I am now a drug dealer in Istanbul

This was one of the more enjoyable conversations I've had: crack'd: (10:28 AM) heyy
Squatting Darkling: (10:28 AM) [looks at his profile and learns he's obsessed with mushrooms] hey are you a hippie? [I like hippies]
crack'd: (10:29 AM) kinda but im not really happy
Squatting Darkling: (10:29 AM) oh? How come?
Squatting Darkling: (10:30 AM) Not all hippies are happy.
crack'd: (10:30 AM) yeah.. well .. i am just sad.. they took away my drugs
Squatting Darkling: (10:30 AM) Who?
crack'd: (10:31 AM) doctors.. they aid i dont need drugs anymore.. but i do
Squatting Darkling: (10:33 AM) kick 'em in the balls, they'll get the idea.
crack'd: (10:33 AM) why did they took my colors away.. its not fair
Squatting Darkling: (10:34 AM) 'cuz they wanted some for themselves.
crack'd: (10:34 AM) but.... they left none for me
Squatting Darkling: (10:34 AM) greedy bastards!
crack'd: (10:35 AM) yeah.. where are you.. can you give me some drugs?
Squatting Darkling: (10:36 AM) Massachusetts. I can give you some frauds if you'd like.
crack'd: (10:36 AM) whats a fraud?
Squatting Darkling: (10:36 AM) Expensive drugs that don't do anything.
crack'd: (10:37 AM) so what am i going to do with them?
Squatting Darkling: (10:37 AM) What drugs do you need?
Squatting Darkling: (10:39 AM) I can get you almost anything in America, just tell me.
crack'd: (10:39 AM) i nedd uhh.. acid.. yeah mainly acid
sorry i forgot to send this message
Squatting Darkling: (10:40 AM) Okay...what is your home address? I'll see what I can do.
crack'd: (10:41 AM) its umut sok. birlik apt. 8/11 camlik bakirkoy istanbul TURKEY you can come to visit me
Squatting Darkling: (10:42 AM) I'm so confused...how is that written on an envelope?
Squatting Darkling: (10:42 AM) I will visit you, I'll be in Europe this month.
crack'd: (10:43 AM) just like youve read
umut sok. birlik apt.
8/11 camlik bakirkoy
Squatting Darkling: (10:43 AM) THANK YOU
crack'd: (10:43 AM) hey really? comin to turkey?
Squatting Darkling: (10:43 AM) yep. First and last name?
crack'd: (10:43 AM) Ozgur Balamir hey id be very happy really
Squatting Darkling: (10:44 AM) and what number do I call if I need to contact you? Like if I get lost or something.
crack'd: (10:45 AM) 05426444525 this my cellular and 02125702902 is the phone number... when will you be around.. so that id be outta the therapy
Squatting Darkling: (10:46 AM) The weekend of August 14th.
crack'd: (10:46 AM) hey this is next weeken?
Squatting Darkling: (10:47 AM) yes
crack'd: (10:47 AM) its allright if you need accomodation you can stay in my house
Squatting Darkling: (10:47 AM) hey thanks!
crack'd: (10:48 AM) nothin to mention :) why are you comin just a visit?
Squatting Darkling: (10:48 AM) yep, I'm touring Europe.
crack'd: (10:49 AM) ohh where else are you goin?
Squatting Darkling: (10:50 AM) Germany, Italy, and Switzerland.
crack'd: (10:51 AM) great tour:9 i love italy
Squatting Darkling: (10:51 AM) yep, well I'm going to bed. Goodnight. See you soon.
crack'd: (10:52 AM) oh ok youll see me on monday i think
Squatting Darkling: (10:52 AM) yep, or something like that. Bye
crack'd: (10:52 AM) byee have nice dreams peace

Letter to him (I could've done better...oh well):


Hey man,

I know I'm supposed to be at your house like today, like around now, but the thing is I couldn't get tickets. They stripped me down completely naked and searched me for drugs. They didn't find any, but they were still suspicious and wouldn't let me on the fucken plane anyway, those bastards. So, I gey home and find my 11 year old daughter fucking on the couch with her uncle, age 32. Discusted, I slap her uncle across the face. The moron was too fucking lazy to even take his clothes off, so I really dunno what the point was. Anyway, so I find out (and this has happened before) that my daughter gave all the acid I had for you to her uncle. So, she's grounded for 6 weeks for doing this. Meanwhile, her stupid uncle won't get out of my fucking house and is throwing up all over everything and pissing everywhere and stuff. This, I don't understand because my acid has this secret ingredient so there's no after-effects. Hell, I don't even know if this is my acid. It could just be some shit the old kids gave her at school.

So I am very sorry I haven't got any drugs for you and I can't get there anyway, so does it really matter? I'm on probation until October, if you want me to tru and get you some then, I can. Do you think we could make a deal? What do you think of free sex to make up for fucking up the acid deal I made for you? You have my # on ICQ, so just page me and we can discuss it.
