Chapter Fifteen

After dining with Alfie Burton and his family the night before. Jack and Rose had stayed at the Country Inn.

It was a very homely hotel, not very small but not the largest hotel she’s stayed in.

The rooms were average size, with a double bed, a wardrobe and washing facilities. The price of the room per night was not so much, meaning Jack and Rose could stay there for a while longer before their money was to become tight.

Rose woke around midday and stretched her arms out before rubbing the sleep from her eyes. She found the space in bed beside her empty and she raised her head quickly, as she did a pain struck her head at once.

"Oh my" she sighed. Carefully sitting up. She certainly had drunk a lot of wine the night before. Alfie had insisted on celebrating his old best friends return and Rose had not drank for almost a year, so she took full advantage of the celebrations and ended up slightly more merry than she should have been. But she had the best time, hearing stories from Jacks childhood. Alfie even showed her a few pictures of he and Jack when they were children and they shared jokes over Jacks very chubby cheeks as a toddler.

Rose felt as though this was a place she could belong. It was a perfect place to raise a family. Pretty and picturesque. She could imagine Meggie in a few years time as a toddler, learning to ride her bike, or her father taking her fishing. But Rose had remembered what Jack had told her the night she had almost jumped off the Titanic about his father taking him ice fishing when he was a child and he fell through the thin ice. Rose too had felt the cold waters of the north Atlantic and she wasn’t about to let her child near ice ever.

Jack had other ideas and she knew it. He had made it perfectly clear that he had no plans or reasons to stay in these parts longer than necessary. Rose had been a little sad at this, but this was the beginning of her journey. The journey her and Jack had embarked on almost a year ago.

Never in her wildest dreams would she have pictured herself here; a small farming county and actually loving it.

Suddenly the door opened and Jack emerged soaking wet. Shaking his hair he ran his fingers through it before taking off his jacket and hanging it over a chair.

"Good morning." Jack greeted with a huge smile. "I ran out for breakfast. You slept past eleven and breakfast was closed downstairs."

Jack offered the white bag. Rose took it hungrily.

"Its only a few donuts. All I could find in walking distance. Its pouring it down out there." Jack shivered and immediately, Rose threw the duvet cover around him, with a mouthful of breakfast.

This was an instinct lately, especially with her daughter. If Rose was cold, she would wrap her daughter in more blankets. The cold was something she would hate for the rest of her life.

When breakfast was finished, Rose dried Jacks hair with the towel the hotel provided. Her stomach was in knots, for she knew what day it was today.

The day Jack would visit his parents graves. He’d been very quiet all morning, almost not speaking at all.

Last night had been fun and all. But this was the real reason Jack had come here. To say goodbye to the past.

Jack had lied to Rose that morning about breakfast. He’d actually been up to see the remains of the old Dawson house.

It was about half a mile up the road and Jack had trudged all the way there. He hated lying to his wife, but it was something he’d had to do alone. To come here for possibly the last time so he could put everything to rest.

The old Dawson place still half stood. Just the parts the fire destroyed were no longer in existence. His parents bedroom had been the main hit for the flames, a cigarette had been left alight in the downstairs parlor.

He had been out that night with Alfie. It had been a school night but he hadn’t cared. He was a careless teenager. His parents loved him more than anything and were very protective.

His father wasn’t a very strict man, he just did the best by his child and wife by providing. Jack had been particularly close to his mother, he was even teased at school about been a "moms boy" but he hadn’t cared.

The rain began to beat down heavier and Jack thought he had better get home to Rose and bring her breakfast. He had said a short prayer and left, for good.

Entering the cemetery, memories of the six years before him came flooding back to him. It was all so overwhelming. He could remember the first and only night he had visited here, when his parents had just been laid to rest. With a bottle of whisky, he’d sat and drank for hours getting very drunk. For the first time in his young life. He’d woken up laid beside his parents graves, shivering the next morning with the worst headache he’d ever felt - his first hangover.

It was then at that exact moment he had realized that he had to leave town. If not his life would be wasted in this small town he once loved and called home.

Rose hand gently squeezing his brought him back to reality.

The churchyard loomed ahead, he knew where the grave was, but his feet dragged heavily as if he was unsure of what he was doing and if it was even the right thing.

