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Request form for FREE ad!

Print this page and answer all question. Then send by regular mail to the address listed below or save this page to word pad and return by e-mail to the address listed below. All questions must be answered. Questions highlighted in red will not be posted on-line or given to other members ever. Information in red is for our records only and will remain private. Questions listed in black will be posted in your ad on-line. Print or type your answers..........

First Name:______________________Last Name:_________________________


City:____________________________ State:_______________

Phone:____ - ____ - _____ Sex:____________ Age:_________ Race:_____________
Please write your ad below and keep it limited to 100 words or less.








Will you be sending a picture?_______ If so,
Will you be sending your picture by e-mail or US mail? ___________
State you would like your ad posted in?___________________

Your e-mail address__________________________________

I_______________________________________(print your full name) am requesting that ASN post my ad on-line. I have read there rules for placing a free ad and agree to there policy's and terms. I ascertain that I'm the person listed above and that I have signed my real signature to this form.


Send information by e-mails to:

Send information by regular mail to:
America's Singles Network
PO Box 2733
Middlesboro, KY 40965

CLICK HERE to return to ASN directory page or CLICK HERE to get a free e-mail account from Lycos!