Membership year The membership year shall be from February 1 to January 31.
Classes of membership Membership will be open to anyone, residing in any country, who is 19 years of age or older and is or has been actively involved in training dogs or training people to train their dogs or who believes in humane methods of training dogs and promotes same. There will be three (3) classes of membership in the Association: (i) Professional (ii) Associate (iii) Affiliate Chapter
Professional membership: Professional members will be entitled to one vote per Professional member. Professional membership will be restricted to persons who are residents of any country, over 19 years of age, who agree to abide by the Association's Constitution, By-laws and Code of Ethics and are actively involved in the training of dogs. To be eligible to vote on Association issues, the Professional member will be required to complete one (1) calendar year of uninterrupted Association membership. Names of applicants will be published in the next Association newsletter following receipt of their membership application. If any member of the Association has reason to believe that membership should NOT be granted, such member will have sixty (60) days to submit an objection, in writing, to the Membership Co-Ordinator who will immediately submit the written objection to the Executive. If no such objection is received, applicants will be granted membership in the Association.
Associate membership: Associate members shall have NO voting rights nor may they hold executive office. Associate membership will be granted to persons who are residents of any country, over 19 years of age and who believe in and promote the humane training of dogs. +Names of applicants will be published in the next Association newsletter following receipt of their membership application. If any member of the Association has reason to believe that membership should NOT be granted, such member will have sixty (60) days to submit an objection, in writing, to the Membership Co-Ordinator who will immediately submit the written objection to the Executive. If no such objection is received, applicants will be granted membership in the Association.
Affiliate Chapter membership: Affiliate chapters will be restricted to Canadian ones and will have NO voting rights. The affiliate chapter must be willing to abide by the Association's By-laws and Code of Ethics. Two (2) members of the affiliate chapter's executive must be members in good standing of CAPPDT. Seventy-five (75) percent of the affiliate club's membership must be CAPPDT members. Affiliate chapter membership will become effective from the date the Executive approves membership for the chapter.
Eligibility: No person shall be eligible for, or continue to enjoy membership, who is convicted of inhumane acts toward animals.
Application: Application for membership will be made on a form as prescribed by the Executive which may be changed from time to time at their discretion. The application must be signed by the applicant. Application forms are to be forwarded, with the applicable fee(s), to the Membership Co-ordinator. The name of the Membership Co-ordinator will be published in the current Association newsletter and on all membership application forms.
Delinquency of Dues: Membership dues are payable on February 1st each year. Any member failing to pay his dues BEFORE March 1st of that calendar year will be considered to be "in arrears" and will cease to be a member. Notice of membership renewal will be posted in the Fall and Winter newsletters. Notice of arrears will NOT be individually sent to members. All late renewed members will revert to, or retain, non-voting membership status for the specified period (original date of joining the Association will remain intact).
Resignation of Membership: Any members who are not indebted to the Association may resign his membership by notice, in writing, to the Membership Co-ordinator. He will be deemed to be a member of the Association until such time as his resignation is accepted by the Executive. When he ceased to be a member of the Association, he will no right or claim to Association property, nor to hvae any part of his membership fees refunded.
(a) Executive of the Association: The Executive of the Association will be the Chair, Co-Chair, Treasurer, Recording Secretary, Corresponding Secretary and Past Chair. All members of the Executive will be residents of Canada.
(b) The Board of Directors: The Board of Directors of the Association shall consist of the Executive and the chairs of all standing committees and all Regional Directors. All members of the Board of Directors will be residents of Canada.
(c) Standing Comittees: standing committees shall be formed, as required, to deal with areas of importance to the Association. Committees can be, but are not limited to, Constitution/By-laws/Code of Ethics, Publicity, Membership, Fundraising, Newsletter, Annual Conference, Meeting Moderator. All appointments to standing committees will be for a one (1) year term. These appointments will be reviewed annually and may be renewed at the discretion of the Executive. All members must be residents of Canada.
(d) Term of Office: All executive positions will have a two (2) year term, with half the Executive retiring each year. In even years the offices of Chair, Co-Chair and Corresponding Secretary will be eligible for election. In odd years, the offices of Recording Secretary and Treasurer will be eligible for election. The Past Chair will remain on the executive for a period of one (1) year. The Past Chair will have no voting rights on the Executive or the Board of Directors. Regional Directors will be appointed by the Board using the following formula when possible; directors for British Columbia, Saskatchewan, Ontario, New Brunswick and Newfoundland will be appointed in even years for a term of two (2) years. These appointments may be renewed at the discretion of the Executive.
(e) Quorum of the Executive: Three (3) members of the Executive will constitute a quorum at any meeting(s) of that body.
(f) Vacancies on the Executive or Board of Directors: The Executive will, through the authority of their office, appoint the necessary number of Executive to fill any vacancies on the Executive or Board of Directors. Appointments will be from among voting members. The term of office for the appointment will be for the time remaining to the next Annual General Meeting with the exception of Regional Directors who will be appointed to a two (2) year term in accordance with Article II (d).
(g) Duties of the Executive:
**(i) CHAIR: The Chair will be the Cheif Executive Officer of the Association. The Chair will preside at all meetings of the membership and the Executive and the Board of Directors. He will perform the duties consistent with the position of CEO. He will be an ex-officio member of all committees.
**(ii) CO-CHAIR: In the absence of the Chair, or through his inablity to exercise his duties, the Co-Chair will assume the normal duties of the Chair. He will perform such duties as many be required of him by the Executive.
