The Season of Peace

by Allison K. East

Part Two

It was a cold clear night. The stars were shining, and there was a full moon out. The moonlight shone through the window, and down on the couple in the bed. Kid was sleeping soundly, but Lou was tossing and turning, in the throes of a nightmare.


It was a cold, sparkling Christmas morning. Lou was in the barn patting Lightning, and giving the horse a carrot as a Christmas treat. The sound of crunching snow made her start and whirl around. Muriella was standing in the doorway. Her china-doll cheeks were flushed red, and her clear blue eyes were sparkling with a brightness to rival the snow.

"Muriella, you startled me!" Lou exclaimed.

"Sorry," Muriella said, a trifle sarcastically. "But Kid and I have somethin' to tell you."

"You and Kid..." Lou frowned, thinking she hadn't heard right.

"Uh huh. You see, it's real important." Muriella refused to elaborate at that point. She just stood there, with a smug grin on her face, until Lou felt like throwing a bale of hay at her.

"Well, what is it?" Lou finally asked.

For a moment, it did not look like Muriella was going to answer. Then, she clapped her hands. "I suppose it can't hurt if I tell you now. Save Kid the trouble."

"What?" Lou asked again.

"You see, Kid's from the South, like me..."

"I know that," Lou cut in.

Muriella continued as if she hadn't heard. "And he was raised to appreciate a certain type of woman. A real Southern lady is what he deserves. Not some whore of a saddle tramp, who wouldn't know how to behave like a lady if she fell over one."

"What are you tryin' to say?"

"Kid's leavin' you," Muriella finally said succinctly.

"What?!" Lou practically yelled. "I don't believe you!"

"It's true," Kid appeared next to Muriella. "Muriella here finally convinced me that she was the type I deserved." Without saying anything further, Kid leaned down to give Muriella a passionate kiss.



Kid woke with a start as Lou's hand whacked him across the face. "What the..."

"No, don't leave me Kid," he heard Lou sob. He turned to ask her what she was talking about when he noticed that she was dreaming.

"Hey, Lou, wake up, honey. It's only a dream." Kid gently shook her shoulder with one hand and brushed hair from her sweaty forehead with the other, while dodging her flailing fists.

Lou finally responded, by sitting bolt upright, and calling out: "Kid!"

"Shhh, it's okay, Lou. I'm here."

Lou turned to look at him, and in the moonlight he could see traces of tears on her cheeks. "You were gonna leave me," she sobbed. "You were gonna leave me for Muriella because I wasn't lady enough for you."

"Shhh," Kid repeated. "I'm not gonna leave you, Lou. I'm not goin' anywhere. Come on, it was just a dream, just a dream." Kid thought that it was a bit silly to think that he might even contemplate leaving Lou for Muriella, but he could see that it was not the time to say so to Lou. She was obviously very frightened.

"You're not leavin'?" Lou asked in a small voice.

Kid drew her into his arms and kissed her lightly on the forehead. "No, I'm not leavin'."

Lou broke down and sobbed on Kid's shoulder. Kid couldn't tell if they were tears of relief, but that did not matter. He just gently rocked her back and forth, murmuring, "It's okay, Louise, it was just a dream," over and over again.

Finally, Lou drew back and looked at her husband. Wordlessly, she leaned forward again and touched his lips with a kiss that was both tentative and passionate. Although startled, Kid responded with a passion that equalled her own. Her hesitance was soon forgotten as Kid gently lay her back on the bed.

Muriella woke to the sounds of activity. She had no idea what time it was, and glancing out the window was no help -- it was winter, and everything seemed grey no matter the time. She contemplated staying in the nice, warm bed a while longer -- she did not relish the thought of getting up in the cold -- but realised that her best chance would be to get up with the rest of them.

Understandably, when she went downstairs, she found the women and children in the kitchen, where it was warmer. The was no sign of Kid or Buck. Disappointment rode clearly on Muriella's features, she was afraid that everyone could see, and quickly masked it, praying that no one noticed. But it was noticed: by Lou, who thought it was her imagination; and by Jeremiah, who was becoming more and more suspicious.

To hide any unusual actions on her part, Muriella turned her attention to the tiny baby in Teresa's arms. The child was unmistakably Lou's. Dark hair, dark eyes, tiny replica of Lou's features.

Lou caught Muriella staring at the baby. A hot retort sprung to her lips, but it died there as she remembered her resolve. She also remembered how good Kid made her feel after her nightmare, and she felt guilty now for not trusting his loyalty.

"I hope you don't mind that he's down here," she said instead. "He may be comin' down with croup and it's warmer down here."

"That's okay," Muriella assured her. "What's his name?"


