Chapter Forty-Three


"Just leave me alone! Get out!" Rose yelled at Joan. The maid hurried out of the room, a fearful expression on her face. Rose sat down heavily on the bed. She was seething with anger. She hated Cal for forcing her into something she didn't want, but she was terrified for Jack. She knew what Cal was capable of. He wouldn't think twice before hurting Jack.

She took in a deep breath, trying to calm her racing heartbeat. She had tried hard to hide her fear from Cal. And she knew that she had succeeded. She had actually stood up to him; she had not backed down. Jack would have been proud. Maybe she should become an actress, because that had been the performance of her life.

Rose looked around the luxurious room. Her eyelids felt heavy. She realized that she was exhausted. She lay down on the bed reluctantly. She thought about Jack, and what their life would have been like. Rose set her hand on her growing stomach. What would become of her child? Would Cal ruin her baby's life? She would try as hard as she could to make sure that her child was raised right. She wanted her child to have a happy life, one that was filled with laughter and joy. She wanted her child to make each day count.

Rose finally fell into a deep, troubled sleep; the last thought in her mind was of the wedding that would never happen.


Ruth walked up to the front desk of the hotel that she had checked into earlier that morning. "Can I help you, Mrs. DeWitt Bukater?" the man at the counter asked kindly.

"Yes. I believe that a friend of mine has checked into this hotel. Could you be so kind as to tell him that I would like a word with him?"

The man nodded. "Yes, and what is your friend's name, ma'am?"

"Mr. Caledon Hockley. I believed that he arrived a few days ago."

The man recognized the name immediately. "I will let him know that you are here to see him. You might find it to be very comfortable in the lounge while you wait, ma'am." Ruth nodded her thanks before moving over to one of the couches in the lounge.

Ruth took out the note that Jack had given her. She was both confused and angry with that boy. The look in his eyes as he had talked about Rose unnerved her. It was the look of a man in love. She had seen that look in a man's eyes only once before. It had been Rose's father. She had never seen Cal look at Rose with that same look in his eyes. Ruth was still lost in her thoughts when Cal arrived. His voice brought her back to the present situation.

"Ruth, how good of you to come! I have good news. I have found Rose," he said as he took a seat next to her on the couch.

Ruth looked him in the eyes. "I know, Mr. Hockley. Jack has informed me of what you have done. I'm not sure what is going on here, but I do know that I want to see my daughter."

Cal raised his eyebrows. "What I have done?" he asked, feigning confusion.

Ruth looked at him closely. "Mr. Hockley, did you not kidnap my daughter?" she asked, waiting to see what his reaction would be.

He looked at her incredulously. "Is that what Dawson said? That I kidnapped Rose? How can you believe anything he says?"

Ruth ignored Cal's questions; she handed him the note in silence. "You'd better read this, Mr. Hockley." Cal opened the note. He could barely contain his anger at reading the words…


Bring Rose to the bridge by Chippewa Creek in two hours. If you don't show up, or you show up without Rose, I will throw the Heart of the Ocean into the creek. Don't be late.

Cal couldn't believe that this was happening. Was Jack bluffing? Did he really have the diamond? He looked at Ruth, his eyes practically spitting fire. "Is this a joke, Ruth? Does he really have the diamond?"

Ruth nodded. "Yes, Mr. Hockley, I saw it with my own eyes. Now, I want to see my daughter. I won't wait any longer."

Cal stuffed the note into his pocket angrily. He had no choice. He knew that he had to take Rose to Jack. He'd just have to find a way to get the necklace back and get away with Rose. "Come, Ruth. I will take you to Rose." They walked to the lift in silence.

Ruth glanced at Cal once they had boarded the lift. She could see the barely contained anger in his eyes. Jack must have really hit a nerve with him, she thought. A moment later, they had reached the floor that Cal was staying on. Stepping out of the lift they headed toward his suite, and Rose.

Chapter Forty-Four