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Dharma and Disciples

Sayings of the Buddha

Loving Kindness
Radiate your loving kindness to every living being without discrimination.

The Innocent
He who harms the innocent must bear the fruit of his act, like dust flung against the wind.

Be on Guard
Be on guard against agitation; be controlled in body. Forsaking bodily misconduct, follow right conduct in body.
Be on guard against verbal agitation; be controlled in words. Forsaking wrong speech, follow right ways in words.
Be on guard against mental agitation; be controlled in thoughts. Forsaking evil thoughts, follow right ways in thoughts.

Transgressor Ruins Himself
As rust, arisen out of iron, eats away even so his own deeds lead the transgressor to the states of woe.

Harm no Creatures
Do not harm others. Just as you feel affection on seeing a dearly beloved person, so should you extend loving-kindness to all creatures.

Work for Your Own Salvation
You yourself should make the effort; the awakened ones are only teachers. Those who enter this path and who are meditative, are delivered from the bonds of evil.

Fortunate People
Blessed are they who earn their living without hurting others.

Equip Yourself
Vast learning, perfect handicraft, a highly trained discipline, and pleasant speech - this is a blessing.

Mind is the Forerunner
By the mind the world is led, by mind the world is drawn. And all men own the sovereignty of mind.

Accept Truth
If you find truth in any religion, accept the truth!

See the Buddha
One who sees my teachings sees me.

Serve the Buddha
One who serves the sick serves the Buddha.

Insufficient Knowledge
The man of little learning grows old like an ox. His body grows but wisdom grows not.

A Religion to Practice
This is a religion for one to come and practice but not just to come and believe.

Strengthen Your Mind
Even as a solid rock is unshaken by the wind, so are the wise unshaken by praise or blame.

Think Before You Act
Whatever action you intend to perform by body, speech or mind, first think: "Will this action be harmful to myself or to others or to both? Will this action produce suffering?" If it is harmful, avoid doing it.

Act Wisely
Do not assocaite with fools,
Associate with the wise,
Honor those who are worthy of honor -
This is a blessing.

Behave Gently
Let not one deceive another, nor despise any person whatsoever in any place. In anger or ill will, let him not wish any harm to another.

Live Happily
Happy indeed we live without hate among the hateful. We live free from hatred amidst hateful men.

Fully Controlled
The wise are controlled in deed, controlled in words, controlled in thoughts, verily, they are fully controlled.

Lucky Day
Fools wait for a lucky day, but everyday is a lucky day for an industrious man.

Real Peace
Real peace comes from within. Seek not from the outside.

Life is Dear to All
All tremble at the rod. All fear death. Feeling for others as for oneself, one should neither strike nor cause to strike.

Highest Virtues
Tolerance, patience and understanding are the highest virtues every man should develop.

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