Carl the Penishead

a story by H

There once lived a penishead named Carl. Carl was a pig. Well...a human pig-I do not want to insult the cutey liddle piggies...Carl didn't often wear clothes because he thought people wanted to look at him. But, when he did wear clothes, he was a crossdresser. Carl's biggest dream was to be a woman. He wanted to get a sex change, but he feared being like everyone else and they were all transexuals you know...

Carl had many hobbies. Every night he would rape his fake wife. She pretended to enjoy it. She didn't want to upset him because she knew he would beat this hell out of her. She was very good at faking orgasms. Aside from raping his wife, Carl, being a necrophiliac, also raped the dead. He always smelled like he was decaying and nobody liked it. Now, I happen to be a huge fan of necrophiliacs, however I dislike the kind that don't shower afterwards. Sometimes Carl would rape roadkill because he's very lazy and he doesn't like using shovels. That is why he chose to live in a warm climate, so that he doesn't have to shovel snow-Yay!

Carl also spent his life watching endless hours of Baywatch, The Beast Master, and that stupid caveman show made in the 70's. And he didn't watch those shows because they're funny, he actually watched them because he thought they were excellent, high quality, well though up shows! HA!

These shows made him spend many hours at the tanning salon. He really wanted to be one of those fake women with the fat ugly boobs, dark skin and blond hair. Yeah, so he was a prick...

These shows and his large collection of Playboy magazines also inspired him to create art. He enjoyed creating pieces of overly muscular woman with about 80 breast implants. I hate muscles, I reaalllly do. They make the human body look absolutely nasty. Anyway, his art looked like all the other overly muscular action hero women. He drew just like them because he believed only their art was different. Anyone without his style had no imagination and they all needed to grow up. Anyone who wasn't a sex addict who called the crossdressing hotline everyday was immature to Carl. Carl's work didn't catch the eye of too many people…he thought it did, but it didn't. He would get comments in his gallery about as often as I get commented, only most of his comments were secretly done by Carl himself (ooooo! Shocking, I know!).

One dreary day, Carl came across a really cute faery girl's gallery. This faery girl has the most beautiful and fantastic imagination and she is is so talented, that she will be the next Froud when he retires (he does not know this yet because no one told him). This faery's name is Johanna. Anyway, Carl was upset that Johanna's style was so beautiful, even though it wasn't his. He thought she should waste her style drawing fake ugly women. So he yelled at her for it. He was rather rude and disrespectful, so Johanna zapped him with her magick wand and he blew up into flames and turned to ashes. Then a well-composed mermaid peed all over him. Whee! They didn't eat him because he's gross. And it's not because he's ashes….THE END

