Broken Promises of Yesterday

By Melanie

Joey was woken early by the sunlight hitting her face. She slowly opened her eyes and squinted to block the early rising sun. She stood up and dusted the dirt off her jacket. As she stretched, she realized how sore she had gotten from all the nights sleeping out under the stars.

She turned from side to side, hoping to unkink a few of her pains. It was all worth it she thought, She was so close to Rock Creek and to finding out what happened in the past and to see if she could put her life together and get on with her future. For so long she had wanted to forget that dreadful time. Wanted to forget the family she had. Wanted to forget the pain she felt when her brothers left their home and left her to watch their ma die. In the time after her brothers' left, Joey had taught her self to shoot a gun. At first she wanted nothing to do with the gun, however she soon realized that if she was to protect their home, her dying mother, and herself she must learn to shoot, and never miss.

The two long years that Joey watched her mother worsen had completely devastated her. Once her mother finally did pass, Joey had to sell the farm to pay off their debt and to cover her ma's funeral. She was left broke, alone and scared. When her brothers' had left Virginia, they had promised to keep in touch and come home once they could afford it. She tried very hard to understand their need to leave after their pa had died, however she felt in was unfair they left her to care for things. She had only heard from Kid once since he left. He told her he got a job working for the Pony Express in Sweetwater. Her told her about some of the other riders, and promise to write again but never did. Joey had probably wrote him ten times and sent the letters to the Sweetwater station, but never got a word back. Each time she went to town to check the mail, her heart broke when she heard nothing back from him. She couldn't understand why he wouldn't write her again. They had always been so close as children. He had promised that he would come get her someday. But that dream died long ago with her ma.

Joey shook her head as to stop her daydreaming. She had a job to do. She grabbed her stuff and started packing her stuff in her horse's saddlebags. As she packed she remembered the last time she had seen Jed. He had crept into the Virginia farmhouse very late at night. Joey had heard someone on the porch and leaned over the side of her bed and grabbed her gun. She had slipped out of bed and quietly opened her bedroom door and slipped into the hallway. She heard someone rummaging through the kitchen. She had crept down the stairs with her gun drawn. As she made the turn into the kitchen, she saw a man hunched over on the ground looking through the cabinets. She pointed her gun at his back and said, "Just what the hell are you doin in my house?" The man stood up and as he slowly turned around she saw it was Jed. She immediately dropped her gun and ran to him. "Jed, What are you doin here? I almost killed ya." As she had pulled back from the hug, she looked into his eyes and realized her was no longer the brother she had known. She saw darkness in his eyes and smelt alcohol on his breath.

"I just came back for a few things." He said not looking her in the eyes. "How's ma?"

"Not good" Joey replied still holding on to his arm. "Come sit down. Let me make you something to eat."

As she turned to the stove she heard him say, "I don't have time. I didn't wanna wake ya. I can't stay."

She turned back to him "What do you mean you can't stay? You just got here."

"People are waitin on me, Joey. I gotta go." As he said that he stuffed something into his pocket.

She scanned the kitchen and realized her had her money jar out on the counter. It was empty. "You stealin from me Jed?" She said as her eyes filled up with tears. "You know I can barley afford the payments on this place. How can you do this?"

Jed stepped closer to her. "Listen Joey, I'm in trouble. Big trouble. I need money and I need it bad."

Joey was crying aloud now. "You bastard, take it, take it. Leave me and ma here with nothing. But don't you dare ever come back here. Do ya hear me? Never."

Jed tried to hug his sister but she just slapped his hands away and sank to the floor, crying. Just then the kitchen door opened and a large man walked in the door.

"Ready Jed?" was all he said.

Jed looked at her once more and walked toward the door. "Yeah, I'm ready. This ain't my home no more."

Joey had never told her ma about that night. When her ma questioned her in the morning about the yelling she had heard in the night, Joey told her ma it must have been a dream. She knew her ma suspected she was lying but she never pushed it any further, never asked about that night again.


