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Here's some links the place I like to go; these places don't suck, in fact they kick ass!! So hurry and visit them! I'm always updating so I'll keep adding more as I find some kick ass places!

Site Owned by People with the Same Buffy/Spike Addiction as me....and some other BTVS related sites
Love's Bitch
Unholy Allies -this place is great but hasn't been updated in a LONG time
Spuffy! Spike and Buffy forever!
British Bad Boy and a Brassed of Slayer
James Marsters Fanpage
Drisilla's Dollhouse
Drusilla's Teaparty -my other site
Spike's Trenchcoatanother site of mine..not open yet but will be soon!

Buffy the Vampire Slayer Fanfic Sites...
The Buffer
The Slayer Fanfic Archive
Sunnydale Fanfic Archive

Non Buffy Related Sites....
Afro Squad_the power to crush the man
Togglethis-interactive caroons for your desktop!
Austin Powers he's the man!!
Lush Canada-yummy smelling bath stuff! It smells good enough to eat!