Crim and Crimmette's Adventure

There once lived a land called "The Magical Land of Sponges." On this land there lived magical sponges. The sponges were magical (hence the name.) They could turn things to butter when they touched it. Their king was the Magical Butter Man. He rules their land. All the magical sponges were required to worship the Magical Butter Man because he was the king and they weren't.

One day Crim, a special magical sponge who just happened to live on the Magical Land of Sponges with all the other magical sponges, accidentally touched his sister, Crimmette. She instantly transformed into butter. It happened to be a beautiful hot and sunny day and Crimmette melted away. Crim was filled with grief. "Sob!" said Crim. He sulked and sulked far, far away in the woods nearby. He climbed a tree to the tippety top. "Boo-hoo!" said Crim. "My sister is dead! I am sad!" Crim lied a lot, but this time he was telling the truth. Then he got a great idea. "Oh hooray!" said he. "I have found a good idea! I have ended my sister's life, why I shall end my life. All I must do is touch myself." And so Crim did and touched himself in the most erotic place and turned to butter. Crim was happy now. He was sent away to hell where he met his long lost and beloved sister, Crimmette. Now they could play for eternity. THE END