After snapping herself out of the daydream she was in, Joey began tacking up her horse to ride into Rock Creek. She had gone to Sweetwater and had been told by one of the riders that the old group of riders had made a move to Rock Creek to fix up the station and ended up staying. So Joey made the long ride to Rock Creek. She didn't know what was so scary about seeing her brother. She had spent so long looking for him but now that it was now almost time to face him, she was so scared. What if Kid wasn't there, what if he didn't want to see her? What if her had forgotten about her?

She jumped up on her horse, Gracie, and bit her lip and headed for town. As she approached the growing town she noticed the surroundings and saw the weigh station at the other end of town. She figured there was no more time to waste and headed across town towards the station. As she approached she saw a beautiful blond woman standing on the porch ringing the bell for breakfast. The woman smiled at her and started walking towards her.

"Mornin, How can I help ya?"

"I, I, My name is Joey. Is Kid around?"

"Hi Joey. My name is Rachel. I cook for the boys here. I believe Kid's on a ride, but your more then welcome to wait. He's due in shortly."

"Thank You, Rachel. I think I will wait. I've come along way to see him." Joey said as she flung her leg over the saddle horn and slid off Gracie's back.

"Sure Honey." Rachel said placing her arm over Joey's shoulder "Let's get ya something to eat."

"Buck" Rachel hollered over her shoulder "Can you take care of Miss Joey's horse for me please?"

"Sure Rachel" Buck said looking at the stranger walking with Rachel to the house.

Once Rachel had Joey in the house, she sat down across the table from her sipping coffee.

"So Miss Joey, How do ya know our Kid?"

"Well" Joey started to explain, "Kid's my brother."

"Your brother?" Rachel exclaimed.

At that Joey's fear's started coming true. These people had no clue Kid had a family.

However Rachel continued with a smile "So you're Josephine. The Kid's little sis. We were begining to wonder if you really existed."

A smile came to Joey's face knowing that Kid had talked about her. Forgetting her anger with him, she said "Yup, that me. Kid's little sister Josephine."

"Well you're probably gonna wanna meet the boys and Lou."

"Lou?" Joey asked in the form of a question.

Rachel continued "Yes, Lou, well actually it's Louise. Kid's wife."

Rachel watched as all the color fell from Joey's face. She immediately realized that Joey knew nothing of Kid's life now including his marriage to Louise.

"I am so sorry honey" Rachel said, "I figured you bein Kid's sister you would know about her."

"No, No, it's allright Rachel. You didn't know. The thing is, I haven't had contact with Kid in years. I only heard from his once since he left Virginia."

"Once! That's all? The way Kid has talked bout you over the years, I woulda thought ya'll kept in contact."

"Nope, I don't know why he lost contact. He doesn't even know that our Ma has passed on."

"Oh Sweetie, I am so sorry. That must have been hard on ya all by yourself."

"It was. But I managed and now I just need Kid's signature on a few piece of paper and I'll be outta his life again. On to find Jed for the same reason. You see. I had to sell the ranch to cover expenses and since I am a girl, I need the boys to approve the sale. That's all I need from them. If it weren't law that they have to sign, I wouldn't be out here looking fer them. If they don't wanna be in my life, then fine. They don't have ta be."

Rachel could see how hurt Joey was. By the way she was talking, Joey obviously didn't know that Jed was dead. Dead by Jimmy's gun. Rachel didn't think it was her place to tell Joey. She would leave that up to the Kid.

Before Rachel could respond, she heard Lou yelling outside. "Rider Coming."

"That's probably Kid, Joey. Why don't you come outside with me."

As they walked outside, Joey noticed Kid jumping off his horse and into a small woman's arms. That must be Lou she thought. Lou was dressed very much like she herself. In men's pants and shirt.

Rachel broke the silence. "That's Lou there with Kid. Although the whole town knows she is a woman now, she still insists on wearing pants and riding along with the other boys. She rode right along with them for two years, and wasn't gonna let being married stop her from living how she wants."

Rachel yelled out to the boys direction. "Kid"

"Yeah Rachel" came his response.

"Would you and Lou come on over here for a minute please?" Rachel responded.

Kid took Lou's hand and started walking to the porch. Joey watched Kid lean into Lou like he was asking her a question. All Lou did was shake her head to his question.

