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Row 2 The Pumpkin Patch
This is one of Monica's Grove City HS graduation (1995) pictures.

Great Pumpkin Expectations - Hallowe'en 1976

29 Oct 1978

Little face with tiny nose, sleepy baby, mommie knows
You talk with angels as you sleep
though your mouth makes not a peep.

Little feet with tiny toes, wait 'til you learn to make 'em go!
Little hands tight 'round my finger
O such bliss, I try to linger!

Little ears from daddy's side, your eyes like mine are blue and wide.
Up to God, my heart I lift -
"Thank you, God, for this Little Gift."

24 Oct 1978

The wee hours of the morning find you waking.
Your cry cuts the silence - I'm into bottle-making!

I hold you close, you snuggle near.
I cherish your warmth, my baby, dear.

You gaze up at me in the dusky light;
All I see are your little eyes in the night!

Monsignor Roland Winel baptized her Monica Denise at St.Aloysius. Her Aunt Mary & Uncle Terry are her Godparents.

Monica's Baptism - March 1977

4 Dec 1978

You climb on everything in sight;
You even climb out of bed at night.

You climb up, then jump down;
You dance around like a funny clown.

You eat your dinner with your hand;
You remind me of an orangutan!

4 Dec 1978

She's on her feet now
She keeps me on my toes!
What she'll be into next,
Nobody but God knows!

Every night, middle of dinner
Little Mo has to 'potty!'
I love my Mo when she's good
and just as much when she's naughty!

When I leave her with a 'sitter
and she cries, I wish she won't!
But it bothers me more
When I leave her and she don't!

Mo can talk your leg off
She's quite a "conversator"
Not quite two years old
Like her ma, says "instigator."*

Like I said, she keeps me on my toes;
All my spare moments are my Little Mo's.

*LITTLE MO - When I was still very small, my mother called me INSTIGATOR - because I was! She says that even though I was under the age of two, I spoke very plainly, and that I could say that word with no trouble at all! So I taught the word to Monica, who could also say it well.

5 Nov 1979

Hey diddle, daddle, got a wooden paddle.
Friends fear I'll abuse; say it's not to be used!
Well, let them preach, for how'll I teach
the kid to mind, unless I crack the behind!

Mosie is ready to play ball!---------------->

5 Nov 1979

Just two years old, your words are plain
But you put grammar under an awful strain

When you want music, you ask for a radio song.
But looks a TV is slightly wrong.

Each word comes out, smooth as silk
But you just don't ask for a piece of milk!

You pencil eyes, nose and mouth correctly in place
When paper upside down, you write a face!

You count to twelve, and I think "Not bad!"
But then you say "I am have" instead of "I had."

Right now, "Munca," your wording is your choosing
But someday, my dear, you'll find this amusing.

26 Mar 1981

I hear my daughter call her, "JEN!"
Then proceed with talking.
Though I've never seen Jen
they hold hands when they go walking.

Jen is always with her;
Seems always at her side
But I have never seen Jen--
When I turn to look, she must hide!

Mosie's Transport Fleet

Monica used various modes of transport in her travels. ;-) Here she is choosing her "vehicle" from her fleet for wherever it was she was off to at that particular time. Maybe it was getting close to Hallowe'en!

I started this poem while Monica was still very small. I'm glad I was unable to finish it until now, as I think I have captured her footloose spirit. It brings to mind the lyrics of an old Bluegrass song, I can still hear her father singing, touting keeping the wanderlust in check: "Nail your shoes to the kitchen floor, lace 'em up and bar the door. Thank the stars for the roof that's over you!"


My baby's got the wanderlust
She's had it since the cradle.
She never crawled, but got up and walked
As soon as she was able.

From Boston to Nebraska
In one summer broke the foothold.
She became a seasoned traveler
Before she was six months old.

She learned early how to tent-camp
And tote and boil water.
She was blazin' bluebird trails
While she was still a toddler.

From Ohio to Virginia
And all points in between;
Bosnia and Germany
Before she turned thirteen.

She loves the airport furniture
She sits on, hours laying over.
Lack of sleep and road food
Require no effort to recover!

From the North of England to Wales
On the A-fifty-five;
Or Manila to Angadanan
on a ten-hour bus ride;

A cruise to the Bahamas
To snorkle clear blue water;
This baby with the wanderlust
Is my galavantin' daughter!               3/16/99

What happened to the broom? Er, well, a girl CAN change her mind, can't she!
The helicopter? Oh, Monica's Grandpa made several of those over the years to sell or donate to raffles.

May 2000: Here's Monica and her first car, a 1992 Toyota Corolla. As far as I know, she never had any problems of it turning into a pumpkin. She has a Toyota Celica now.