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I would like to thank all my friends for all their love and support through the years.

Ma (roro) for being there when I needed a mother!
Faith and Hope for being wonderful sisters when my own was not there for me!
Jamie for putting up with my ups and downs, you where a great friend when I needed one!
Harry for all his hard work and many nights of crying on his shoulder, you are my ANGEL always!
Oliver, for many wild nights here on the net and being there when I thought that I wasn't worth much, I love you always and you will always be in my heart!
Jeremy for all your help and devotion to childseyes! To all my online friends!
Jake you will always be my silly ass and thank you so much for being there when I was down the most, you where there through good and bad and I will never forget that!
Ali, Lisa,Sean and Jo for making me part of their family.
Most of all to my husband Jim and his mother for believing in me and teaching me the meaning of TRUE LOVE.
And the VERY MOST IMPORTANT, my children Greg, Drew and Travis for putting up with me and loving me no matter what.


Take pride in all you do!
Always remember you all have a special space in my heart!

I love you and God bless


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