garden row 8
A few sprouts for your reading pleasure!
From the My Tongue series
A garden in bloom
brings joy to my eyes
drawing life from sun
and rain of the skies.
Blooms of yellow
of red and of blue
dance in my garden
beckoning you.
I lie in their midst
and drink in their sweetness.
They lull me to sleep
and bring me good rest.
I bid you good morrow
from my garden each day
as you pass by my gate
and smile my way.
My garden is lovely
in your eyes, too
so wish me good growing
and God bless you!
There are seven flowers hidden within this poem. can you find them?
There must have been a prayer meeting
in my garden overnight,
or in the wee hours of the morning.
Here's what I found at daylight.
A Monk's hood--removed, I suppose
while praying the Office Divine.
A bishop must have been there-
he, too, left his cap behind.
An angel could have been there,
I found a trumpet 'neath a tree
A Lady too; I found her slipper
Though SHE was absentee.
A fox must have chased them all away;
I found her gloves this morning.
We'll come back tonight in our bluebonnets;
When we hear the bluebells ring.
6 June 1998