Chapter Five

As the months passed, Rose’s middle grew. In October, just before Halloween. Both Jack and Rose moved into their own house just a few blocks from Phillip. It wasn’t very big, just a single floor. A livable kitchen and living area with two small bedrooms. It was cozy and warm. The big fire and stove in the parlor heated the whole house. Jack decorated the house to make it homely when he wasn’t working. Rose helped out where she could, but by now her back was aching and her ankles were swollen. Jack had restricted her from climbing or lifting and warning her to just take it easy. But when Jack was at work all day, Rose had nothing to do at home but read. She had developed quite a passion for it in recent months. In the years before, when she attended finishing school she had read quite a few books, but when she began courting with Mr. Hockley, all that changed. It was amazing how much the life of a young woman could change in just a year. From been a sixteen-year-old society girl attending one of the finest finishing schools in the country, to her engagement to one of the richest men in America, to boarding the grandest ship ever built, to meeting the greatest man she’d ever meet.

She wouldn’t go back now and she knew it. Nothing can compare to the feeling of been in love. Money couldn’t buy you everything. Yes it provided luxuries, but that wasn’t enough. Love could conquer all, and that wasn’t just from a fairytale book, for she herself was living proof that it does.

Setting down her book at the page she was reading at, Rose hoisted herself from her living chair and headed for the kitchen. One of her many pregnancy cravings was apples. Poor Jack has climbed the apple tree in the back yard many times in recent weeks just to satisfy her cravings. But it made her happy.

One of the new skills Rose was also learning was cooking, she bought herself a very cheap cook book and began to learn. She had cooked apple pie and a bake well tart and was very proud of herself. All of this was new to her and she had to admit she loved it. Been independent was obviously something Rose had took to very well. She had the spirit and the eagerness to learn new things.

Much to Jack’s amusement, Phillips oldest daughter Anne, had taught Rose how to knit. Jack’s jokes about old ladies knitting had been thrown to the wind when Rose presented him a beautiful red sweater for his twenty-first birthday. She also knitted small mittens and socks for the baby in white as she did not know what sex she was having.

The crib had been set up in the spare bedroom and was now covered in beige blankets which Phillip had given to them as a present. Phillip and Jack had also built a wardrobe, a coffee table and dining table for their new home.

Decorated modestly, but it was the perfect quaint family home.

On November the sixteenth, Rose celebrated her eighteenth birthday. It was only a quiet affair at Phillips. Jack, Rose and Phillip and his three daughters, Anne, Jean and Marie. They celebrated with a meal and a cheer before heading out to a dancehall and dancing into the night.

As Christmas neared, Jack and Rose decided they were to be married before the arrival of their baby in January. They booked the church to be a small ceremony inviting only close friends for the twenty-third of December. It would be a perfect Christmas. But also a sad time, Rose missed her father dearly this time of year, it would also have been his forty-fifth birthday on Christmas day.

Her father had been the light of her life until he had passed away just two years ago of a sudden heart attack. James had been a good father and husband, he drank a lot the last few months but was never the cigar and brandy type of man. It was family first and always. Her mother, Ruth was quite the opposite. Parties and social events were her thing wearing fine dresses and jewelry. These such events were simply traditions to quietly boast about who’s wearing what and who has the most money. The small talk had always bored Rose to tears who was more the adventurous type through and through, who like her father, thrived on adventures and excitement.

This was always an embarrassment to her mother, who had warned them endlessly to behave more like the people they were, society, high class people who had a reason to be in the world, money.

But that was all in the past now. There was now a reason to look forward and to be happy. In less than a month, Rose would become Mrs. Rose Dawson officially.

Everything would be looking up more.

Exhausted from a hard days work, Jack walked home in the cool winters night air. It was soon to be December and the wind was biting. Dressed in his beige overalls and boots, Jack wanted nothing more than a long soak and to cuddle for the night with his Rose.

She had promised him a chicken pie for when he returned home that night, so all day he’d been working harder to work up an appetite for dinner.

It was almost seven o’clock and already dark. He could see the glow of the fire through the parlor window as he entered through the gate. Opening the door, he felt the heat hit him like a ton of bricks. He called out to Rose. She didn’t answer. Removing his cap from his head, he checked the oven and proceeded to the parlor. There she was. Asleep. With her left hand placed over her swollen middle. Her engagement ring sparkled with the flicker of the flames from the fire. Her chest gently rose and fell as she quietly breathed in and out. Her lips were curved slightly into a small smile, he knew she was at peace. Gently, he lowered his head and tenderly kissed her forehead. She must have had a long day.

Chapter Six