As they approached the porch, Kid spoke. "What's up Rachel?" at that moment he saw Joey and dropped Lou's hand. "Joe's, is it really you?" Her ran to the porch, up the stairs and had his arms around her before she could say a word. "Oh God Joey. I can't believe you're here." He couldn't let go of her. He just kept squeezing her tighter and tighter. He hadn't even realized that she was not hugging him back. Her arms completely straight at her sides. With tears welling up in her eyes she finally spoke.

"Kid, I am sorry to bother you at your place of work, but I must get you signature and then I will be on my way."

He pulled away from her and looked into her eyes. "What are you talking about? I don't want you to go anywhere. You just got here. I want you to meet my friends and Lou. She's my wife."

"Yes, I know. Rachel explained that you were married now." Turning to Lou she smiled, "Nice to meet you Louise." She then turned back to Kid the tears overflowing her eyes now. "Like I was saying, I just need you to sign the deed to the ranch and then I am off to find Jed for him to do the same."

Kid was finding it hard to follow where this conversation was headed. "The ranch, the deed, Jed." He spoke after her "Listen Joey, we need to talk. Come inside with us."

Joey didn't want to go inside with him. "Listen Kid, I am in a hurry. I need to get back to Virginia to sign over the ranch and I still have to find Jed." As she had spoke, Lou walked over to Kid and placed her hand on his arm, almost as if she was giving him support. "Do you know where Jed is Kid? Have you seen him?"

Kid began talking at the same time she finished. "Why do you need my signature on the deed to the ranch? What is going on a the ranch? Where's Momma?"

They both sat there looking at each other, neither one knowing what to say next. Neither one wanting to answer each other's questions. At this point the other boys began walking toward the house to see what was going on. To see whom this young girl was.

Lou was the first one to speak "Why don't we all go inside and sit and talk. Obviously, there are quite a few things ya'll need to tell each other. I'm sure Rachel will make us a fresh pot of coffee," she said as she looked over at Rachel, who smiled and nodded. "I'll get to that now. Come on all, come inside."

Joey sat down at the table a crossed from where Kid had sat. Lou placed herself next to Kid. Rachel joined the group and place the hot pot of coffee in the center of the table after pouring each of them a cup."I'll just get out of your way." she said.

Joey spoke. "No Rachel, I know I don't know ya real well, but I could really use your support if you don't mind."

Rachel glanced quickly at Kid and Lou and sat down next to Joey. "Sure Joey, honey. I'll stay if you would like."

Kid was the next one to speak. "Joey, as excited as I am to see ya here, I just don't understand what's going on, or why you need me to sign the deed to the ranch."

Joey glared up at him, deep into his eyes. "Kid, don't lie to me. You are not excited to see me. If you missed me or loved me, you would have wrote more then once." The tears wanted to come, but her anger towards him kept them away. As she spoke with such anger towards him, his heart broke into a million pieces.

"I need you to sign the deed to the ranch so as I can sell it to cover expenses. The bank won't let me sell without it." She stated.

Kid rose to his feet, raising his voice from the tone he used before. "Sell the ranch to cover expenses. What expenses? That ranch is the only thing Papa left us when he died. How can you sell it? How can momma let you do this?"

Joey rose to her feet to be more at eye level with Kid. "Momma doesn't have a say anymore Kid." The look on Kid's face let Joey know that he already knew what she was going to say. "I buried her three months ago Kid."

With that Kid sank back down onto the bench. He turned white and tears welled up in his eyes. He turned to Lou who quickly threw her arms around her husband and brought him into her. Joey just stood there watching. The tears in her own eyes began running down her face. Had she actually just yelled it out like that? That their momma was dead and she just yelled it out to her brother like that. Never taking into consideration how hard it would be for Kid to hear.

"Oh God Kid, I am so sorry." She whispered, "I never should have told you like that. I just, I just am so hurt you left and never came back for me like you promised. She was so sick and you and Jed just left. You promised you would keep in contact and you didn't, you lied to me, you broke my heart." She was crying out loud now, and shaking.

Rachel stood up and placed her arms around the young girl. "It's ok sweetie. Let it out."

