Chapter Thirteen

Later on, Mrs. Gladys knocked on the door, wanting to know if the young couple was planning to attend the annual spring hoedown that Chippewa Falls held every April.

"Yes?" Rose opened the door.

"Rose, dear, I just wanted to know if you and Jack are planning to attend the annual spring hoedown tonight." Mrs. Gladys smiled.

"The hoedown?"

"It’s a dance that we have every April, dear. Do you and Jack want to come? I have a carriage leaving in another hour to take us to the dance hall."

"Oh. Um…Jack, darling? Are we going to that dance tonight?" Rose turned to address her husband, who was rubbing the sleep out of his eyes.

"Dance? Oh, you mean the hoedown. I totally forgot about that, it’s been so long. Sure. We’re there." Jack smiled, appearing behind Rose.

"Grand. I’ll leave you two so you can get ready. The carriage will be leaving in another hour." Gladys smiled, disappearing into her own room.

"Come on, Rose. Let’s get ready. This is going to be your first country dance." Jack grinned excitedly.

"They’re nothing like the high society galas, are they?" Rose asked, a bit skeptical.

Jack laughed. Rose had told him about the boring parties that high society called fun. "No, Rose. They’re nothing like the galas you’re used to. This is more like the steerage party. Fun, food, dancing, good company. Now, come on. We don’t have a moment to waste."


The dance hall was lit up and full of people and lively music. Rose could tell that she was going to have fun at this party.

"So, what do you think?" Jack asked as he escorted her inside.

Rose turned to her husband and grinned. "I love it. This place is perfect."

"Come on. Let’s find a table." Jack pulled her over to the side of the room, where the chairs and tables were situated. They found one off in the corner. "Here we go, Mrs. Dawson."

"Do you think George and Cillie will be here?" Rose looked around for a familiar face and found them entering the dance hall hand-in-hand.

"There they are. George! Cillie! Over here!" Jack waved them over to the table.

"So, you two made it after all." George grinned.

"Yeah. I almost forgot." Jack laughed. "Come, join us."

"So, Rose, how do you like our little town so far? I bet it’s a far cry from Philadelphia." Cillie smiled.

"Oh, I love it here. But, of course, I’d love it anywhere as long as Jack was with me."

"She’s so sweet." Jack kissed her cheek.

"Jack Dawson! Is that you?" An elderly woman approached the table. "It’s about time you returned."

Jack laughed. "Hello, Mrs. Lavery."

"You never did report for that detention, young man. I have a special place waiting just for you." The woman wagged her finger.

Jack just laughed. "Rose, this is Mrs. Lavery, my ninth grade teacher. Mrs. Lavery, this is my wife, Rose."

"Hello." Rose smiled, shaking the woman’s hand.

"If this young man gives you any trouble, just send him to me and I’ll straighten him out for you." The woman smiled kindly.

"I’ll keep that in mind." Rose giggled.

"And you, Mr. Dawson…I’ll let you off this time, since it’s been so long. But no more ditching my classes."

"Yes, Mrs. Lavery." Jack waved as the woman went to her table. "Wow. I didn’t even think she remembered me."

"Well, Jack, you’re pretty unforgettable." Rose smiled at her husband.

"As well as my lovely wife. Hey, that’s my favorite song!" Jack got to his feet as lively number began to play. "Come on, Rose! Let’s show them what we’re made of."

"Jack, I can’t. I don’t know how to dance to this type of music." Rose shook her head.

Jack laughed. "Like you knew how to dance to that Irish music? Listen, just do what you did at the steerage party. Just move your feet. Don’t think." He pulled her to her feet and pulled her close. "Ready?"

"I guess," Rose sputtered, then squealed in surprise and delight as Jack began to whirl her around the dance floor. "Jack! Stop!" she screamed in delight, and of course, Jack didn’t stop. He just kept going until the song ended. Rose collapsed into her seat, exhausted but laughing. "That was fun."

"You two were great out there," Cillie complimented. "You two should enter the dance contest later tonight."

"Oh, that’s quite all right. I’m not really used to dancing like this. I’ve only done it once before." Rose smiled, remembering the first time she and Jack had danced. It had been the first time she had felt truly free.

"Jack Dawson, where did you learn to dance like that?" Gladys came up to the table.

"Oh, around and about. Different places." Jack shrugged.

