"If I could change one thing about myself, it would be...my nose. I don't think that I would actually ever change it, but its something I ve always thought about, like when I look at myself from a side view, or when I see pictures of myself at certain angles."
"If I could change something about Nick, I'd want him to stop acting so silly sometimes. I also would like to see him in less conservative clothes."
"If I could change something about Howie, I'd want him to stop being so damn saintly! (Laughs)"
"If I could change something about Brian, I'd want him to read some of my spirituality books and be more open-minded about material we record."
"If I could change something about Kevin, I'd want him to calm down and not worry so much about our schedule and making deadlines."
About Brian's surgery
"...Brian was holding a lot inside. It wasn't a good dinner topic."