Kid stood, walked around the table and took Joey from Rachel's arms. Her wrapped her up in his arms. This time she didn't fight his touch and let him take her up in his arms. They cried together for the death of their mother. Rachel and Lou watched, their own hearts breaking for their Kid and his sister. After awhile, they pulled apart and looked at each other.

Kid spoke, "Joey, I need to ask ya something. Why did you say I only wrote to ya once? I wrote to you all the time but you never wrote back. Then one day I got a letter from momma and she said I wasn't to write you anymore. That you never wanted to see me again or hear from me again."

"What are you talking about Kid? I only ever got that first letter. I wrote back to you that very day I got the letter. But I never heard back from ya again. I wrote for months and months, every week posting a letter but you never responded. It was so hard to go to the postmaster every week to see if you had written only to hear you never did." Suddenly she stopped in shock.

"Did you say you heard from momma? That she wrote to you saying I didn't want to see you?" Kid only nodded and let her continue. She looked up at him. "It all makes sense now Kid. She was so afraid I would leave her after you and Jed. She knew I didn't want to be at the ranch and that I resented you and Jed for leaving me. No matter how many times I told her I wouldn't leave her, I always felt as though she never believed me. She was trying to keep us apart by taking your letters before I could. She must have had the postmaster involved, cause even after she couldn't get outta bed, he still visited bout once a month or so. Then about a year after you left, he stopped coming. I mentioned it to momma and she just said they had a falling out or something and I was never to mention it to him if I saw him. That must have been when she sent you the letter to stop writing. God Kid, all this time I have been so mad, and felt so lost."

Kid grabbed his sister and hugged her again. "I'm so sorry Joey. I believed her when she wrote. I should have known it wasn't true. It was so hard not to write, but I believed her that it was what you wanted. I'm so sorry you have felt all this pain for so long."

After they both calmed their emotions, the four sat back at the table. This time Kid sat next to his sister and held her hand while Lou and Rachel sat on the other side of the table. Joey explained everything that had happened since Kid left Virginia. All the details of their momma illness, the night that Jed showed up at the ranch and stole from her, and how she had to borrow money from the bank to cover expenses of the ranch and their momma's funeral.

"Kid, I know it's gonna be tough for you, but the only way I can get out of debt is to sell the ranch. I have go over the details a million times. Please stand by my decision and know it's the right one. I have already promised the bank the sale. They found a man willing to buy the ranch for enough to cover all my expenses and a little bit more. I told the banker that it would not be a problem to get you and Jed to agree. Please don't make my word mean nothing." She sat looking at her brother for his decision.

"Joey, if you think this is the only way, then I will stand by your decision. You were the one left there to care for things and you should be the one to make the decision. I will sign." He squeezed Joey's hand a little tighter for her to know he did trust her.

"Thanks Kid. I promise I will come back to visit after I find Jed."

Kid replied, "There won't be no need for that. My signature is all you need."

"No Kid, I checked with the bank and you and Jed's name are on the papers."

"Joey baby." Kid said quietly, almost in a whisper. "Jed's not with us anymore."

Joey just looked at her older brother. She studied his face. There were age lines on this face that weren't there before. Had he really aged that much in the two years they had been apart. She followed his face from his strong chin up to his beautiful eyes, searching for something to say. "He was in something real bad, huh Kid."

"Yeah baby, real bad. He came to Sweetwater and was involved with the cause real deep. I think that's why he stole from you." Kid lowered his head as he continued. Not really wanting to tell the next details. "He tried to kill me Joey. I don't think he even knew what he was doing. He was just so involved. My friend Jimmy saved my life, but Jed died because I didn't."

Joey just sat there, looking in her brother's eyes. The tears started to overflow her eyes again, but she never made a sound. She just sat there. Finally Joey spoke. "And you have forgiven this Jimmy that killed our brother?"

"There was nothing to forgive Joey. He did what he had to do to save my life and for that I thank him."

Joey slowly rose from the bench. "Rachel is there some place I can lie down? I have had a very rough trip, and a very emotional day. I need to be by myself for awhile."

"Sure honey. Just follow me."

Joey turned to Kid who had also stood up. "I love you Kid."

"Me too baby. Me too."

"Lou" Joey said

"Yes Joey."

