dinesh_122: hello
squattingdarkling: hi...
dinesh_122: hi
squattingdarkling: Are you planning on starting a conversation?
dinesh_122: hello
squattingdarkling: You already greeted me. Twice in fact.
dinesh_122: yes
dinesh_122: i like to create a website so i want some stills so i search for a still , in that i got u id
squattingdarkling: Uhhhhhh....I don't understand a word you said.
dinesh_122: i want so beautiful photo to create a site
dinesh_122: what are u doing
squattingdarkling: So....go find one.
squattingdarkling: Writing a story.
dinesh_122: ok, change the topic, what are u doing?
squattingdarkling: creating a piece of literature.
dinesh_122: i saw u profile , i am sorry for that.
squattingdarkling: I forgive you. [hasn't a clue what the fuc he's talking about] dinesh_122: would u accept me as ur friend
squattingdarkling: Maybe....
dinesh_122: r u reserved type
squattingdarkling: It sort of depends if I like you or not.
squattingdarkling: I'm not that reserved.
dinesh_122: ok, which country ?
squattingdarkling: United States
dinesh_122: how is the it field in US
squattingdarkling: Overrated.
dinesh_122: i learing java but some of my friends say it is Dull in US
squattingdarkling: Yes...Java and the US are the same...
dinesh_122: r u working
squattingdarkling: No.....
dinesh_122: ru studing
squattingdarkling: No. When are you going to ask me to have sex with you? It's been about 3 minutes, it's about time.
dinesh_122: what , u r changing my mood. i just want to know about it
dinesh_122: IT field in US not Sex
squattingdarkling: Where do you live?
dinesh_122: canada
squattingdarkling: Ahhhh Land of the Free.
dinesh_122: yes..
squattingdarkling: The Americans are jealous of Canada. It's fucking annoying and I hope they get a fuckin life or kill themselves.
dinesh_122: ooh. what do u want
squattingdarkling: freedom
dinesh_122: from whom
squattingdarkling: The United States is not a free country. They say it is, but they're full of shit.
dinesh_122: don't say like this , it is ur mother land
squattingdarkling: I don't give a shit.
dinesh_122: no of the other contry like US but ur saying it is shit r u joking
squattingdarkling: Not at all. I hate living here.
dinesh_122: ok,, what r u doing?
squattingdarkling: Wasting my time talking to you.
dinesh_122: ur insulting me
squattingdarkling: No...you just get offended easily.
dinesh_122: no i just came to get information about US but u only changed the topics
dinesh_122: what do u want?
squattingdarkling: You're the one who changed it by asking me what I was doing!
squattingdarkling: What do you want me to tell you?
dinesh_122: tell about u
squattingdarkling: I wasn't aware that you wanted to use me for tourist information. You should have said so in the first place.
dinesh_122: ok fine iam very bored,. chat some thing?
squattingdarkling: I am italian, english, irish, german, and sicilian. My great-whatever-grandfather or someone came here when their spouse was murdured. My family history's completely lost. No one knows where we came from except the country. Oh well. I was born at some point.
dinesh_122: how many friends do u have
squattingdarkling: 2
dinesh_122: what they are doing,
squattingdarkling: Probably sleeping.
dinesh_122: i asked whether they are studing or working or ...
squattingdarkling: NO.
squattingdarkling: How old are you?
dinesh_122: 20
dinesh_122: u
squattingdarkling: Are you in college?
squattingdarkling: I'm 19.
dinesh_122: yes i studing post gradu
squattingdarkling: What subjects are you studying?
dinesh_122: IT
squattingdarkling: Umm...Okay. What school do you go to?
dinesh_122: first of all u tell about u
squattingdarkling: What do you want to know?
dinesh_122: about u
squattingdarkling: The Sandman fed my cunt.
dinesh_122: what does mean?
squattingdarkling: I am still waiting for you to confess that the whole reason you paged me is to have sex with me.
dinesh_122: i am not the person who u search if u want to have sex ,chat with other person
squattingdarkling: You searched for me though.
dinesh_122: u go to adult chat and talk whom do u wnat .. not me
squattingdarkling: You are an odd odd fellow. And you insult me! You say I'm not irresistable! I am hurt.
dinesh_122: iam sorry sorry sorrysorry sorry sorry
squattingdarkling: No you're not!
dinesh_122: u r hurting me.
squattingdarkling: What the fuck did I do?
dinesh_122: okk okk leave the topic ..i comprimise
squattingdarkling: What is your first language?
dinesh_122: english\
squattingdarkling: Who is your favourite writer?
dinesh_122: id mories
dinesh_122: ok bye send mail to me .. what is ur name?
squattingdarkling: H
squattingdarkling: You hate me, why should I send you mail?
dinesh_122: name?
squattingdarkling: H
dinesh_122: why i told soory
dinesh_122: name?
squattingdarkling: H
dinesh_122: H is name...
squattingdarkling: Yesssssss.
dinesh_122: lie
squattingdarkling: It's what everyone calls me. Must be a name!
dinesh_122: i keep u a nick name for u rinky
squattingdarkling: I will have to steal your children if you know my name.
dinesh_122: ok bye