The Happy Little Beaver

Note: This was written because one of my friends requested that I write a story that was happy. This was torture, but I managed and this is the result.

Once upon a time there lived an arm. He was very happy. He was short for an arm, but still considered an arm. The other little arms didn't make fun of him.

"Why doesn't it smell?" asked the old man with the wrinkley hair. So the man went swimming. He did not drown. He did not get eaten by a goldfish or a tadpole or even a venus flytrap. He did not get attacked by seaweed. "Ay," said the wooden milk bottle. "Thy plant of thee is swell." So then the pretty slug quickly ran to his mother's palace so he could have lots of her delicious brownies before they got cold. He arrived at the palace but his mother wasn't done baking the brownies. So the happy and unspoiled slug waited gladly. "Hi!" said the cute little bird, singing softly in the clouds in the gorgeous clear blue sky with bright sunlight seeping threw the green trees. The green trees were the greenest and most lovely looking trees you have ever seen. They were more beautiful than when you see fresh hot coco sitting gently on your kitchen counter in the comfort of your own home.

"But why did it do that?" the young and innocent little boy asked his newborn baby sister. "Because it wanted to fly like the kitty cat did," his newborn baby sister replied excitedly. Then an angel came floating from heaven. "Hark!" said the angel. The the pretty little angel glided away and the little puppy barked in a happy tone. He was glad the angel was not evil or demonized. The little girl jumped for joy. It was snowing! The little girl ran outside and built a snowman. The snowman was the most perfect snowman ever built. He was rounder than Pussy Fats and his carrot nose was longer and pointier than Pinnocchio's. His head did not fall off into cherry juice and he had all of his eyes and both arms. He was not bald and his hat did not blow off. He did not melt. Then the little mouse peeped his nose threw the hole in the wall. He sniffed. Then he noticed a man with a red coat and pants. It was Santa Claus! "Hi, Santa Claus!" said the little mouse. Santa was not overweight. He did not have a heart attack. "Well, hello there little mousey! Ho ho ho!" said Santa. "Why are you here in July?" asked the little mouse. "Well, I have to give presents to every little child in the whole world. I thought I would start early this year so I can get the job done on time this year." Santa said. "Oh, ok!" the mouse said happily. Santa Claus was not a psycho. He was not the Grinch. But the car stopped and allowed the mother duck and her baby chicks to walk across the street. The driver watched gladly. The driver was so grateful for what God has given to us. The closet opened its doors so the kitten could pass through. "Meow! Meow!" purred the cute little kitten affectionately. The kitten was not deformed and so the parrot lived happily ever after. THE END