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Gifts N Things Page 2

Ran out of room again!!! hehe, THANKS FOR ALL THE WONDERFUL GIFTS!!! ALSO.. VERY important!! I have ran COMPLETELY out of Angelfire SPACE!! If you do NOT see your gift, i am TERRIBLY sorry! but i have no room, or time to get another account :(

The Site Fights Spirit Flowers
Send a Spirit Flower!

Thankyou D'Captain!

The Site Fights Spirit Flowers
Send a Spirit Flower!

Thankyou Stacey!

The Site Fights Spirit Flowers
Send a Spirit Flower!

Thankyou MaidenFair!


Send an Easter Egg!!!

Thanks Tess!

Your Welcome ;)

Send an Easter Egg!!!

Thankyou D'Captain And D'Northern Star!


Your Welcome!

Happy Easter
Send an Easter Egg!!!

Thankyou Kornbred!

The Site Fights Spirit Flowers
Send a Spirit Flower!

Thankyou Wee One Emerald!

The Site Fights Spirit Flowers
Send a Spirit Flower!

Thankyou Lady Amy!

The Site Fights Spirit Flowers
Send a Spirit Flower!

Happy Easter
Send an Easter Egg!!!

Thankyou Annie!

The Site Fights Spirit Flowers
Send a Spirit Flower!

Thankyou Heather!

The Site Fights Spirit Flowers
Send a Spirit Flower!

Thankyou Cobra!

The Site Fights Spirit Flowers
Send a Spirit Flower!

Thankyou D'Morning Dew!

Click to get yours!

Thankyou Tess!!!!

Happy Easter
Send an Easter Egg!!!

Thankyou D'Morning Dew!

Thankyou D'Captain and D'Northern Star!

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