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America's Singles Site introduction service

Place a free ad - Meet your match on-line!

matchmaker service

Congratulations!!! Placing a ad and your picture on America's Singles Network is free and the first step in finding your one and only. The process is very simple but first you must agree to a few rules. In the following agreement "we" "us" "our" and "ASN" refers to America's Singles Network and "you" and "your" refers to the person placing the ad.

1- You will submit to ASN true and accurate information for your ad.
2- You will not submit information in your ad that breaks any federal or state laws.
3- You will submit your actual e-mail address with your ad or a secondary e-mail address that belongs solely to you. Secondary e-mail address may be one obtained from Lycos free mail or Hotbot free mail.
4- If you change your e-mail address you will supply us with your new mailing address within 3 days from the date of change.
5- You agree if a person request that you no longer e-mail them that you will immediately comply with the request and send no future mailings to them.
6- You will not harass or spam other members with ASN.
7- You hold harmless ASN and all it's associates from the use of our service. Furthermore Angelfire supplies ASN with these free web pages and therefore you hold Angelfire and all their affiliates harmless from the use of this service.
8- You understand that placing a ad on ASN is free of charge.
9- You understand having your picture placed with your ad is free of charge.
10- You understand that ASN or Angelfire can terminate this web site or your ad without notice to you or other members of ASN.
11- You assume full responsibility legal and otherwise for the content of your ad.
12- You agree that ASN may change these rules without notice to protect our interest.
13- You agree and understand your e-mail address will be available to other members of ASN that have subscribed to our pay service.
14- You understand that your ad will be posted and available to anybody for reading and viewing off the World Wide Web.
15- You will notify us if you wish your ad to be removed from our site.
16- You understand that submitting false information will result in your ISP information being turned over to the FBI and any other information we may have from the submission of your ad.
17- In the case of false information being submitted to ASN you assume all legal cost should any arise.
18- By submitting your ad you agree to all these rules.

Sure glad we got past all that legal stuff. Now simply click the link below, fill out the request form and either e-mail or snail mail your information back to us. You may also include your picture with your ad free of charge. Your picture may also be sent by e-mail or regular mail but keep in mind that we can not return pictures sent through regular mail.



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