stupid dickhead.

adamagine: hiya are ya there?
adamagine: i'm adam from Boston, you seem really nice
squattingdarkling: You've already misjudged me. Why do you think that?
adamagine: oh?
adamagine: my brain is a loose cannon
adamagine: its this condition i have
adamagine: i swear
adamagine: they are looking for a cure
adamagine: its called optimisimits
adamagine: optimismitis
squattingdarkling: I see.
squattingdarkling: My brain is nothing more than a frozen rock.
adamagine: its like you just meet people and assume they arent assholes
adamagine: its weird
squattingdarkling: I'm an asshole. Trust me. You';d know if you were me.
adamagine: i doubt it
adamagine: you just need to have your ass kissed
squattingdarkling: Sure!
adamagine: and your lips too
adamagine: and your heart touched
squattingdarkling: Ohhhh melikes when my internal organs are touched.
adamagine: yeah?
adamagine: i gotta scalpel and stuf
squattingdarkling: My pancreas is hot.
adamagine: we can play doctor?
squattingdarkling: Yay! Fine.
adamagine: where are ya from?
squattingdarkling: Providence.
adamagine: yeah? like the TV show
adamagine: you are so cool
adamagine: lol
squattingdarkling: sure...that show looks like crap, I've never seen it though. There's no japanese cooks or aliens taking over the world.
squattingdarkling: Why do you say that? You haven't met me.
adamagine: ok so i am meeting ya?
squattingdarkling: eh I'm through with meeting people.
adamagine: yeah lets find an island somewhere
adamagine: and put those people on it, and then sink it
squattingdarkling: Adam, I'm gay.
adamagine: really?
adamagine: well then you're no son of mine
adamagine: hahaa
squattingdarkling: I'm also married to 2 people.
adamagine: it means we can still enjoy each other
adamagine: wow
squattingdarkling: One's male, go figure.
adamagine: you sure you didnt mean provincetown?
adamagine: well let me be your special sauce
squattingdarkling: You're right...I meant Provincetown. Typo
squattingdarkling: You want to be my slave?
adamagine: like make eggs and do you dishes and stuff?
adamagine: are you a guy or a girl?
squattingdarkling: male.
adamagine: masquerading as a woman?
adamagine: and a gay woman no less
adamagine: thats pretty bold
squattingdarkling: I'm a transvestite.
adamagine: so am i
adamagine: i change my clothes twice a day
squattingdarkling: You're in love with me, aren't you? Come'on, admit it.
adamagine: well sure i love all god's creatures
adamagine: as was intended
squattingdarkling: I'm missing an arm and I have a glasseye and wrinkles.
squattingdarkling: I'm 89, my husband is dead.
adamagine: wow, are you also floating at the bottom of the sea?
squattingdarkling: Nooo....I'm sinking at the bottom of the sea.
adamagine: you sound like an old swash buckler
squattingdarkling: thanks.
squattingdarkling: Quit flirting with me and admit your god damn feeling for me!!!!! I'm sick of you hiding like this!
adamagine: yes perhaps we should come clean
squattingdarkling: Ho old are you, boy?
adamagine: i don't know what you mean?
adamagine: sleepy time
squattingdarkling: Fuck you.
adamagine: yes
adamagine: those words are familiar
adamagine: they mean something in swahili
adamagine: oh i remember
adamagine: it means my village is on fire
squattingdarkling: You skullfucking bastard. Leave me the hell alone. I'm taken by another girl, how difficult is that to understand? Goodnight
adamagine: ooh
adamagine: nipple clamps on kinda tight?
squattingdarkling: *rolls eyes* Penishead
adamagine: you seem to like me, as most lesbianos do
adamagine: i've been 3 lesbians first man already
[blocked the shithead]