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Stop Children in  Slavery Now!
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It is amazing  how people could be so arrogant and feel so superior that they could ever had allowed slavery. We know that slavery has been around since way before Christ, but how? And Why?

In "Incidents In the Life of a Slave Girl" by Harriet Ann Jacobs, one can't help but feel for her and her situation. The powerlessness that she must have felt, and the bastard would not give up. Having daughters myself who were the age of Harriet when she had to go through all of this, it is sickening to me.

A 15 year old is still a child. In "Uncle Tom's Cabin" by Harriet Beecher Stowe, we see more unfairness towards the blacks. To be no more than property, a beast of burden to be bought and sold like livestock, how terrible! On top of that, your child is sold and taken from you, never to see that child again. I can't even begin to put myself into that situation in order to comprehend it!

In the ensuing pages your will find reports from various countries with facts of Child Slavery still going on today!

In our so-called modern world how dare we to do this to innocent children?  How dare we call ourselves evolved and educated! Large manufacturing companies have no shame in using children as cheap labour and working them for 12 hour days....

As an Interfaith Minister, I can no longer sit back and let this happen.  It is with this in mind that this website is created...

To bring awareness to as many people in the world as possible that funds and help are desperatly needed...

Will you not please look at your corner of the world and help us to eliminate Child Slavery once and for all?  Children need not go hungry or go without schooling.  They need not be ripped from their families through illegal markets.

Time Is Running Out!

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