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Adult Trauma

Most of adult trauma is brought on by past history of abuse.
Girls tend to get themselves into relationships
that were lacking what they didn’t have as a child.
Much worse some tend to go for the one’s that may beat them
and their children.
For instance love, I lacked it so I got myself into a relationship
to get the love I thought would last till eternity.
I was wrong, it was just the beginning of a prison term called life.
He was the warden and I was the bad guy.
I could never do anything right,
I was worthless and would never find anyone better than him if I tried to leave.
He really had me believing I was not worthy of another.
Surely wasn’t worthy of their love.
This has made it so very hard to trust and love anyone ever again.
Till I have learned that I do have the most important people
that do love me, and they are God, Me, and my 3 sons.
Whom God has blessed me with
and this is enough love to last a life time.
I urge that if you feel you or your children are in any danger,
PLEASE make out an escape route,
and contact your local police department, and county shelter
they will help you with this plan.
Then you will be on your way to a new and improved life.
You will be freed from the prison you are living in,
as I was.
Remember that YOU are #1 and there is no one more important than YOU.
Break the chain get out of your prison and be

Here are the thoughts from a child's point of view, and can carry over as an adult.
Because I still feel these feelings at times.
Whenever I hear these words I still realize how much I want people to notice me.

If they only knew how I felt inside
Maybe they’d understand
If they only knew what I could do
Maybe they’d understand

Just give me a chance and I’ll prove it to you
There is so much I can do
Don’t judge this book by its cover
I just look different than you

We’ve all got our talent’s
We’re not all the same
I wish they’d understand
If they’d look past this cover
The story begins
Maybe they’d understand

Just give me that chance
I’ll prove it to you
There is so much I can do
Don’t judge this book by its cover
I just look different then you

It’s not the clothes I wear
Or the color of my hair
I’ve got the will
And I’ve got the heart
I just wish someone would care

Just give me a chance
And I’ll prove it to you
There is so much I can do
Don’t judge this book by its cover
I just look different than you !


The Battle.....childhood gone bad
The Scars.....dying to be loved
Helpme.....teenage parents

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Angel by Kristie

Visitor number since 3/5/1999

This site last updated May 15 1999


We are only here to offer a helping hand through lifes experiences.
We are here to help support one another,
we are NOT trained counselors or therapists.
Nor do we claim to be such.