The Fucking Car Dealer

a story by H

Once upon a time there lived a pirate named Bloopy (I think that was his name). Bloopy had a pet lobster, who's name was Fluffball. Fluffball would scamper around Bloopy's house and frolick in the meadow in the backyard. He was a good lobster and he was declawed so Bloopy and Fluffball could play in peace. Fluffball's favourite game was Ring Around the Rosie because it gave him delightful memories of his childhood centuries ago. Then one day some damn American ate Fluffball. "ARG!" yelled the brave pirate, "I kill you with my mighty sword!" and so he did and the unfortunate human died in his cold blood. Bloopy's personal vampress servent licked the area clean and hired a pack of wild snails to eat the dirty person's corpse. Bloopy was overjoyed that his stupid human was gone, but he was quite saddened about the loss of his dear lobster. He was deeply depressed for many months. He even ran out of tears at some point. He was about to die of depression when a poddle came to his island. Bloopy had never seen a poodle and was rather frightened. The poodle was pink and pink poodles are from Hell. Bloopy said some magick words that Fluffball had taught him some time ago (Fluffball happened to be a wizard) andf the scarey pink poodle exploded, causing a large and mysterious sunami. The sunami swallowed the world. As the pirate was getting eaten, he realized that he was having no luck in trying to find someone who would hire a professional pirate and so he decided to be a car dealer. Soon after, Bloopy drowned to death. He was heading towards the light when he was suddenly stopped by a wonderous goddess.

"You have done so many great deeds," the Goddess spoke.

"Why, yes! I have, haven't I?" Bloopy replied, with great pride.

"As a reqard for your superiority, I shall grant you your life back and make you immortal."

And the next thing Bloopy knew, he was back at the bottom of the ocean. He landed on the sand, still alive and stayed there for many years. Someday a lovely seamaid discovered him. She built a fire and cooked him. She only ate his stomach thought as he was a bit spoiled. Nothing happened after that. THE END
