Chapter Seven

Monday, December 23, 1912

Dear Diary,

Today I will become Mrs. Jack Dawson. I have waited and longed for this day for a very long time and now it is here.

Jack left home to go to Phillip’s very early this morning, but not before telling me he loves me.

Anne, Jean, and Marie will help me dress today. My baby must be as excited as I am as it hasn’t stopped kicking all morning.

I am so very nervous, but also I know there’s no need to be. Jack and I are to be married today and that’s all I’ll ever need.

The church is very small and simple, just like the whole day will be. I don’t need extravagance to prove anything, this is my life now. Simple.

Rose Dawson

Putting final touches to her hair, Rose stood back in the mirror and admired herself. Her ivory dress came to down to her feet, covering her small white heels. The dress was beaded around the sleeves and the middle. Her bump was very visible, and Rose tenderly ran her hand over it, she could feel the baby kicking already and she smiled. She was very proud of what she had achieved up to the day. She had help to create her wedding gown, it had taken a lot of hard work, long days and numb thumbs from all of the sewing and mending. But she had the vision in her head of what she wanted to the dress to be. Simple yet elegant.

Her copper hair was long and twisted into ringlets, she had a white daisies in her hair which Phillips nieces and nephews had made into a chain for her. She reached for her perfume and gently dabbed a very small amount around her neck before reaching into the top drawer of the vanity and finding some rouge and lipstick. After applying the makeup, Rose admired what she saw. She hadn’t worn makeup for a while, maybe even since her birthday.

Sighing happily, she rejoined Anne and Jean before heading to church.

Jack had woke up the happiest he’d ever been that morning. He’d hummed gently to himself, making breakfast and heading to Phillip’s.

Never in a million years would Jack have imagined himself settled, never ever. He always had wanted children and a wife one day, but he’d wanted to travel first, see the world, explore every nook and cranny he could find. That was still his dream, it would just be put on hold for a while, for with a heavily pregnant wife traveling would be impossible and dangerous.

Money was still very tight, so a honeymoon was out of the question, especially with preparing for the newborn due in mid-January.

His life had changed drastically in the last year or so. He was in Paris the year before, with Fabrizio. His dear friend, oh how he wished he was here to see them marry. Also to have Tommy there. “You like have angels fly out of your arse than get next to the likes of her.”

Well here he was about to marry her. He would teased Tommy endlessly about how wrong he was if he was here, or bought him an Irish stout that he would have enjoyed more. Jack smiled at the memories. Two dear friends lost.

Also his parents, Irene and Noah Dawson. His mother’s pretty face smiling at him, his father smoking his trusty pipe he would give anything to see them now, just once.

Today was going to be hard without them there.

Closing his eyes for a moment, Jack took a minute to remember every one of the people he had loved and lost. Praying for them to be at peace now, and to enjoy the day with him. Crossing his heart, Jack opened his eyes as Phillip stood before him.

“Good morning son, nice day ay?” Phillip grinned before giving him a friendly slap on the back. He was dressed smartly in a suit but still wore his trademark flat cap which he was never without and smoking a pipe. He reminded Jack of his father. With his pipe and his gray hair and wise eyes.

“Yes, it is,” Jack replied, flatly.

“What’s the matter, son? You’re marrying your sweetheart today--why the long face?” Phillip asked, pouring some tea.

“I’m just thinking that’s all. Of the people who I wish was here but aren’t. My parents for one…” Jack trailed off, obviously lost in his own world again. He’d often spoke of his parents fondly.

“Hey c’mon now lad. Stop thinking ‘bout the past. Your mother and father would say ‘hey lad chin up’ they wouldn’t want to see you like this when you’re marrying the beautiful girl you have. You’re a lucky man, Jack. A very lucky man.” Phillip left the room. He had never been good with dealing with sentimental situations, not even when bringing his own three girls up after their mother died of cancer seven years ago. Joan had been a wonderful wife and mother, they had married since they were just twenty and had a good marriage.

After changing into his borrowed tuxedo, Jack tugged at his neck uncomfortably. How he hated formalwear, the tightness and itchiness of it. He had never been one for been formal.

Rose on the other hand, was becoming more nervous by the minute. She, Anne, Jean, and Marie had walked to the church and were now waiting until the ceremony would begin in less than ten minutes. Phillip joined them minutes later, informing them Jack was outside having a cigarette, much to Rose’s amusement. Since her pregnancy, he had stopped smoking a considerable amount.

Minutes later, Jack joined them in the hallway. Upon seeing Rose he gasped, she looking stunning. Her hair in her curls, her dress and her bump. She looked beautiful, like an angel in white. He could feel tears in his eyes, he reached out his hand to her and she took it. He kissed her cheek gently and examined her face. Phillip was right, he was a very lucky man. And Jack knew that somewhere his parents and his friends were looking on proudly to share their day.

Chapter Eight