Chapter Forty-Five


Jack stood at the bridge, waiting. He was both nervous and impatient. Jesse and his father were there with him, both holding guns. He wasn't stupid. He knew that Cal would try something. Jack clutched the diamond in his hands, ready to throw it over the bridge if he needed to. Jack paced back and forth, waiting impatiently.

"Jack, you need to calm down. You have to have your head on your shoulders when they arrive," Mr. Baker said gently, hoping to calm the young man who was about to tear out his blond hair in frustration and fear. Jack didn't know what he would do if this didn't work. He had to get Rose away from that monster. He just hoped that Cal wanted the diamond badly enough.

The three men turned sharply at the sound of an approaching car. They knew the minute they saw the fancy car that it was Cal, and hopefully Rose would be with him. They didn't have to wait long to find out. Cal stepped out of the car. A man with a gun and both of the Bukater women stepped out after him. The four of them stood fifty feet away from Jack and the Bakers. Jack immediately saw the apprehension on the women's faces. Cal started to step toward Jack.

"Don't move another inch, Mr. Hockley. I swear, if you so much as breath wrong, I'll drop the diamond into the creek," Jack threatened as he held the Heart of the Ocean over the side of the rail. Cal looked down into the swirling water of the creek. Cal realized that it wasn't a small little creek that he could easily find the diamond in. It was a river, a very large and rapid river. Cal looked back at Jack, meeting his cold blue eyes.

"Okay, Dawson. I won't move. Just tell me what you want."

Jack laughed bitterly. He could feel the anger along with the fear rise and erupt in him. "I want my fiancée back! I want the woman I love!" Jack screamed. He almost dropped the necklace in his outburst. Rose caught Jack's gaze, calming him. He could see the love in her eyes. He focused back on Cal again.

"It's simple, Cal. Let Rose go, and you'll get your stupid diamond back."

Cal racked his brain for a plan. How could he get the diamond back without handing over Rose? Although Mr. Buff had a gun, the two men with Jack also had guns. He couldn't risk it by trying to take the diamond with force. He hated to admit it, but he was outnumbered.

Cal glanced at Rose; he noticed the terror in her eyes. She was worried for Jack. He could see it. He turned back to Jack. "Maybe Rose doesn't want to go with you, Dawson. Did you ever think to ask her what she wanted?" Cal asked, stalling for time.

"I don't need to ask her, Mr. Hockley. I know what she wants, and it isn't you. Now let them go, or this precious diamond of yours is going into the river," Jack threatened.

Cal studied Jack, trying to read him. Could Jack be bluffing? Would he really throw the diamond into the river?

Cal decided to test him. He boldly stepped toward Jack. "I don't think you have the guts to throw the diamond in the river. It's the only leverage you have now, Dawson."

Jack arched an eyebrow. "I guess you don't know me very well, then," he said, before dropping the diamond into the swirling river below. Cal did what Jack knew he would. He ran to the side of the bridge, and watched as his precious diamond was lost forever. In the time it took for Cal to be distracted by the diamond, Jack grabbed the gun that Jesse held in his hand and put it to Cal's head. "Tell your manservant to let them go!" he yelled.

Cal stiffened as he felt the cool barrel of the gun pressed against his head. He was greatly surprised by Jack's actions. But would Jack really kill him? Cal wasn't so sure. "I don't think you have the guts to kill me, Dawson," he challenged in a low voice. Jack pushed the gun harder against his head.

"After seeing the bruises all over Rose and hearing what you did to her, I'd suggest that you don't underestimate what I am capable of, Mr. Hockley," Jack said in a low, threatening voice.

He knew that Jack meant business now. Cal looked at his manservant, who by now had Rose held with a gun to her head. "Let them go, Mr. Buff," Cal ordered his manservant.

"First hand that gun over to Rose," Jack demanded. Mr. Buff did as he was told, and a moment later, Ruth and Rose ran over to where Jack and the two Bakers stood.

"Jesse, will you take them to your house, where they will be safe?" Jack asked his friend. Jesse nodded, then started to lead them off of the bridge.

Rose stopped, catching Jack's eyes. "I love you. Please, be careful," she whispered. Jack nodded, his eyes telling her how much he loved her. A moment later, they were gone, leaving Mr. Baker and Jack to face Caledon Hockley and his manservant.


"Thanks for your help, Jesse," Rose said, as the three of them walked toward the Bakers residence.

Jesse smiled thinly. "I couldn't let Jack face this alone. After he told me what that Hockley guy did to you, I had to help. My father was glad to help, too. We're just glad that you're okay." They continued to walk, not saying anything more.

When they reached the Bakers house, Nora and Diane rushed out onto the front porch. "Rose! We're so glad your okay," Nora exclaimed, as she hugged Rose tightly.

Diane hugged her next, also relieved that she was okay. "Where's Jack?"

"He's still on the bridge with Mr. Baker. When I left, he had Cal held at gunpoint. I hope he'll be okay," Rose said worriedly. She thanked the heavens above that Jack had thought to use the necklace against Cal.

They went into the house and sat down on the couch. "You must be Rose's mother. I'm Nora, Jack's sister, and this is my friend, Diane." Ruth nodded toward them, a small smile on her face. She was still in shock from everything, especially the fact that Jack Dawson, a man she had been horribly cold and rude to, had gone to great lengths to save the lives of herself and Rose. She realized now how much Jack loved her daughter.

They all sat and waited, hoping that Jack and Mr. Baker would make it back safely.

Chapter Forty-Six