"Well, you were wonderful. You’re going to have to teach some of us how to dance like that." Gladys nodded.

"Jack Dawson! I can’t believe you decided to return to this little town." A handsome man Jack’s age appeared, escorting a beautiful blonde on his arm.

"Matt!" Jack got up and hugged the man. "Long time no see!"

"And whose fault was that?"

"I know, but I had things to do and people to see." Jack laughed. "Wow. It’s great seeing you again. And who is this?"

"My favorite girl, Bessie. Bess, this is my best friend, Jack Dawson. You remember him, don’t you?"

"Oh, yes. The skinny blond geek who got into trouble all the time." The blond giggled, then looked at Jack again. "Wow…you’ve changed. You’re even better looking than Matt now."

"And I’m Rose. Jack’s wife." Rose decided to introduce herself, not liking the way the girl was eyeing her husband--like he was the most fashionable item on the market.

"Wow…Jack. You’ve done well. She’s a beauty." Matt took Rose’s hand and kissed it. "It’s a pleasure to meet you, ma’am."

"Thank you." Rose smiled at the jealousy in Jack’s eyes at Matt’s move.

"It’s nice to meet you, Rose." Bessie smiled at Jack, not taking her eyes off him.

"Jack, shall we dance?" Rose asked pulling her husband onto the dance floor just as a slow song began. "Mmm…this is better."

Jack laughed. "If I didn’t know any better, I’d say you were jealous."

"Of who? Bessie? I just don’t like other women ogling my husband. The same way you don’t like other men kissing your wife’s hand," Rose pointed out.

"Rose, sweetie, you should know by now that I only have eyes for you." Jack grinned.

"And I only have eyes for you." Rose leaned up and kissed him lightly, not sure how well the town took to public displays of affection.

"You know, when I left, I was sweet on Bessie Smith. But she never did give me the time of day." Jack had to laugh.

"And now she can’t keep her eyes off of you." Rose noticed how the blonde’s eyes kept wandering in their direction.

"Rose, there’s no need for you to be jealous." Jack was serious now. "The feelings I had for her are long gone. The only woman who enraptures my attention now is dancing in my arms right this minute."

Rose smiled and allowed Jack to pull her closer. She leaned her head against his shoulder and closed her eyes, forgetting about the rest of the world surrounding them. She knew then that she and Jack were forever, and nothing was going to come between them.

The slow dance ended, and Jack and Rose returned to their table, where Matt and his date were sitting, talking to George and Cillie.

"We’re back." Jack grinned.

"So, Jack, tell us. Where have you been all these years?" Matt leaned back into his chair.

"Yes. How many famous people did you meet?" Bessie smiled flirtatiously up at him.

"Dozens. I once saw Monet in Paris. I didn’t actually meet him. I saw him working on one of his paintings." Jack grinned.

"Paris?" Matt arched his eyebrows. "Wow. You did get around."

"Did you happen to meet Caledon Hockley? I heard he was on his engagement tour over there," Bessie said, her blue eyes lighting up with excitement. She had been sweet on the handsome son of the steel tycoon for some time.

Rose just about choked on the punch George had brought over at the name of her ex-fiancé.

"Uh…yeah. The guy was a real no good, though," Jack nervously replied, not wanting to go into much detail.

"Oh. Too bad." Bessie sighed.

"Where else have you been, Jack?" Matt asked.

"Santa Monica, Southampton, Italy…you name it, I’ve been there." Jack grinned.

"Oh, wow. And how did you get the means to travel?" Bessie inquired.

"I worked from place to place. Tramp steamers and such. It was a real experience." Jack nodded.

"Well, traveling certainly has agreed with you. You’re no longer the Jack Dawson I grew up with. That’s for sure." Bessie continued her flirtation, much to Rose’s frustration.

Noticing Rose’s temper beginning to rise, Jack made the decision that it was time to go. "Well, Matt, it was nice seeing you again. We really have to get together sometime."

"Sure. You’re staying with Mrs. Gladys, right? I’ll give you a call. We’ll set something up then." Matt nodded, also ready for Jack to leave. For the first time in his life, his date wasn’t paying any attention to him. "It was a pleasure to meet you, Rose."

"The pleasure was all mine." Rose smiled as Jack helped her with her coat. Waving good-bye, the Dawsons left the party hand-in-hand, paying no mind to the curious stares following them.

Chapter Fourteen