"I apologize we had to meet under such a circumstance, but all the same, welcome to our family. We will sit and talk later and get to know one another. Any one who could love the Kid must be a wonderful woman and I am sure we will soon love each other as well."

"Of course we will." Lou answered.

With that Joey followed Rachel up the stairs to the guest bedroom to rest. She thanked Rachel over and over for her kindness and all Rachel responded with was,

"If you're Kid's family, you're our family." With that she left Joey to freshen up and rest.

While Joey rested upstairs, the rest of the boys and Teaspoon came in for lunch. They all stayed away through breakfast and were all eager to eat and find out who this stranger was. Kid and Lou explained that the young woman was Kid's sister Josephine. They explained to their "family" everything that happened to Joey and why she had come to find Kid. They all extended their condolences about Kid's mother. After everyone ate, Jimmy pulled Kid to the corner by the window.

"What's up Jimmy?"

"Kid, I just wanted to say I am sorry for the whole situation with Jed."

"Jimmy, there is no need. It's over and done with. I never blamed you or felt ill towards you after what happened. Like I explained to Joey, I am alive because Jed left you no other choice. I am alive because he died. Please don't feel sorry. You did what you had to do. I am happy I am alive. Without you, I wouldn't have this life with Louise. I wouldn't have this life with any of you. For that I am thankful." Jimmy extended his hand towards Kid. Rather then accepting Jimmy's hand for a shake, Kid grabbed him into a hug.

"Thank you my friend, my brother, for every time you have covered me, and saved my life." With that Jimmy excused himself out the front door and onto the porch to hide the emotion Kid had brought to him by his words.

Over the next little while all the boys left the kitchen to finish their chores. Kid and Lou had gone into town to pick up the supplies that Rachel needed. Kid had checked with Joey before they left, and she said she would be fine while they were gone.

A while latter, feeling restless, Joey got up, freshened up and headed downstairs. Noticing the house was empty she walked out onto the porch. It seemed as though the place was deserted. She just figured that everyone was off doing his or her chores like Kid had said. She figured she better go to the barn and check on Gracie. As she walked into the large barn, she saw a man shoeing a horse. The man looked over as she entered.

"Howdy, you must be Miss. Joey."

"Yes, that's me. I guess everyone heard me and Kid yelling earlier."

"Oh, don't pay that any mind. None of us did. Were just glad you'll worked everything out. The name's Jimmy Hickok Miss."

"So you're the famous Mr. Hickok huh. I wanted to meet you."

With that Jimmy was a bit thrown. He wasn't sure how she felt about the fact that he had killed Jed defending the Kid.

"Don't look so scared Mr. Hickok. I wanted to thank you for saving my brothers life."

"Please call me Jimmy, Miss, and your welcome. I'm kind of surprised you wanted thank me since I was the one to shoot Jed."

"Yes, that's true, however from what Kid says, Jed gave you no other choice. I choose to listen to my brother, and if he believes you're a good man, then who am I to have ill feelings towards you."

"Well, thank you then Miss Josephine"

"Oh come on Jimmy, if I am to call you by your first name, then lease call me Joey."

"Ok then, Joey. Would you mind helping me hold this horse while I try to fix his shoe?"

"Sure Jimmy." She said with a smile and walked over to where Jimmy had the horse tied.

Over the next while Jimmy filled Joey in on different stories from all their lives working for The Pony Express. He explained that they were much more then co-workers. They were a family. The first real family that many of them had ever had. He told her about Ike and Noah that she would never be able to meet. About Emma and Sam from their Sweetwater days. He told her about how Kid and Lou had tip toed around each other for so long until they finally decided they couldn't live with out each other. He told her how he had almost missed their wedding because of a woman.

"Kid has forgiven me now, but I was afraid he wouldn't. I look back now and don't understand how I could have let a woman come between us. Make me doubt Kid. Lou would have never done that."

"She seems like a wonderful woman."

"She is the best. A perfect match for the Kid."

Joey listened to all the stories he told her that day. Wanting to know what Kid's life had been like since he left Virginia. Leaving her loneliness behind, and wanting to know how great Kid's life had been since he was here. If Kid had stayed in Virginia, he would have resented the world being stuck on the ranch only to then join the army. Instead he was able to work and live side by side with people from different sides of the war. Becoming a family with them. She was grateful that Kid had found these people. She was also glad she had now come to them.

