The Story of Andrea

There once lived a stupid hag and a young girl named Andrea, pronounced the Italian way. Andrea was born May 29, 1984 on a submarine ride in Disney World. When her mother got back from her vacation trip to Disney World, she abandoned Andrea at a lake because she didn't like her oversized eyes. Andrea reminded her of a frog at a lake where frogs belong. She just left her, scared to death, crying.

An evil hag lived under the lake and heard her crying, which annoyed her so much. So she went to the surface and captured Andrea and brought her to her kingdom. The hag had magick powers and if anyone touched her, they'd grow invisable gills, so the crying baby could breathe without any trouble.


The hag's palace was all the way down at the deepest part of the lake, somewhere in the middle. It was a large dome, about the size of Yankee Stadium, and made of emerald.

They entred the dome and inside, the amount of space looked as you'd think it looked from the outside, but if you looked up, the ceiling looked as if it never ended. Everything in the dome had been organized in a circular way with layers like this: [picture of a circles inside circles, gradually getting smaller] from largest to smallest. The furthest back layer against the wall was an enormous waterfall poured into a stream that also went around the dome. The stream seemed to never rise from the waterfall and never flooded. In front of all that were giant saquoia trees which were so high, no one ever knew where the tops were. The trees were evenly spaced by about 10 or 15 feet apart. In front of the trees were small stones that looked no bigger than a medium sized bedroom from the outside, but inside they looked the size of the Emerald Square Mall [local mall]. The sky there had a red sun, but shown green light. The stores were made of glass mirrors, and it was very confusing until you get used to it. The water was purple and had a sour lemony taste if you tryed it. Most of the stores didn't look 3D, they were more 1D. The houses did look 3D and looked the same size as the other buldings and were also made of glass mirrors, only they were tinted blue.

The hag brought Andrea to an orphanage place in the Kingdom. As payment for rescueing Andrea, since the hag was mean and greedy, the hag put an evil hag spell on Andrea so when Andrea grew to be the size of a small dwarf, she'd gradually start shrinking. The hag's plan was to squish Andrea when she was small enough, and leave her in pain suffering like an ant, until she slowly finally reached her death. The hag thought she'd be small enough by the time she was five, but Andrea grew a little more gradualler than that.

Years passed and Andrea was thirteen. She was the size of a bluebird. The hag's plans would have to wait.

Andrea was a very curious girl when she was thirteen [oooooohhhh does not sound good...]. She wondered if the trees really didn't have an end. Each day she grew more and more determined to find an answer. Then she decided to just run away and climb one herself. She was very small and she could easily escape. She went to the nearest tree. No human could ever climb more than six feet up the tree since they were so smooth and so wide. But Andrea was so small and she could see little ridges in the trees that no human could see without a magnifying glass. She could climb the ridges too, without any problem.

Within a day, Andrea had climbed many miles higher than anyone could see. She found a 1D door, and since Andrea was so curious, she went right in. Inside the door, it was completely different from the place she grew up in down below. It was an entirely different world. It looked like the 4th dimension. Everything looked computerized. There were streaks of light passing by as fast as meteors. The light made humming sounds as they passed by. The place was dark and looked as if it would never end. [Twilight zone] Then suddenly she heard this loud noice that sounded as if a bowling ball were rolling towards her. It wasn't a bowling ball. Instead it was an enormous dark hole running towards her. She ran as fast as she could from the hole when she realized it was running strait for her, but she didn't run fast enough. Within seconds, Andrea was falling strait down.

She free fell for nearly an hour when suddenly she finally landed on a soft, cloudlike material. She could walk on it and stand on it with no problem, and she was no longer in the 4th dimension. The air was cold and dry and there was soft material floating down slowly to the ground like snowflakes. The place was cottony and really didn't have much in it. Ut was a warm place since the sdoftness insulated it there. It was a pleasant place, but not too interesting. The only other thing there was another saquoia tree from Andrea's land growing through it.

Andrea soon grew bored of the place and started climbing higher up the tree. The tree happened to be the same tree she had been climbing before. She was actually higher than the 4th dimension, even though she had fallen from the place. The cotton place had floated up and you couldn't fell it because it was so big, just as you can't feel the Earth spin, and it floated higher than that place.

About another mile up the tree there was a floating piece of land. She went on it. Everything on the land was camelflouged. Everything was blue with black verticale lines. Andrea became blue and bblack when she entred the place. The only thing on the place that wasn't camelflouged was a giant fire-breathing dragon. The place was completely flat, so there was no horizen exactly, and you could see the dragon for miles.

The dragon was tall with ruby coloured skin, green stripes that ended with sharp edges, and purple spikes. His body was about the size and shape of a tyrannasaurus, and his claws were almost sharp enough to kill and any so it dies. He had a long neck that he could move in any direction as a snake can, like a brontosaurus's neck, and he also had the head of a brontosaurus. He could blow enough fire to burn down the entire world that Andrea lived in.

The dragon had noticed little Andrea walking around. This was his land and any tresspassers made him angry. Andrea soon met the dragon. She was terrified of him. The drgon blew fire at her, but instead of burning her to death, he blew a hole in the grund and Andrea fell threw it. Andrea only fell for about a mile and then she landed on a mysterious branch on a saquoia tree that she hadn't noticed before. She stood for a second and then a griffin came and she got on the griffin. The griffin flew her to the top of a waterfall. The waterfall was the one in her land. The griffin dropped her down it and she fell down it and then she was in this place all filled with water. She still had her invisible gills, so she didn't suffocate. She kept swimming up trying to find lnd and the next day she finally made it to the top. She had been in a lake. The same lake where she had been abonded. She had been in an unknown place to her known as "Earth". She survived for a while, but on her fourteenth birthday, she got hit by one of her lasers that she accidentally the from her eyes. THE END.