The MANGO TREE - Photos from our visit to the Philippines
Corazon told me that under the MANGO TREE is where the ladies idle away the hours in gossip! Abigail reminded me that every family has their mango tree, and it is pretty much the center of home life, providing both food and shade
This page is dedicated to the hospitality of Dr. Innocencio and Mrs. Alexandra Agpaoa, who welcomed us into their home for several days in 1993. I had met Dr. Agpaoa once in West Virginia, when I visited his son, Ulysses and his wife, Karen, my former co-worker. A few years later, Karen invited Monica and me to be travel companions for Uly, as he went to his homeland, the Philippine Islands, for a visit.
May Uly's parents rest in the peace of the eternal light of God's presence.
16 April 1993
We arrived in Seoul Korea for a layover before flying into Manila. From an upper floor window we had views of gardens and traffic below.

17 April
In Manila, we had some time to sight-see, since we did not leave for the northerly island of Luzon for a couple of days.
The Quiapo (Roman Catholic) Church, where we saw the life-sized "Black Nazarene." Plaza Miranda, near the Quiapo Church.
The Malacanang Palace was the seat of Government (under Spanish rule 1521 - 1898), and into the Colonial American period (1898 - 1946). In more recent times (latter 20th century) it was the former residence of President Marcos, until his government was overturned. Ferdinand and his wife Imelda fled to the US, where they were indicted for racketeering. Imelda was later acquitted and allowed to return the Philippine Islands. She was subsequently found guilty of corruption. Ferdinand died in 1989.

Inside the Intromuros Walls, is the ancient 16th century Spanish city.

We had lunch at the Manila Hard Rock Café.
After a daylong bus ride, we arrived in the town on Agadanan, province of Isabela on the evening of 19 April. It was pouring rain as we arrived, and Dr. Agpaoa thanked us for bringing the needed precipitation! Like his father, Uly had become a doctor.
21 April
Here is Uly video-taping his father washing the Dept. of Health truck for National Immunization Day. We were privileged to ride along with the Doctor on his rounds to the surrounding barrios to immunize the infants and children.
Here is Uly recording for posterity, our arrival and the waiting children at the first barrio, La Suerta, Isabela.

Monica and I posing in La Suerta. Immunization of an infant in Delanat.

After all the barrios had been visited, along with the Dept. of Health official, Dr. Agpaoa, we were invited to a lunch in the last barrio of Calakkab. Here we are in a photo with Rogelio Siquian, the Mayor of Angadanan.
23 April - Beautiful gardens and potted plants in front of Agpaoas home. Daisies at Aunt Charing's.

The Agpaoa's living room... the coolest place in the house! The comfy lounge chairs with the long arms - for resting one's legs! - was where we sat at siesta time. The girls would bring us tall glasses of refreshing coconut milk and mango slices.

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