- Narrative of Wedding Preparations & Wedding of Yvette Maurey and Mark Higgins
- Photos
THE LILY FIELD - my main flowers were lilies

Our wedding, October 26th 2002 has come and gone. If I say so myself, it was beautiful! Here are a few selected photos with the narrative.

Everyone had so much fun at my bridal shower Sept. 27th! Each guest was asked to be prepared to tell of a special time with me, and if you know me, you know most were pretty funny! My friend, Diane told me the next day, that she had not laughed that hard in a very long time! I really have some wonderful friends & family!

The wedding plans did not even begin until late August, when the Columbus Diocesan Tribunal finalized Mark's two anulment processes! We went shopping Saturday September 14th and got Mark a black shirt, and a burgundy tie. We got him new shoes October 6th. We picked up our rings Oct. 14th. My friend and co-worker, Ed, gave Mark a three-piece suit, which is what I wanted him to wear. By the middle of October, we had the marriage license, and the invitations had been sent out.

We had asked my younger brother, Billy & nephew, Jake to usher. None of them own suits, and I could not bear to ask Mark or any of these guys to rent a tux; it's not what they "are!" ...or to "shell out" for a new suit. I told them to wear black jeans or dress pants, a black shirt, and a tie the color of an autumn leaf (gold, rust, maroon, etc.).

Mark had asked his son (Mark, Jr.) to be his best man, but at the last minute, he bowed out. Mark's 2nd choice for best man, was his good friend Ed, a.k.a. "Uncle Oogly." On his way in from a trucking run, the morning of the wedding, Uncle Oogly called for back up, in case he was late! As it turned out, Billy doubled as the best man, and Uncle Oogly arrived just minutes before the wedding started! (Thanks, Vick!)

I wanted a simple, white tea-length dress with a bit of cleavage showing! For some reason, I envisioned it with a "handkerchief" hem. Anita & I spent the better part of Saturday Sept. 21st looking, and had no luck finding one! Funny thing, though, we did find a picture of my "vision" in a pattern book! Alas! there was no time to make it! I HATE TO SHOP! I was really getting crazy over this! I got my shoes when we went shopping for Mark's shirt & tie. I got my dress at a bargain price, though it was not what I had in mind. I asked Mama to go with me September 27th, to a big sale. The advert had said they had dresses, simple and ornate... what the heck do they call simple? Everything was formal-length, big & beautiful! Mama had picked two, I picked one, and I tried on all three. I chose the one I picked off the rack! It was one of the big ones with a small train! I took it to the seamstress September 28th to be shortened to tea-length! The color of the satin matches my shoes perfectly! The bodice is loaded with seed pearls and sequins. It has short sleeves and a square-ish neckline.
I made my "veil" Sunday October 20th. I call it a headpiece. I bought a round headband base for $2 and I used material that was cut off the dress. The lace from around the hem, I cut and sewed to the headband, to cover it. The lace is covered with seed pearls and sequins. Then I took some of the underskirt netting and made a small veil on the back of the headband. Some of the netting was puffed up above the headband, and I pulled it into a fan shape (at the crown of my head) and tacked it down. I sewed on two more lengths of the lace as streamers, over the veil. It's simple and elegant!
Count on me to deviate from the traditional! I had TWO matrons of honor, my dear frinds, Anita & Beth, who walked down the aisle together. I thought that not requiring my attendants to dress alike, would make things easier for them. I went shopping with Beth & Anita Saturday, Oct. 19th, and they got matching dresses in black & white! You can take the girls out of the old school, but ya can't take the "old school" outta the girls! Anyway, I'm glad for them they found these dresses; they were $12 apiece!
My daughter, Monica and Mark's daughter, Angela, were junior bridesmaids, and they also walked together. Even though the daughters did not shop together, I was amazed at how similar their dresses were!
My dad's cousin, June, made silk bouquets for the bridesmaids. I picked up the bouquets October 9th, and they are gorgeous! I have seen June's work before, but mostly in pastels. My colors were the bright colors of autumn leaves; the bouquets contain burgundy, orange & yellow lilies, with some yellow-orange mums, dark red rose-buds, purple statice with a bit of baby's breath & green foliage! They looked fabulous against Monica & Angela's orange & brown dresses.
Julie and I went to my choice of flower-source for lilies (the former Beck's Lilies in Commercial Point - now Scioto Blooms greenhouse & plant nursery) on Saturday October 6th. I carried long-stemmed lilies. The big burgundy ones that I wanted as my bouquet focal point, were not available, so we made do with some smaller, lighter-colored "red" lilies. Beth and Anita carried long-stemmed yellow, orange and burgundy colored lilies.
We used some small burgundy lilies on the cake, which along with the silk autumn leaves were beautiful with a touch of baby's breath.
Our wedding was held at my parish, St. Aloysius Roman Catholic Church on The Hilltop on the west side of Columbus, Ohio. I kept forgetting to ask my dad to walk me down the aisle! He was not very well, and in fact came out of hospital to be at the wedding and had to go back afterward for surgery! I had joked that if he had to be in a wheelchair, I'd ride down the aisle with him! He actually met me halfway, from out of the congregation!
The five Maurey girls: Annette, Jenny, Me, Julie and Mary
My four sisters all had something special to do: Annie attended to the guestbook, Mary did the Mass readings, Jenny made the cake, and Julie (my beloved godchild) 17 years my junior, designed & printed the invitations, did the flowers and catering! My cousin, Lu, who lived with me in the late '80s was my reception "D.J." I know she played DC5 & Beatles, and whatever else I asked her to, but we forgot the AC/DC CDs!
love, peace & carrots,
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