Chapter Eight

The Colorado Inn stood tall and forbidding. It towered over Jack, trying to warn him away. And he wanted to listen. He wanted to turn away and go back to Molly’s and forget this silly plan he had come up with, not even consulting Rose first before putting it into action. Why did he do that anyway? Why had he not talked to her first? Oh yes, because she would have stopped him. Rose would have insisted that they come up with another plan to save Robbie.

But there was no other plan. He was going to have to go back to Gloria if his son was to be saved. Taking a deep breath, he headed for the hotel room, knowing that these were his last steps he’d be taking as Rose’s Jack. After Robbie was returned, he’ll have to go back to being Gloria’s Jack. It was like a knife in the heart knowing this. That he’ll never hold Rose again or tell her he loved her. To miss watching his son grow up into an honorable man, next to the woman he truly loved..

Slowly, he reached the door and with great hesitation, rung the bell. Gloria opened. An evil grin stretched her lips.

"So you came. Where’s Rose?" Gloria asked.

"She’s not here. Can I come in?"

Gloria snorted. "I suppose. So, did she get my letter Jack? Her son for my fiancé? A fair exchange if I say so myself," She stood aside to let him in. Her voice was full of cruel triumph. By the look of things, she had won. Jack was hers. "So why are you here, really?"

"Let my son go Gloria. He doesn’t belong to you. Let him go home to his mother."

Gloria laughed long and hard. "Ok Jack. Sure, I’ll let your brat go back to his mother. On one condition. You come back to me and never even think of Rose again."

Jack took a deep breath, knowing that what he was agreeing to. Knowing what he was giving up. "Ok. Fine. I’ll come back to you. Just give Robbie back to Rose and leave them alone. Don’t bother them again."

"No problem," Gloria shrugged, walking towards a closed door, leading to the bedroom. "I’ll go get the brat and we’ll give him back to your tramp. Get the door, by the way," She disappeared into her room just as there was a loud knock at the door.

It was happening already, her bossing him around. Telling him what to do. Well, he might as well get used to it. Feeling dejected, and totally miserable, Jack opened the door to Rose and three police officers. "Rose?" He was shocked and overjoyed to see her and the officers. It meant that he was indeed, still Rose’s Jack. There was nothing Gloria could do to stop it now.

"Where is she?" Rose asked, her mind on one thing and one thing only. To get Gloria out of their lives forever.

"In her room, getting Robbie," Jack nodded to the door.

Angry, Rose headed for the door. She wanted to teach Gloria a lesson she’d never forget for messing with her family. She’s almost there, when one of the officers stepped in her path. "Sorry ma’am, but it’s best if you let us deal with her ourselves."

"They’re right Rose. They’re the ones who should deal with her," Jack pulled her back. Rose was about to argue when Gloria emerged, with Robbie in her arms.

The baby giggled happily at the sight of his parents. Gloria of course, stopped in her tracks, confused at the sight of Rose and the officers. She felt like screaming as the officer took the baby and handed him back to that tramp, Rose. It was obvious now. Rose had won and she had lost. All she could do was glare at the small family. Finally she got over her shock enough to speak.

"You tricked me!" Gloria growled at Jack.

"No he didn’t Gloria. He had no idea that I went to get the police," Rose approached her.

"Ma’am," The eldest officer warned, not wanting Rose to do anything that would land her in the same cell as Gloria.

"It’s ok. I’m not going to touch her. I just have something to say," Rose looked at the officer for permission. Not seeing a problem, the officer just nodded. Smiling Rose glared at Gloria, who at the moment, wanted to scratch her eyes out. "You really thought you won didn’t you Gloria? You honestly thought I would let you get your claws back into Jack? Well guess what. You were wrong. I’m going to make sure that you never come anywhere near him again. You’re going to go away for a good long time, Gloria. By time you see freedom again, you won’t even remember his name."

"Go to hell," Gloria growled.

"I was already there once. Last April to be exact," Rose stepped away from her former rival. "So long Gloria," She watched the officer’s lead Jack’s ex out of the room.

"Rose," Jack touched her shoulder. His voice was full of relief and love.

"Jack," she hugged him tightly, but careful not to squash Robbie. "It’s over. We’re finally free of her."

"Thanks to you," Jack smiled, pulling away to stare into her eyes. "I love you so much Rose. I never want us to be apart again. The prospect of not having you and Robbie in my life…it’s too much to even comprehend."

"Well, you’ll never have to worry about that. Robbie and I plan to never let you go. Not ever," Rose kissed his lips lingeringly.

Hand in hand and baby in arms, Jack and Rose head for home; thankful just to be together.

Chapter Nine