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BD's BMX/Freestyle Zone


Flatland Tricks

Street/Ramp Tricks

Dirt Tricks



Message Board


Welcome to BD's BMX/Freestyle Zone! I hope that you will enjoy my site. I believe that it is one of the most complete BMX/Freestyle sites on the web. You can find out how to do any trick you ever heard of. You can build that sweet tabletop you always dreamed of. You can post a picture of yourself pulling that Superman Seat Grab. You can even talk to riders from all over the world by visiting the message board. I apologize for not updating the site for a very long time. I've been away at school and just didn't have the time. I am updating right now, however. If you have any feedback, you can email me. If you are feeling generous, click on the banners below to help support the site. And, oh yeah, tell your friends about my site and come back often.

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