The Story of Catman s First Flight

Note: This was written on a typewriter

One day Super Catman as taking a alk in hthe forest with the bush s. H g reeted the bushes with care because he did not wan to pset them because th y were prieckly and e a a a f gein eaten. But he did upset one bush med Bushy th Bush. So Catman flew up n th sky to s pe this demoniss bush. He fl w high and high r ntul he re che the w niverse pla e known as Narnia. No, wait, actually t as a different a . I was a p ae know as Catmanland. It as kinda li Fairyland, only it as ver diff rent There w re o fairies o ts this punivrse place. And ther w re;t plants inst a here were ca rots and e other shrubs like hese There were many catnip rees for Catman wa h God ansd he liked catnip a lot He njoy d the ih high and hallucinogentic eff ct h on his fuzzy body. There were no livig tins in the hole niverse. Only Catm n as abl t nter. This s eca he pla e mysterious and no one k ows a hing about tis ae, not even I my elf. So I might s ll just end my story here ec use I ;t really ko or at all f y ud ike ore rregarding this story, you should ask Catman himself and maybe hellhave the ansers youre looking for. And the au hor lived happily ever after. THE END