It was Rose who’d persuaded him to do this, to come here today. To make peace with the past. Maybe she was right, if he could deal with this then maybe they could put all of their past behind them, the Titanic, Cal, Ruth, his parents, Tommy and Fabrizio. If he could make peace with the past, lay all of the ghosts to rest once and for all then he could get on with the new life he has.

The life he has with his beautiful and loving wife Rose and the life they had created out of their love, their baby daughter Meggie.

Meggie, oh how his parents would have loved her. They would have spoilt her rotten. The apple of their eyes. And Rose, the generous and warm hearted person she is, they most certainly would have approved and welcomed her with open arms and treating her like the daughter they never had.

Upon reaching the grave, Jack already had tears threatening to fall. Clutching the white lilies he’d brought with him, he slowly let go of Rose’s hand and hesitantly knelt beside their grave.

Irene and Noah Dawson.

11th July 1907

Loving parents

May they rest in peace

The scent of the white lilies filled Jack’s nostrils. Just then the tears began to flow freely from his bleary eyes. He could almost see his mother now. Her long blonde curls tight in a bun, her smile so bright as it always was. She saw no wrong in anyone.

Jack dropped his lilies on the grave, before leaning forward, placing his head in his hands and letting out the most heart wrenching sob Rose had ever heard escape his lips.

She immediately picked up her skirts and knelt beside him, hesitantly she placed her right hand on his back , to let him know she was there for support.

He shunned her and she removed her hand from his back.

She knew just how much he was grieving now.

Rose herself had brought two soft yellow roses and placed them beside Jacks lilies. She then rose to her feet and watched her heartbroken husband grief for the parents he lost so long ago.

She wished she could do something to help him. Just as she was about to ask, Jack removed his hands from his face and began to speak.

"Mom, Dad. Its me, Jack. I’m sorry its taken me so long to come home. But I’m here now, but not for long. You’re both grandparents. You have a baby granddaughter, Meggie. My God you would have loved her…."

Rose felt tears prick in her eyes, she would give anything for Jack’s parents to have seen darling Meggie.

Slowly and unsteadily, Jack rose to his feet. Shaking he took Rose’s hand in his.

"This is Rose, Ma. My wife, my one and only. Isn’t she pretty?" Rose smiled through her tears and she gazed at her husbands face and saw nothing but grief.

"Who ever thought I’d settle down eh Ma? Who thought I’d be tamed?"

Rose smiled widely. Remembering Alfie saying he was a wild teenager, girls never interested him.

"I don’t think I’ll ever come back here again. Its too painful. So this is my final goodbye. I love you both so much, you’re in my heart until the day we meet again. These flowers may die but your memory won’t. I know that you’ll always be with me. Goodbye…"

On that note, Jack immediately turned and quickly paced from the cemetery. Rose could feel the lump in her throat as she followed him.

Jack barely spoke on the way home until they reached the hotel. He embraced his wife and more tears fell from his beautiful blue eyes.

"I don’t want to come here again, Rose. Never."

Jacks voice cracked. Rose nodded, she understood his reasons.

"You have friends here, Jack. People love you here."

"No Rose, this isn’t home anymore. Not for a long time. I was an orphan for five years and then I found you, my Rose. You’re my family now. You, me and Meggie and any other children we have in years to come."

Rose choked back even more tears, wiping her face on her handkerchief. She gently kissed her husbands cheek. She understood. The state he was in now was something very hard for Rose to watch, she couldn’t bear to see him like this again.

"So what happens now?" Rose asked, sitting on the bed now exhausted.

"How about we head out for the horizon?" Jack asked, smiling. Some of his spirit had immediately returned as he saw Rose’s eyes widen in shock.

"Now? What about Meggie?"

"We’ve been here two days . I’ve done my hard part. Now lets go on a honeymoon. Anne planned to have Meggie for another two and a half weeks. So what do you say Rose? Shall we do as we planned? Live our dreams a little? We’ll head out for the horizon tomorrow."

April 4, 1913

Dear diary,

Today Jack and I arrived at Santa Monica. This is it now. Our dreams are finally here. We’re staying in a very small hotel across from the pier. Jack says it hasn’t changed much since he was here in 1909. He was excitedly waving his hands around telling me every detail of what he did. He was even hoping to try to track his old friend down who worked here.

