Chapter Four

Rose sat on the deck of the Carpathia, gazing out at the endless blue of the North Atlantic. Third class passengers, mostly women, trying to get information about their lost family members, surrounded her. She felt the chill that still hung in the air, and pulled the thin wool blanket around her and up over her head. She was thinking back to a time just a day ago when she felt warm, secure, and happy.

"Do you trust me?"

"I trust you."

"Step up…okay. Open them."

"I’m flying! Jack!" Rose gasped.

Rose closed her eyes and tried very hard to feel that happiness again. She imagined the sun shining on their faces and the security of Jack’s arms around her. The only thing she felt, though, was the feeling of being stared at. She glanced slightly to her left and right and saw a figure behind her out of the corner of her eye. She didn’t like this feeling and moved to go indoors. She secured the blanket around her and headed for the warmth inside the ship.

Once inside, she paused by the door to collect her thoughts. Slowly, she made her way down the stairs to the third class lounge. She had only stepped down a few steps when a woman not much older than she came running up the stairs, nearly knocking her down.

"Excuse me! Oh, I’m sorry…" the girl cried.

She was crying and her face was stained with tears. She spoke with a thick Irish accent and her curly hair was the color of copper. Her face was round and freckles made a sharp contrast to her milky white complexion.

"It’s all right. Are you okay?" Rose asked.

The girl just buried her face in her hands and sobbed.

"I can’t find them. Me family…they’re all gone!" The girl wailed as she finished her sentence.

Rose didn’t know what to do. After all, she had lost someone in this tragedy as well.

"What’s your name? Perhaps you can check with the stewards…" Rose tried to calm the girl.

"I already tried that bit." The girl continued to sob. "Not a one of ‘em’s been on the list. I’m Cassandra Daly…" Her voice trailed off as she sobbed. "You can call me Cassie."

"I’m Rose DeW--just Rose," Rose replied, quickly covering her slipup. She had not decided yet on which name she would take. Keeping her own meant going back to her life and her mother and Cal.

Chapter Five