Muriella didn't have to ask whom he was named for. She remembered Jed Andrews, however vaguely. She also remembered how Kid had idolised his brother. This was not going to her easy.

"Would you like to hold him?" Lou asked, seeing a strange look cross Muriella's face.

Muriella glanced at Lou, startled. "You sure?"

"Why not. He's havin' trouble settlin' down, and Teresa has to get ready for school. Right now," Lou added as Teresa shook her head, dark blond braids flying.

"But it's too cold!" The twelve-year-old protested. Her protest was unheeded, and Teresa handed Jed to Muriella and left the kitchen.

Lou turned her attention to her brother, who had bent his gingery head, trying to look inconspicuous. "You too, Jeremiah."

Jeremiah sighed, and stood to leave when he heard his brother-in- law's voice, halting him.

"Afraid not, Jeremiah," Kid said, walking in. "The snow fall last night caused some problems and we need all the help we can get."

Jeremiah smiled. Anything to get out of school. His smile faded as Lydia spoke.

"Don't worry about your school work, Jeremiah. You can do it tonight." Jeremiah scowled and everyone laughed -- including Muriella.

Kid turned to Muriella, hesitating. "Muriella, I hate to ask this, as you're a guest and all, but would you mind watchin' the children? They're just babies, they won't be any trouble, but we really need Lou and Em's help."

Muriella nodded, eager to please the Kid. Lou gave her husband a strange look. Things must be serious if he wanted her to work. Usually he tried to get her to slow down -- especially since Jed was born. Lou was so confused by this that she did not notice the glint in Muriella's eye.

Muriella spent most of the morning in the kitchen, keeping an eye on Ike and Jed, who were sleeping there because of the cold. Meanwhile, Kid, Buck, Jeremiah, Lou, Emily were out in the cold, working. Emily was helping three of the men fix the barn where Diablo, a spirited colt had broken through. Kid and everybody else were out riding in the snow, looking for some runaway horses. As Lou and Kid were hoping to turn the pXp into a horse ranch, finding the horses was important.

By mid-morning, Lou was tired. She did not have much sleep the night before (due to the dream) and although she wouldn't admit it, she had not quite gotten her full strength back after giving birth to Jed. Kid noticed her drooping eyelids and promptly sent her back to the house to rest. He was surprised when she did not protest.

Muriella looked up as Lou walked into the kitchen. She eyed her as Lou took off her coat and shook snow from her hair. Privately, she couldn't see what a fine Southern boy like Kid could see in her.

"Were the children alright?" Lou asked as she dropped tiredly onto the bench beside the table.

"They're fine. They slept most of the mornin'. You might want to keep an eye on Jed, though, he sounds a little croupy. Would you like some coffee?"

"Thanks." Lou stood up and stretched. Muriella eyed her breeched with disgust.

"You know, a real lady wouldn't be caught dead in clothes like that," Muriella commented idly.

Lou was so tired that she almost let the comment slip by her. Almost.

"What was that?" she asked sharply, bringing her head up.

"I said..."

"I heard what you said. Where did that come from?"

Muriella ignored the question. "You know, I wondered why Buck and Kid call you 'Lou' instead of 'Louise'. Then I overheard your brother talkin' last night, and it became obvious. You rode with the Pony Express. Don't try to deny it," she added when Lou opened her mouth to speak. "I saw the picture you have in there, the one with you, Kid, Buck and three other riders. I almost didn't recognise you."

"I wasn't gonna deny it," Lou said.

"That's good. I hate liars. Mind you, I suspect you lied to get the job. I don't imagine Russel, Majors and Waddell would've hired a woman."

"You're right."

"I can't imagine how any self-respectin' woman would let herself do somethin' like that. Sleepin' in a bunkhouse with all the other men, ridin' day after day."

"You get used to it."

Muriella shook her head. "I couldn't I don't see how any woman could. It's so demeaning. I would never have stooped so low."

"Do you have any idea what I've been through, just to survive? I did what I had to do."

"I don't believe that. There had to be another option. You just didn't want to find it."

"Muriella, what would you know about it? Did you every have to look for work, here out west, to support you and a family. Jeremiah and Teresa were dependin' on me."

"I haven't had an easy life, either. After my sister gave some money to Kid so he could leave Virginia, we lost everything and I mean everything. Papa died, and Mama was forced to work as a servant at a nearby plantation, just to put food on the table. Yet neither of us stooped so low as to pretend to be a boy just to get a job."

"Muriella, I know things have been tough for you, I'm not sayin' they haven't. But after I left the orphanage, I didn't even have the option of workin' as a servant. Not in Missouri. The only job I could find was in a brothel. I wasn't about to do that. I had no choice but to do what I did. It was the only way I could work without bein' used."

