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This Foreign Policy Initiative was Brought Forth by Co- President Cortina on December 11, 2000

Lesson 1 (with Letter)

As co-founder, and co-president of the Cheech
 Republic  (The Cheech Republic Online), I would like 
to institute an improvement in our foreign policy. We 
must be friendly with all of our neighbors, and 
therefore must learn to bridge the gap of speech with 
them. We never know which country we might rely on in 
times of war, or in trade, so we must communicate with 
them now...

With the help of the Babelfish  (AltaVista 
Translations ) I am beginning to compile a list of 
common phrases that will help us deal with our 
neighbors. Since there is so much and so little time, 
I will only include the most necessary phrases and 
words. If in the event of brain damage, you wish to 
add some phrases to this list, please email them to 
me, and I will include them in future editions of this 

By the way, any person who this email was sent to who 
might happen to not be a citizen of our fine republic, 
please visit our website  The Cheech Republic Online  
and consider signing up for your citizenship. We are 
offerring complimentary permanent citzenships to those 
who apply before we gain any territory or land, so act 
now. Also, those who are citizens, feel free to 
forward this to those you feel might appreciate it, we 
can gain new citizens every day... the more citizens, 
the more likely we are to find our sacred soil that 
will be The Cheech Republic!

Jim cortina

English: I would like to take a bubble bath with you... right now.
En Français:
je voudrais prendre un bain de bulle avec vous... en ce moment. 
Auf Deutsch:
ich möchte ein Luftblase Bad mit Ihnen im Augenblick nehmen.... 
In Italiano:
vorrei prendervi un bagno della bolla con... ora.
Em Português:
eu gostaria de fazer exame agora de um banho da bolha com você... direito. 
En Español:
quisiera tomar un baño de la burbuja con usted... ahora

English: i have a ten-pound bratwurst in my pants...
En Français:
je prends une bratwurst de dix-livre dans mon pantalon... 
Auf Deutsch:
ich habe eine 10-lbs-Bratwurst in meinen Hosen...,
In Italiano:
ho un bratwurst della dieci-libbra in miei pantaloni... 
Em Português:
eu tenho uma bratwurst de dez-libra em minhas calças... 
En Español:
tengo Bratwurst de la diez-libra en mis pantalones... 

English: I am terribly sorry for ejaculating in your hair...
En Français:
Je suis terriblement désolé pour ejaculating dans vos cheveux... 
Auf Deutsch:
Ich bin schrecklich traurig für das Ejaculating in Ihrem Haar..., 
In Italiano:
Sono terribile spiacente per ejaculating in vostri capelli... 
Em Português:
Eu sou terrìvel pesaroso para ejaculating em seu cabelo... 
En Español:
Estoy terrible apesadumbrado por ejaculating en su pelo... 

English: My feet smell like rotten camembert...
En Français:
Ma odeur de pieds aiment le camembert putréfié...
Auf Deutsch:
Mein Fussgeruch mögen faulen Camembert...,
In Italiano:
Il mio odore dei piedi gradisce il camembert marcio... 
Em Português:
Meu cheiro dos pés gosta do camembert rotten...
En Español:
Mi olor de los pies tiene gusto del camembert putrefacto... 

English: I want to lick your gymsocks and suck the back of your head...
En Français:
Je veux lécher vos gymsocks et sucer le dos de votre principal... 
Auf Deutsch:
Ich möchte Ihre gymsocks lecken und die Rückseite von Ihrem Haupt saugen..., 
In Italiano:
Desidero leccare i vostri gymsocks e succhiare la parte posteriore del vostro capo... 
Em Português:
Eu quero lick seus gymsocks e sugar a parte traseira do seu principal... 
En Español:
Deseo lamer sus gymsocks y aspirar la parte posteriora de su principal... 

One last word for lesson 1, and then you can all go to sleep...
English: Good night, my friend, try not to defecate in your sleep...
En Français:
La bonne nuit, mon ami, essayent de ne pas déféquer dans votre sommeil... 
Auf Deutsch:
Gute Nacht, mein Freund, versuchen, nicht in Ihrem Schlaf klar zu werden..., 
In Italiano:
La buoa notte, il mio amico, prova a non defecare nel vostro sonno... 
En Español:
La buena noche, mi amigo, intenta no defecar en su sueño... 
to hell with portuguese...

well good night for tonight, my friends, and try not to defecate in your sleep...