Since she left, I can't copy and paste her profile...which said her name was Christina and then it had links to her friends sites, one of which was Jamie's.

anglbtch887: hi
raspswirl05: hello...
anglbtch887: my name is jamie
raspswirl05: Jamie?
raspswirl05: That's funny. I know a girl named Christina with the exact same screen name as you.
anglbtch887: huh ?
raspswirl05: You want me to repeat myself?
anglbtch887: no
raspswirl05: What are you doing on Christina's screen name, Jamie?
anglbtch887: but why would any1 have the same SN as me raspswirl05: quit fucking around. It is not, and you know it.
raspswirl05: Either that or you're pretending to be someone who you're not. I wouldn't be surprised. A common teenage phase.
anglbtch887: yur friends must be a diff 1
anglbtch887: whatever
raspswirl05: Not really actually...most of them are a bit like you.
anglbtch887: are you talking about partyangl32 ?
raspswirl05: No.
anglbtch887: whatever buh bye
raspswirl05: Partyangl says she stole your brain.
Previous message was not received by anglbtch887 because of error: User anglbtch887 is not available.