Original works and Crossover stories

Updated 12th June!!!

I suppose you are wondering what this particular page is all about. Well, basically it is a step beyond what the rest of this site is about.

The other pages on this site are dedicated to TV shows and movies, and contain fan fiction stories written about those shows. I think that is great. It's good to see that our imaginations are working, and fan fiction, is a great compliment to the show that it is based upon.

But here, is slightly different. This page will not contain conventional fan fiction. This page is for original works. That's right, folks. Stories that poeple have written that are not classified as fan fiction, that are completely the copyright of the author and therefore have no legal hassles will be posted here. Publishing stories in this fashion is a great way for an author to gain exposure and confidence in their writing skills. As Richard Hatch (Apollo in Battlestar Galactica) once said at a Best of Both Worlds convention, there are a lot of creative people in this world who don't have the courage to show the world the writings. This page is to give those people a "voice", so to speak.

Also any crossover stories (ie. fan fiction stories that contain characters and/or situations from two or more TV shows or movies) will be posted here as well. This is mainly because they definately are original, and it solves the problem of trying to determine which page it belongs to.

If you have any original stories or crossover fan fic stories that you wish to submit, then please e-mail me at hopalong_pxp@mailcity.com and I will post them here, hopefully within a few days. Please, don't be shy.
In the meantime, pull up a chair and enjoy these stories that Kevin Nauta and Stacie-Marie Covington DeShazer have written.


The Lincoln County Irregulars

by Kevin Nauta

Is prohibition worth fighting for?

Solution Seekers

by Stacie-Marie Covington

A play about the consequences of drug use in high school.

Written by a 16-year-old, this play is extremely good and well worth reading.


by Kevin Nauta

What happens when you ignore students around you?


by Kevin Nauta

A humourous take on Shakespeare's Hamlet

More Fan Fiction

The Young Riders

Press Gang
Babylon 5

Star Wars
Star Trek
seaquest DSV
Battlestar Galactica
Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Original/Crossover Works

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