I’ve fallen in love with the place and we only arrived yesterday. So far we’ve been in our hotel room from the days of traveling. Before meeting Jack I’d never traveled by train before and never expected to. But I rather like it. Seeing the countryside and the beautiful sights pass the window. Jack was in awe the whole time. He’s barely been able to put his charcoal to paper since the disaster. It hurts to know what he loves doing the most wont come to him anymore. He has an extraordinary gift which he cant use.

Its almost like having wings and not been able to fly.

I certainly miss Meggie. I received a telegram back from Anne this morning, she’s doing just fine, thank heavens.

But as for now I will enjoy what time Jack and I have together as a married pair.

Rose Dawson

The journey to Santa Monica was an inspiring one to Rose and Jack. The sights which sped past the window. Town after town, city after city. Rose hadn’t expected the journey to be so long but she was with Jack.

On reaching Santa Monica, they immediately checked into a small middle class hotel. It was a little on the shabby side, but that really didn’t matter. This was their time.

Jack was even more overly excited then when he was here the first time back in 1909. But now it wasn’t such a lonely place. He had Rose. He had to fulfill his promise to give her the best time, show her around and take her to all the places he promised to whilst they talked of their dreams aboard the Titanic.

He had planned to do everything he could to fulfill every dream she had. He wanted to make her happy, she deserved it. They both did.

The first night was eventless. Jack and Rose had slept almost straight away, collapsing into bed from exhaustion.

The next morning was April the fifth. He knew what day was looming and how agonizing it would be for them both, for the memories were still fresh in their minds. The nightmares still occurred and the sudden thought of the sinking ran shivers down Jacks spine. He would be grieving for the loss of his friends and all of the other innocent people who’d lost their lives.

Jack woke with a start on the morning of April the fifth. Rose had always been a late sleeper. He’d teased her endlessly about her laziness but she had been pregnant at that time. Jack took a cool bath and dressed. He slowly opened the curtains around ten o’clock, he knew this would wake Rose. The warm morning sunshine poured into the room, from the window the view was amazing to say the hotel was pretty cheap. The pier and the roller coaster was in the near distance, they would have a small walk but it would be worth it. Today he would take his Rose dancing and horseback riding, all of the things they had talked about.

He heard Rose groan softly before rubbing her eyes. She sat up slightly, squinting at the brightness of the sunlight.

"What time is it?" She yawned.

"Around ten." Jack replied, sitting himself beside her. "Ten o’clock on a lovely day in Santa Monica."

Rose laughed excitedly at this, she view from her window caught her eye as she gasped in awe. Slowly, she swung her legs out of bed and stood at the window. It was breathtaking, like a picture from a fairytale book. The sea, the sun, the sand, the view…

It was all so new to Rose and she had a lot to experience. How would she know where to start?

"There it is Rosie…" Jack started as he placed his arms lovingly around her waist and stared out at the view. "There’s the horizon we’ve been heading for. This is what we wanted. This is the dream." Rose turned and squealed happily, embracing her husband as tight as she could.

The sea breeze was warm and light. Jack and Rose strolled, slowly hand in hand. They felt the wind in their hand and the sand in their toes. The pier and roller coaster weren’t too far ahead now but their was most definitely no rush.

They had another week here, they weren’t going to hurry.

"So tell me, Mr. Dawson…" Rose started. She stopped to take a seat on the soft, warm sand. She removed her shawl and sat on it, pulling Jack next to her.

"When you was here last. What was it like? What did you do here?"

"It was exactly the same Rose. Amazing. But this time its unbelievable"

"Why?" Rose questioned. "What changed?"

"You’re here." Jack then took her hand and gently kissed it. "You make this experience even more unbelievable."

Rose gasped and smiled, before turning her head and looking out at the deep blue ocean. She loved the sound of the waves lapping against the sand, the noise from the funfair not so far away was in the distance but other than that the beach was secluded and peaceful.

This was one of the best things to happen to her except meeting Jack and giving birth to her daughter.

It was amazing that it took something so disastrous as the sinking of the Titanic in order for her to gain her husband and their daughter and this new life they had. It wasn’t perfect by far. Money was an obvious struggle, Meggie was quite the handful, Jack was away a lot of hours a day working to support his family, he was having sleeping problems and still was having trouble drawing. This saddened Rose, his beautiful gift had gone and she hoped it would soon be back.

But this life was everything she wanted, peaceful and with Jack by her side…she really was ready to soar.

Chapter Sixteen