**(iii) RECORDING SECRETARY: The Recording Secretary will attend all General, Special and Executive meetings. He will record minutes of the proceedings to be sent to all Executive and Board members within two (2) weeks of any meeting. He will arrange for notices of all meetings to be sent out, prepare copies of agenda for all meetings. The Recording Secretary will be responsible for any other duties consistent with the position.
**(iv) CORRESPONDING SECRETARY: The Corresponding Secretary will attend all General, Special and Executive meetings. He will retain and file all copies of correspondence received and sent pertaining to the affairs of the Association. In the absence of a Membership Co-ordinator, the Corresponding Secretary will be responsible for any duties consistent with the position.
**(v) TREASURER: The Treasurer will recieve all funds of the Association. He will deposit all monies in a bank account in the name of THE CANADIAN ASSOCIATION OF PROFESSIONAL PET DOG TRAINERS. He will pay all bills promptly, retaining invoices for same, provided by the Association: will give a report of the financial status of the Association as directed by the Chair.
(h) Duties of the Regional Directors: Regional Directors will represent CAPPDT members in their geographic locale. Regional Directors will be responsible to bring their provincial members concerns tot he attention of the executive. They will assist in the flow of information to their members and act as a liaise with the executive. The will address, on a local level, the needs of CAPPDT members in their area. They will encourage membership in CAPPDT in their geographic locale. They will investigate items of interest and needs in their areas and instigate the holding of educational events/seminars, etc. for their members. The will be involved in Regional happenings. They will work closely with any Chapters in their regional jurisdiction in an advisory capacity and as moral support. They will report in CAPPDT FORUM as requested, or as appropriate, the happenings in their regions. The foregoing guideline is not intended to restrict the Regional Director from any other activity or duty that may be appropriate to the position of Regional Director.
(a) General Meetings: Will be called by the Chair or any ten (10) Association members and be considered duly constituted.
(b) Annual General Meetings: Will be held each year at such time and place as may be determined by the Executive. At such meeting, the members will receive a year-end finacial report and deal with other business that is pertinent to the Association. Notice of meetings will be mailed to each member of the Association at his last known address at least sixty (60) days prior to the meeting.
(c) Executive Meetings: Will be called by the Chair or any two (2) Executives and be considered to be duly constituted.
(d) Notice of Meetings: Will be delivered by mail at least thirty (30) days prior to the date of the meeting.
(e) Resolutions Signed by the Executive: A resolution, in writing, signed by a majority of Executive, will be as valid and effectual as if it were passed at a meeting of the Executive duly called and constituted.
(a) Nominations: Any voting member of the Association can nominate any other voting member, who is a resident of Canada, for available positions. The nomination must be on the official Association nomination form, signed by the principal proposer, seconder and with the acceptance signature of the nominee.
(b) Voting: All elections will be by written ballot on an official ballot form that will be mailed to each voiting member. All ballots must be in the hands of the designated appointee by the specified date. Ballots are to be returned in two (2) envelopes; one bearing the name and address of the sender to enable verification of voting status with the second envelope inside clearly marked "BALLOT". Any majority is enough to carry. in the event of a tie vote, the Chair will break the tie.
(c) Assumption of Office: The elected Executive will take office for the term specified, on the day following the Annual General Meeting.
(b) Dues for membership shall be the amount specified by the Executive and may be reviewed and changed by their direction. However, the changes will only be allowed for the next membership year.
(c) All Association funds will be handled by a Treasurer and kept in a bank account under the name of THE CANADIAN ASSOCIATION OF PROFESSIONAL PET DOG TRAINERS. All cheques will be signed by two (2) of three (3) signing officers approved by the Executive, one of those signing officers being the Treasurer. Approval will NOT by given for signing officers in the same household. Accurate records of club finances will be kept in the account book provided. Regular reports will be given to the Executive. The Treasurer will executive such duties as defined here and under ARTICLE II (g)(v).
(d) Should the Association remain inactive for one (1) year, or the members decide to dissolve the Association, all assests will be converted to cash and donated by way of a cheque, in equal amounts to Canadian Guide Dogs for the Blind, Canine Vision Pet Trust to do as they see fit.
(a) The Executive will have the power to suspend, expel or reprimand any member if, in the opinion of the Executive, he has violated:
**(i) The Constitution or By-laws of the Association,
**(ii) The Code of Ethics of the Association,
**(iii) Any laws governing the inhumane treatment of animals.
(b) The Executive will have the power to suspend or terminate the membership of a member who, in the opinion of the Executive, has committed an act which is considered prejudicial to the objectives and aims of the Association or the interests of its members or their dogs or their client's dogs.
(c) Any member so suspended or expelled will have the right to appeal the decision of the Executive to the General Membership via the association newsletter within three (3) months of such decision. The suspended or expelled member who wishes to appeal will bear any and all costs incurred in such an appeal.
(d) Expulsion, when imposed, will terminate membership for all time. Suspension, when imposed, automatically deprives the member of the privileges of the Association for the period ordered.
(e) Any accusations, complaints, and/or charges against an Association member must be submitted to the Executive by registered mail in care of the Association Corresponding Secretary, for consideration by the Executive only. A deposit of $25 must accompany such complaint. The deposit, in full, will be returned if such complaint is substantiated. When such complaint fails to be substantiated, the deposit will be forfeited and placed into Association funds.
CAPPDT - Oct/94
Revised - Mar/00