stupid fundamentalist terrorist.

bluenile: (12:01 PM) hellooo
Squatting Darkling: (12:01 PM) Hi....?
Squatting Darkling: (12:01 PM) If you're asking for my cat, I don't have one.
Squatting Darkling: (12:02 PM) Sir? You there?
bluenile: (12:03 PM) 101, you must seen alot in your life
Squatting Darkling: (12:03 PM) 101? Is that like the modern version of lol?
Squatting Darkling: (12:03 PM) Damn abbrivations are now turning into numbers? What has language turned to...*sigh*
bluenile: (12:04 PM) nope, it's what wrote as your age
Squatting Darkling: (12:04 PM) Oh...I'll believe you.
bluenile: (12:05 PM) are really this old?
Squatting Darkling: (12:05 PM) Why would I pretend to be some old lady? Nobody WANTS to be old. Of course I'm that age.
bluenile: (12:06 PM) how could live that long?
Squatting Darkling: (12:08 PM) It's the year 2001. Doctors kill monkeys and other innocent creatures so they don't have to let people die anymore. They assume people want to live as these decrepit, half-dead, wasting away, ugly people living in a hospital bed.
Squatting Darkling: (12:09 PM) Not even living naturally, but with a damn machine controlling how their body functions. Old people are artificial these days and their souls can't escape due to a stupid fear of death by those who aren't dying.
bluenile: (12:11 PM) humans are the most important creature, and earth was made for us, as for me i believe that how old you live is a matter left for god to decide, and when your time come no doctor or medicine can save you, even infants die
Squatting Darkling: (12:11 PM) Humans are the most important creature??? Have you ever been outside??? They've destroyed this place! This planet is sick!
Squatting Darkling: (12:12 PM) They are inconsiderate and so ignorant about anyone who's not them!
Squatting Darkling: (12:12 PM) If earth was made for us, then why did the dinosaurs come first?
Squatting Darkling: (12:13 PM) And the trees and grass and rocks? HUH?? They're all older than fucking humans! Humans don't know shit about anything! They're as low as the earthworm and weeds!
bluenile: (12:13 PM) I don't say they can destroy their place, but i hate seeing animals treated better than humans
Squatting Darkling: (12:13 PM) What makes humans better than other animals?
bluenile: (12:13 PM) do you believe in god?
Squatting Darkling: (12:14 PM) I believe in all of them, yes.
Squatting Darkling: (12:14 PM) God created the other animals and he doesn't want to see them being hurt by another species.
bluenile: (12:14 PM) how many are they?
Squatting Darkling: (12:14 PM) He doesn't want his work of art splashed in gore.
Squatting Darkling: (12:15 PM) Uncountable amounts.
bluenile: (12:15 PM) will do you believe that god made man, that we aren't just a jump in the evolutionary ladder?'
Squatting Darkling: (12:16 PM) Creationism and evolution are both bullshit to me, yet they're both real in a way. Everything everyone believes is real.
Squatting Darkling: (12:16 PM) We can't proove anything, so what does it matter?
bluenile: (12:16 PM) so what is your principle,
Squatting Darkling: (12:17 PM) We can't go back in time and say "hey look, this is how man was created. Let's forget about the other species, we're superior because biology says so. Yay! Now we can be greedy fucks and not care shit about anyone but ourselves! The people in the future don't even exist!"
bluenile: (12:17 PM) it matters to know who you are and what is your role in life and where are going, it matters so one don't go crazy
Squatting Darkling: (12:17 PM) That's not what I'm saying.
bluenile: (12:18 PM) who are you? who gave you life and why did he do so, you have your mind, and if you could understand anything you can understand this,
Squatting Darkling: (12:19 PM) We need to quit thinking man owns the planet so it can be preserved for those after us to enjoy life.
Squatting Darkling: (12:19 PM) I understand this more than you, obviously.
Squatting Darkling: (12:20 PM) My mother gave me life. Men can't have children, why are you assuming he is a he?
bluenile: (12:21 PM) I don't think you have a point, you say you can't prove anything, i can prove that god exist, and whatever he tells us is true, including that he made earth for us, i see people dying from famine if africa while americans feed their pets to death
Squatting Darkling: (12:21 PM) I see not only people in Africa, but the earth dying because of American assholes that think too much like you. You self-centred prick.
bluenile: (12:22 PM) your mother can't give you what she doesn't own, she only concieved you
Squatting Darkling: (12:22 PM) You're changing my words.
bluenile: (12:22 PM) if you don't have a reliogen or a believe, i can't argue with you and i'm sorry for you
Squatting Darkling: (12:23 PM) Sorry for me???? LET ME FUCKING BELIEVE WHATEVER I WANT!!@!!!!! I have no religion, I believe what I believe and that's that. OH MY GOD YOU ARE THE BIGGEST FUCKING closeminded asshole dipshit human I've even met on this dumb ICQ thing.
bluenile: (12:23 PM) again what do u believe in? who are you and why are you living for?to make money, to critic humans?
Squatting Darkling: (12:24 PM) I believe all religions and nonreligions are true. How hard is it for you to understand that?
bluenile: (12:24 PM) so answer me ms big mind, show me your point if you have one
Squatting Darkling: (12:25 PM) Why am I living? I question that all the time. If I cared, I'd kill myself. But I don't. There's no real meaning for life.
Squatting Darkling: (12:25 PM) DIE AND EAT SHIT, SKULLFUCKER.
bluenile: (12:25 PM) how can you believe in someone who say there is god, and another who say there is not at the same time/
Squatting Darkling: (12:25 PM) Why the fuck did you page me?
Squatting Darkling: (12:26 PM) You are so fucking stupid.
bluenile: (12:26 PM) see, you don't even know why are you living, you are misreble
Squatting Darkling: (12:26 PM) Oh my god, would you just rot in hell?
bluenile: (12:27 PM) you live to watch tv, to make money, to bring children whose gonna leave you, and you know this is all shit but you do it any way, because you are dump and you don't want to bother thinking
Squatting Darkling: (12:28 PM) Oh you know me too well!
bluenile: (12:28 PM) hell is for everyone who deny god, and deny his gifts
Squatting Darkling: (12:28 PM) Guess I'm going there then, eh? Oh noooo!
Squatting Darkling: (12:28 PM) I always thought hell was for fuckwits who can't accept others for who they are and let a damn BOOK rule their entire life!
bluenile: (12:29 PM) it's not for me to decide, but i know god is fair and he won't treat who believe in him the same as who don't
bluenile: (12:29 PM) where do i get my limits from then,
Squatting Darkling: (12:30 PM) You're so full of shit. Look you don't know me, I don't know you. FUCK OFF YOU DENSE BASTARD. There are too many morons like you. Go kill yourself.
bluenile: (12:30 PM) why don't i do whatever i wantsee, go drink and kill and ruin
Squatting Darkling: (12:31 PM) I hope God skins you alive and disembowels you.
[yet another victim added to the ignore list-wauhahaha]

conclusion: I hate people.