After awhile, Rachel had rung the dinner bell. Joey hadn't realized that they had been in the barn for so many hours.

"We better get inside." Jimmy said standing up from the bale of hay he had been sitting on. "They'll be wondering where we have been." He reached his hand out to help her up. She took his hand and stood up. She swatted the hay off her pants and followed him out of the barn. As they approached the house, Joey saw Kid standing on the porch next to Rachel.

"Where have ya been baby?" He asked once she was in hearing range.

"Just in the barn with your friend Jimmy here. Listening to stories bout you guys and all your adventures. Sounds like you have had and interesting life here Kid."

"Well it definately hasn't been boring." He said with a smile as he pulled her into a hug. "I'm so glad you're here. I am never gonna let you go again Joey."

"Kid, I got no problem with that, but I do got to go back to Virginia to drop off those papers with the bank and pick up the few things I left there. Then I'll be back and you won't ever be able to get rid of me again."

"Well, you're not gonna go by yourself. I'm gonna go back with ya."

"Oh Kid, you can't. They'll rope ya into the army. You can't come home. I should go home by myself. I'll come back. I promise."

"You're probably right about me not going back but you're not going back by yourself. Maybe we can convince good 'ol Jimmy here to accompany you there and back." He said smiling at Jimmy.

"I'm sure we can convince Teaspoon to let me have some time off to go with you, Joey."

"I couldn't ask you to do that Jimmy. To leave work just to accompany me there."

"You don't have to ask. You're Kid's family, which makes you our family."

Kid spoke again, "No reason to even try to get out of it Joey. It's all settled. Jimmy will go with you and bring you back to Rock Creek."

Over the next few days, Joey got to know everybody. Each with their own stories about the past couple of years. Soon it was time for Jimmy and Joey to head off to Virginia. Jimmy tried to convince Joey to take the wagon, but she would have no part in it. She said, "I rode Gracie all the way here, I can ride her back." So it seemed that she had made her decision and they headed out on horse back promising Kid and everyone that they would be back as soon as possible.

They tried to make the trip as quick as possible, but at different points in the day, they stopped to rest the horses or sometimes get so caught up in conversation, they would spend hours riding at a slow pace so as not interrupt their talks. Joey was beginning to really like Jimmy, but wasn't sure how he felt. If he saw her as a woman or just Kid's little sister.

One night while sleeping under the stars Jimmy was awakened by sounds coming from Joey's direction. As he came out of his grogginess, he realized she was dreaming. She kept moaning Jed's name over and over. Jimmy got out of his bedroll and crawled to where she was laying near by.

"Joey, Joey. Wake up honey." He whispered.

She finally woke from her bad dream with tears running down her face. Without saying a word Jimmy laid down next to her and wrapped her in his strong arms. Not knowing what she would do, he was surprised when she snuggled close to him, wrapping her arms around him, holding on what seemed like for dear life. He held her like this for hours while she cried into his chest. He held her until the sun came up in a beautiful sunrise that he was happy he didn't miss. Joey finally spoke

"I'm sorry Jimmy."

"Sorry for what?"

"For waking you, for crying all night and keeping you awake."

"Listen Joey. There was no other place I would have rather been then here with you, holding you all night." With that, he lifted he chin up so he could see her eyes. Hoping she would know what he said was true. "Miss Josephine, I am falling in love with you." He almost couldn't believe how easy those words came from his lips.

He leaned his head in and gave her the sweetest, most gentle kiss he had ever given anyone before. Joey couldn't believe this was happening. This was the first adult kiss she had ever received before and she was so glad it had come from Jimmy. As she kissed him back, she replayed his words of love to her.

After the kiss was broken, she responded, "You don't know how happy I am that you said that Jimmy. I am falling in love with you too."