"You may not have wanted to become a prostitute and work in a brothel, but if you ask me, you're no better than one. I can't believe a man brought up the way Kid was, would want to marry a woman like you."

Tears of pain and anger filled Lou's eyes. She bent over Jed's basket to hide them, and picked her son up. She managed to compose herself slightly before turning back around to face Muriella. "I know Kid's views on right and wrong; we've butted heads a few times over them. But you're wrong about Kid."

"What do you mean?"

"He married me, didn't he?"

"Maybe, he couldn't find any real ladies to marry," Muriella said cruelly.

Lou didn't bother to respond. She just hurried out of the kitchen.

"Oh Louise," Muriella singsonged as Lou got to the door."

"What?" Lou snapped as she turned.

"I wouldn't count on holdin' on to Kid for too long. He may decide that he wants a real lady. And when he does, I'll be here waitin' for him."

Lou shook her head. "You're just a child to him," she said, shakily, before rushing upstairs.

Muriella smiled. Glad that she'd gotten to Lou. Her smile faded, when she found a very angry Jeremiah McCloud glaring at her. He had heard every word spoken between his sister and their guest.

I'm not gonna let you do it," he said succinctly.

"Do what?" Muriella feigned innocence.

"I'm not gonna let you hurt my sister. If you try anything, I'll tell Kid what you're up to, and he'll send you packin'."

Muriella smiled. "I don't think so. He won't believe you. Your sister won't say anything, so it'll be your word against mine. Who do you think he'll believe? He's known me a lot longer than he's known you."

"You're not gonna get away with it," With that, Jeremiah left Muriella alone in the kitchen.

It was not long before everyone began to turn up -- even Lydia and Teresa, who had to leave school because of a major snowstorm that was coming. As it was nearly dinner time, Emily shooed everyone out of the kitchen to prepare something to eat. Muriella saw Kid slip into the study to go over pXp's books, She took this opportunity to make her move, while Lou was upstairs and Kid was alone.

She demurely knocked on the door. "Come in," Kid called.

She closed the door behind her. "Why didn't you tell me that Louise rode with the Express?" Muriella asked straight out.

Kid frowned. "How did you find that out?"

"I heard you and Jeremiah, last night."

"Oh, well, we didn't mean to keep secrets from you. But, that's Lou's business, and we figured if she wanted to tell you, she would."

"Is that all?"

"What do you mean?"

"Well, I though maybe you wanted to hide it or somethin'. I mean, most men wouldn't admit that their wives did somethin' like that."

"Why would I hide it? I'm proud of her. I can't change the fact that she did ride with us; but if she hadn't, I never would've met her. I know she can take care of herself. And ridin' for the Express did not make her any less of a lady."

"Most folks wouldn't agree with you there."

"Most folks are too narrow-minded."

Muriella bristled at this insult, but she refused to show it. Instead, she changed tactics.

"Do you see yourself livin' forever with Louise?"

"Of course. Why do you ask?"

"Well, she's not the type I would've pictured you with, is all."

Kid, smiled. "I imagine, a lot of folks from back home would say that, but I love her."

"You loved Doritha, too."

Ah ha! Kid thought. So THAT'S what this's about. "Maybe I did, a long time ago. But times change, and people grow up. I left Virginia, and she became part of my past. I met Lou, and now she's my future. I can't imagine livin' without her."

"Can't you?" Muriella asked as she sauntered toward the desk Kid was seated behind. She sat on the desk, and leaned down toward him, smiling seductively. "You want to know what a real lady is like?" Muriella touched his lips with a kiss.

It was about this time that Lou decided to talk to Kid. She had just finished feeding and changing Jed, and she wanted to tell Kid about what Muriella said. She knew that she was taking a chance that Kid would think that it was her imagination, but she needed to be reassured that he wouldn't leave her.

Instead of going downstairs the usual way, Lou decided to use the 'secret' passage that went from the attic to the basement level underground. It was a spiral staircase, and it came out on the ground floor in the study.

Opening the door a crack, she got the rudest awakening of her life. Through that crack, she could see Muriella kissing the Kid. From her vantage point, Lou could not tell whether Kid was reciprocating that kiss, but she supposed he was. Muriella had made good on her threat. Fighting tears. Lou turned and went back up to her room as fast as she could.

Not thinking straight, she packed some things in a saddle bag. Lou knew she had to get out of there. She needed to give Kid space to make his decision. Writing a quick not explaining what she was doing, she left without saying a word to anybody; going back down the passage to the tunnel that connected the cellar to the barn.

On to Part 3

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