
Strangers are one of my favourite things in the world and the internet is the perfect place to meet them. Due to popular demand (like 5 people), I have created a page dedicated to these beautiful creatures.

I've been screwing with people's heads about ever since I got my first instant messenger, ICQ...This was approximately 5 years ago. Sadly, since I've gone through 3 computers since then and the history's been lost, and also because I haven't been salvaging these fun conversations for very long, the majority of these are gone.

The only inspiration I've recieved from is the teenexhibitionist idea, otherwise I am in no way trying to steal any ideas from them. If you like these, also check out that site. It's beautiful.

Just so nobody gets confused, names that are me: teenexhibitionist, squattingdarkling, embley02, raspswirl05.

Just random people
Fun Emails