He kissed her again. Once they released their hold on each other, they packed up camp and headed out. They should be arriving in Joey's town that day. They rode in silence for a while. Jimmy thought about how much alike Kid and Joey were. How much alike Joey and Lou were. Then he thought back to that night when he had kissed Lou. He remembered how he thought Lou may have been the only woman strong enough to be his woman. He has since realized that the only man for Lou had been Kid and he had over stepped the boundries that night. Although he realized that his feelings for Lou had been misdirected he had come to terms with the thought that he would be alone in his life. Until now. Now he had met his match with Joey. With Josephine. She was the one to hold his heart for real and forever.

Joey broke the silence. "Penny for your thoughts."

He looked over at her "You hold my thoughts Joey. From this day and forever." He reached his hand out to her and grasped he small hand in his own. And they rode like that for a while. Side by side, no talking, just holding hands. They arrived in Joey's hometown that afternoon. They went straight to the bank so Joey could turn in the deed to the ranch that Kid had signed like he promised. The banker came out of his office.

"Hi there Miss Josephine. We were beginning to wonder if you would really come back."

"I promised I would, Sir. I don't go back on my word. You helped me out when I was in need and I thank you for that. Here are the papers."

He looked over them and saw that there was no signature next to Jed's name. "What about your other brother Miss Josephine?"

"Unfortunately, along my journey I found out that my brother Jed had died."

"Oh, I am sorry for your loss. What happened?" he asked

Joey looked over at Jimmy who was standing in the doorway waiting for her. "It was something that couldn't have been helped Sir. Now if everything is in order, I need to head out to the ranch and gather my things and head out."

"Miss Josephine, May I ask where you are going?"

"I'm going to my new life Sir." She said as she looked over at Jimmy again.

"Well, may I be the first to wish you good luck Miss."

"Thanks Sir, but luck has nothing to do with it." With that she nodded at the banker and walked out of his office, linking arms with Jimmy as she passed by him.

Joey and Jimmy headed out to the ranch. As they rode onto the property that was no longer her home Joey said, "I don't really have much left here. Just a few family pieces and a few picture's from when Kid, Jed and I were kids. Most everything else I sold to pay monthly expenses when I was trying to keep the ranch. It should only take a little bit for us to be back on the road."

They both dismounted and walked up the porch. Joey pointed to the porch swing, " When we were little Kid and I used to sit on that thing for hours at night waiting for Papa to come home from the saloon. He would tell me stories of far away places that he had heard about from his friend Dorthia. He always told me he would be there for me and protect me."

As she walked inside, Jimmy followed. Once inside everything that had happened over the past few years came flooding back to her and she realized that this was the last time she would ever call this place her home. Jimmy saw her unsteadiness and pulled her into him allowing his strength to help her. She pushed back the tears that wanted to come and kissed Jimmy quickly.

"I want to get on the road while we still have light. Let's get this going.

She walked into the kitchen and pulled a old jar from under the cabinet. She looked at Jimmy,

"This was my old money jar. Before I left to find the boys, I took the last of my money out and placed the jar where I always kept it, where Jed found it that night her came home and stole from me. For some reason I feel I need to take it with me."

"We all have different keepsakes for different reasons. Don't be ashamed to want to keep the last thing Jed touched in this house. Bring it with us."

Joey then ran upstairs and grabbed a few of her momma's items including her hand mirror and brush, a necklace her papa had bought her momma, and the last picture the family had taken all together. Jed was 11, Kid was 9, and Joey was 7. What a shame she thought. They were all so young in the picture that she has nothing more current of her brother Jed, mother or father. She would make sure that one of the first things she does with Kid is have their picture taken.

She spent a little more time in her momma's room while Jimmy waited patiently downstairs. Finally she emerged at the top of the stairs. Jimmy rose from where he was sitting to meet her at the bottom of the staircase. He wrapped her in her arms and kissed he forehead softly as a few whimpers escaped her body.

"It's ok baby. You have a new home now in Rock Creek with us."

They walked out the door together and closed the door behind them. Closed the door to all the sadness and pain that Joey had felt over the past few years. As she climbed up on Gracie's back she looked over at Jimmy as he was also mounting his horse.

"What do you think Kid will think about us?"

v"I'm not sure Joey. I hope he will be as happy about it as I am. I do love you Josephine." Jimmy stated.

"I love you too Jimmy. Let's go home!"

The End!


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