The Coolest Club is Cool

*About this song: My good friend (who is a sheep) used to have a club called "The Coolest Club" and I wrote a song for it.

The Coolest Club is cool
It has games and prizes and that's cool
Everything in it is real that's cool
There's exclusive interviews with sexy bitches-like Jack Nicholson, that's cool
There's info on how to get rid of foot fungus and that's cool
It tells you how to make your own crayons and that's cool
It suggests wonderful arts and crafts so you won't need to spend money on your lover and that's cool
There are spontaneous recipes so you won't need McDonalds for every meal and that's cool
There are helpful spells for children of all ages to cast and that's cool
It tells you how to make clothes and that's cool
It gives tips on how to quit smoking and that's cool
The Coolest Club is cool and that's cool
And the coolest of all is Im a member and that's cool

I made music to go with it. Here is the address: The Coolest Club is Cool