Written by Jana Clayton
Based on some situations originated by James Cameron.


I can proudly say that I have never met a girl...woman as stubborn as you! Don't ever lose that fire that I love about you. In all the years I spent traveling around the world, I've never felt such heaven on earth as when I found you. I could clearly see your misery, that you tried so hard to hide, when our eyes met our first day aboard Titanic. And if you had jumped, we wouldn't be here together now. When I saved you from falling, I broke the chains Cal had wrapped around your heart, but it was always up to you to step out of them. When you said you felt you were screaming for attention but no one ever noticed, I knew that hellish dinner was the perfect opportunity to show you how laid-back my world was, compared to the stuffiness of yours. I have to admit it was more than an honor to escort the belle of the ball. I truly felt like I was holding an angel in my arms, forbidden as she was, as we danced in steerage. I might have appeared shocked at your "improper" behavior, but I was quite impressed when you were not ashamed to let your hair down at the party, and also when you came back to me after breaking off your engagement to Cal. The hardest thing I'd ever done was trying to keep my professional composure while I was drawing you like one of my French girls, as you wanted. I've never felt such an attraction to anyone before. We'd never before had a reason to go that far. After our liaison in the Renault, I knew you'd never return to him. How could you? You were, and still are, my first and only true love. I could never dream of breaking your heart in any way. Somehow I always knew you could see through your mother and Cal's lies, and that low-life valet of his, that I stole the beautiful necklace you wore for me. "This is what I get for falling in love with a first-class girl?" is what I kept thinking until it was your turn to break my chains. As the lifeboat you were in was being lowered, I felt as if my heart was being ripped from my chest. I didn't think I'd ever see you again, as I knew what my fate was, until you jumped back to be with me to the very end, wherever that would lead us. Somehow I knew we'd survive the sinking, but for how long? I wished I could fit on the driftwood with you. As I felt death creeping over me, I made you promise to go on with your life as if I'm herewith you, because I am. As long as you'll have me I'll be safe in your heart and memories. I would give anything to physically spend the rest of my life with you but it's not meant to be. Before you die an old woman, warm in your bed, I want you to reveal my secret. Next year when you give birth to my baby, I want you to give him or her all the love that I know you never knew. Don't ever let go, Rose. Always remember what I wrote you after dinner: "Make it count. Meet me at the clock." Make that your philosophy. "I'll never let, Jack. I'll never let go," are the last words I hear you whisper as I sink to my watery grave. Winning that ticket in the poker game truly was the best thing that ever happened to me. It brought me to you, the love of my life and an angel I will always protect. I've never said those three words because I'd always felt my actions spoke louder than words ever could. I know you can't hear me, but I love you, Mrs. Rose Dawson! More than you'll ever know. I'll love you forever and be your guardian angel.

