, Mr. Dawson," she said, finally breaking the silence.

He nodded. "All right. I was just on my way to lunch, but I’ve got a few minutes. What’s on your mind, Rose?" he asked.

Her eyes bulged in surprised. "Is it time for lunch already?" she cried. He nodded, amused at her outburst. Oh, my gosh! I’ve got to get back. Mother and Cal will have my head if I don’t show up for lunch, she thought frantically. "Unfortunately, I don’t have a few minutes to spare. I did not realize that it was so late in the day. I must be getting back." She couldn’t believe that she had been so careless! "Can we meet somewhere later? After lunch, perhaps," Rose suggested.

"All right. Would the forecastle deck be a suitable place for us to meet?" Jack asked.

She nodded. "Yes. That will be fine. I’ll see you after lunch, Mr. Dawson." She turned to leave.

"Please, call me Jack."

But she hadn't heard him. All she could hear were her mother and Cal, scolding her for being late to lunch. She hoped that she made it on time. She was going to have enough lectures thrown at her for leaving this morning without informing them as to where she would be. How could I have been so careless? she thought again as she hurried back up the second class staircase.

"Ruth, I don’t understand your daughter. Why can’t she behave like a lady?" Cal demanded.

Ruth paced around the sitting room. It was close to lunchtime, and Rose still hadn’t returned from wherever it was that she had run off to. Ruth was at the edge of her patience. She had woken up this morning, only to find that Rose had disappeared again. This disappearing act of hers has got to stop! Mr. Hockley is getting quite upset. He won’t tolerate her acting so inappropriately, she thought as she continued to pace.

Cal was sitting on the divan, trying to control his temper. He had sent Mr. Lovejoy out to look for her, but his manservant had not seen any sign of her. What am I going to do about you Rose? he thought. I don’t understand why you are so wild. This type of behavior cannot go on.

Just then, Rose walked in the door, a bit out of breath from her rush. Cal looked at her, his dark eyes cold and ablaze with anger.

"Where have you been?" he asked through clenched teeth.

She looked at him, trying to come up with something to say. She could see that he was very angry. Now is not the time to start any trouble, Rose, she told herself. Her mother was also looking at her, awaiting her answer.

"I'm sorry. I did not realize how late it had become. I awoke quite early and felt like going for a walk. The ship is so big!" she exclaimed enthusiastically. She didn’t want to upset them any more.

Cal seemed to soften a bit at her obvious excitement for Titanic. So far, all of his attempts to impress her had failed. He looked pleased that she was finally taking pleasure in the luxury of Titanic.

Ruth, on the other hand, still looked very angry. "You should have checked in, Rose. Mr. Hockley and I have been waiting for you all morning. What were you thinking?" Ruth said condescendingly.

Rose stared at her mother. A million thoughts went through her mind. There were so many things that she could say to her. But I've had enough confrontations for a lifetime. I don’t need another. "I'm sorry, Mother. I did not mean to keep you waiting. I simply lost track of time." She turned to Cal. "I will go freshen up now. Shall we go to lunch once I am finished?" she asked. He nodded, waving her off. Ruth shook her head as she watched her daughter exit the room.

Chapter Five