The Season of Peace

by Allison K. East


Christmas that year was especially merry. When it finally stopped snowing, Dr. Seyton came and looked Jed over. He pronounced that he was fine, thanks to Muriella's quick thinking.

Kid and Buck went out and chopped down an evergreen tree, which was near enough to a pine tree, they said, to use as a Christmas tree. Lydia and the children had fun decorating it.

By mutual agreement, it was decided that Muriella should stay on, at least until the spring. When she saved Jed's life, all the awkwardness and animosity was buried. What had happened was never spoken of again.

The best thing to happen that Christmas was the surprise Buck had for Lydia. He produced a little jewellery pouch which had a ring inside. A beautiful ring with a blue-green stone in it -- the exact shade of Lydia's eyes. Holding the ring out, he asked Lydia to marry him. After a moment of stunned silence, Lydia threw her arms around Buck, shouting "Yes!!!"

Lou watched, smiling as Buck picked Lydia up and swung her around in a circle. Life was good, she mused. She had her friends and family here, and for the moment, all was right with the world.

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